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BAKU: Lello: Solution to NK Conflict is Vital to Security of Region

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  • BAKU: Lello: Solution to NK Conflict is Vital to Security of Region

    Trend News Agency, Azerbaijan
    Feb 9 2008

    Finding Solution to Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict is Vital to Security,
    Stability and Economic Growth of Region: says NATO Parliamentary
    President (interview)
    09.02.08 12:00

    Azerbaijan, Baku 8 February / corr Trend K.Ramazanova / Trend's
    Interview with NATO Parliamentary President, Jose Lello.

    Question: What is your estimation of the results of the presidential
    elections in Georgia? To what extent could these elections and
    Mikhael Saakashvili's victory in the presidential elections promote
    the regulation of the public and political situation in Georgia?

    Answer: International observers generally agreed that the conduct of
    the 2008 extraordinary presidential election in Georgia was in
    essence consistent with universal principles for genuine democratic
    elections, whose results are a viable expression of the free will of
    the Georgian people. This is another important step forward for
    Georgia's developing democracy. However, it is important that the
    country's leadership fulfils its stated intention to look seriously
    into all flaws and irregularities documented by international
    observers and addresses all the problems before the parliamentary
    elections take place.

    Under President Saakashvili, Georgia has made enormous progress in
    economic and political reforms. In fact, in a very short space of
    time Georgia has emerged as one of the world's fastest growing
    economies. Even so, much remains to be done, and it is important that
    Georgia builds up a consistent record of free and fair election
    elections. Of course, Georgia faces some extremely complex internal
    political problems. The NATO Parliamentary Assembly has repeatedly
    expressed its concern over the lack of progress in resolving the
    frozen conflicts in the regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, but we
    welcome Tbilisi's stated intention to resolve these conflicts through
    peaceful negotiation. We will continue to urge the member governments
    and parliaments of the Alliance to assist the parties in finding
    mutually acceptable solutions.

    Question: Energy security is an important part of dialogue between
    Europe and the Caspian Sea region. To what extent could cooperation
    in this sphere be successful and what are your views on future
    interaction in the oil and gas sector between Europe and the Caspian
    Sea Region, in particular, Azerbaijan?

    Answer: The Caspian Sea region is undoubtedly assuming an
    increasingly important geopolitical role, and this is, to a
    considerable extent, due to mounting concerns about energy security
    and diversity of resource supplies. Energy security has indeed become
    an inseparable part of the dialogue between Europe and the countries
    of the Caspian Sea region. Over the last decade European and US
    interests in the region have grown substantially; and, considering
    the direct link between energy supply and the security of the
    Alliance member states, it is only natural that energy security has
    also become a matter of concern for NATO.

    As the European Union seeks to promote the diversification of energy
    supplies, which is crucial for its energy needs, its interaction with
    the countries of the Caspian Sea region, particularly with
    Azerbaijan, is bound to grow. Memorandums of Understanding on Energy
    Security recently signed by Azerbaijan with the European Union and
    the United States are significant steps in that direction. They also
    underscore Azerbaijan's important role in the sphere of energy. The
    opening of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline and the South Caucasus
    gas pipeline has already allowed the transportation of large volumes
    of the region's natural resources to Europe. However, the future of
    the energy sector co-operation will depend on stability and security
    in the South Caucasus-Central Asia region that can only be achieved
    by solving regional conflicts and by strengthening the rule of law
    and implementation of political and economic reforms in the countries
    of the region.

    Question: Tehran calls on the international community, in particular,
    the IAEA, to close the nuclear file on Iran, because it was confirmed
    that the Iranian nuclear program is of a peaceful nature. Are there
    any unsettled issues with Iran and is there a need to adopt a third
    resolution by the UN Security Council?

    Answer: I assume you are referring to the United States National
    Intelligence Estimate document which said that Iran had halted its
    nuclear weapons programme as a result of international pressure. The
    document also said that Iran is keeping open the option to develop
    nuclear weapons. Other intelligence service estimates have come to
    different conclusions, and there are still unresolved questions about
    Iran's nuclear activities and intentions. There is agreement across
    the transatlantic alliance, however, that nuclear proliferation in
    the region is extremely dangerous and that international pressure
    should be maintained on Iran to ensure that it does not violate its
    obligations as a member of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

    Question: The resolution of the Kosovo problem remains in focus of
    the world community. Taking into consideration that international
    mediators state the inefficiency of their efforts, what further
    actions should be taken? What is the solution to the situation?

    Answer: The NATO PA recognises that the Kosovo problem remains the
    most pressing security issue in the region and that the final outcome
    of the status talks on Kosovo will have an impact on the security of
    the Balkans. There is a consensus among our members that this outcome
    should be a compromise solution acceptable to all sides, although we
    realise the difficulties that international mediators face in their
    efforts to reach an agreement between the parties. The NATO PA
    nevertheless strongly supports the international format of
    negotiations. In this context, a new UN Security Council resolution
    might be the best way of specifying the final arrangement, although
    we know that Russia has stated it would veto any resolution if the
    agreement were not reached between Pristina and Belgrade. It has to
    be added that some members of our Assembly underscore the importance
    of finding a solution as they view the present status quo as
    untenable and insist that further delays might have negative impact
    on security situation in the region.

    The Alliance has played an active role in stabilising the Balkans and
    it is clear that a lot more has to be done to fully integrate the
    countries of the region into the Euro-Atlantic community. Therefore,
    the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, along with NATO and other
    international institutions, will continue assisting Kosovo even after
    its status has been determined.

    Question: What are your views on a solution to the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh on the basis of
    the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan? Is the NATO prepared to
    assist in the rapid resolution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,
    taking into consideration that talks within the OSCE are still

    Answer: Finding a solution to the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, as
    well as other territorial conflicts in the South Caucasus, is vital
    to the security, stability and economic growth of the region. The
    Alliance has repeatedly expressed its support for the independence,
    sovereignty and territorial integrity of the countries in the South
    Caucasus. But it has to be stressed that the mandate to resolve the
    regional conflicts rests with other international organisations, such
    as the OSCE and the UN. NATO advocates a peaceful solution for the
    unresolved conflicts but does not seek to assume a direct role in
    finding them.

    The NATO PA, for its part, has kept the issue of the unresolved
    conflicts in the South Caucasus, and in particular the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, on its agenda and is determined to
    continue acting as a forum for all relevant parties to exchange
    views. We will also work to facilitate confidence- and
    consensus-building measures. We are concerned with the rise of
    military budgets in the region and strongly plead against a military
    solution to the conflict that could only lead to further instability.

    Question: What are NATO's priorities with respect to the South
    Caucasus, in particular, Azerbaijan in 2008? To what extent is NATO
    interested in the further expansion of relations with this region?

    Answer: NATO and the NATO PA will continue maintaining high-level
    working contacts with the leaders of the South Caucasian states in
    support of our objectives in the region, namely promoting democratic
    transition and regional security and enhancing NATO co-operation
    programmes there. NATO's relations with Azerbaijan will continue in
    the framework of the latter's implementation of IPAP, security and
    defence sector reforms, as well as its participation in NATO-led
    operations. NATO PA will be soon holding a Rose-Roth seminar in Baku
    in cooperation with the parliament of Azerbaijan that would address
    issues pertinent to the Alliance's interests and concerns with
    particular reference to the Caucasus-Central Asia region.