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Perspectives of establishing common security system in Caucasus

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  • Perspectives of establishing common security system in Caucasus

    Regnum, Russia
    Feb 9 2008

    Perspectives of establishing common security system in Caucasus and
    Middle East establishment discussed in Yerevan

    It is extremely important to discuss regional security problems,
    because it contributes to formation of a single regional security
    concept that plays an important role in guaranteeing stability in the
    region, said Tigran Torosyan, the parliamentary speaker of Armenia,
    while speaking at a two-day conference that opened in Yerevan. The
    conference is called `Caucasus and the Middle East countries as
    potential partners in the process of forming the regional security

    A REGNUM correspondent quotes Torosyan as saying that the time has
    come for Caucasus region and the Middle East to form a common
    security system similar to the one of the European Union. Torosyan
    noted it is very difficult to put in practice something of the kind,
    because in spite of common features of Caucasus and the Middle East
    regions, for the present, their differences are prevailing. `Well,
    Europe was uniting under rather hard conditions either, when World
    War II had just finished, although there was still a danger of a new
    war,' the speaker noted. According to him, in case of Caucasus and
    the Middle East it will be difficult to implement this too and it
    would be naivety to expect some results right after the conference,
    but `the very fact of the initiative of such conference gives reasons
    to speak about the dialog to be opened.' As Torosyan said, for both
    regions to ally on security issues, it is necessary to develop a
    common system of values, which will become the starting point for the
    collaboration. Torosyan hopes that at the next conference its
    participants will be able to sum up and to start the process of
    forming a common regional security concept. `It's necessary to work
    much for putting into life even the most fantastic ideas,' he

    It is worth mentioning, political analysts and experts from Russia,
    Egypt, Georgia, Turkey, Azerbaijan and China are taking part in the