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BEIRUT: Armenians in Lebanon urge participation in February 14 rally

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  • BEIRUT: Armenians in Lebanon urge participation in February 14 rally

    Ya Libnan, Lebanon
    Feb 9 2008

    Armenians in Lebanon urge participation in February 14 rally

    Friday, 8 February, 2008 @ 11:37 PM

    Beirut - Lebanese Armenian political parties Henchak , "Ramgavar",
    the Free Lebanese Armenians Movement, (Harakit Al-Lubnaniyin Al-Arman
    Al-Ahrar), "Ararat" , minister and MP Jean Oghassabian, MP Yeghia
    Jerijian and MP Serge Torsarkissian met today and issued a statement
    calling on " the Armenian community to participate in the popular
    rally in Martyrs Square, on Thursday, February 14, 2008, at ten
    o'clock, to say loudly and clearly that they will not give up the
    project of building the state of Lebanon. "

    The rally was called for by the March 14 ruling majority alliance to
    mark the third anniversary of the assassination of Lebanon's former
    prime minister Rafik Hariri who was assassinated on February 14, 2005

    Syria was accused of being behind his assassination but Syria has
    denied .

    The UN is setting up an International tribunal in Holland to try the
    killers of Hariri and related crimes , but Syria worried about the
    outcome has been fighting the tribunal along with its Lebanese allies /armenians_in_le.php