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Hillary's Curious Campaign Loan

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  • Hillary's Curious Campaign Loan

    Consortium News
    Feb 9 2008

    Hillary's Curious Campaign Loan

    By Nat Parry
    February 9, 2008

    Only days before the make-or-break `Super Tuesday' primaries, Hillary
    Clinton dipped into her personal finances to lend her campaign $5
    million, a move she kept secret until the day after she had battled
    Barack Obama to a standstill in the coast-to-coast voting.

    If she had disclosed the loan before Super Tuesday, it might not only
    have generated troubling questions about the financial health of her
    campaign; it might have focused unwanted attention on the sources of
    the Clintons' money.

    Unlike other well-to-do politicians, the Clintons did not inherit
    their wealth or amass a fortune during a prior business career. Just
    seven years ago, on leaving the White House, the Clintons were
    millions of dollars in debt due to the costs of fighting legal

    Since then, they amassed a personal fortune - now estimated at about
    $30 million - largely from book contracts and the cachet of a former
    U.S. President, whose status attracted lucrative business deals and
    speaking tours, many involving overseas interests.

    The proximity between the Clintons' new-found wealth and Hillary
    Clinton's presidential run raised eyebrows over whether the $5
    million loan - and any future financial help she might give her
    campaign - could constitute backdoor financing from benefactors
    beyond what they could legally donate.

    On Feb. 6, Sen. Clinton told reporters that the loan was `my money,'
    apparently meaning that she was not relying on the funds of her
    husband or anyone else. A Clinton spokesman later added that the loan
    was from her `share of their joint resources.'

    Since 2001, Sen. Clinton has reported earning $9.9 million from Simon
    & Shuster for her memoir, Living History, on top of her Senate salary
    of $169,300 a year.

    Still, the bulk of the family income derives from Bill Clinton's
    speeches and his participation in business ventures, which -- when
    combined with the multi-million-dollar fundraising for his foundation
    and his presidential library -- have come to be known as `Clinton

    Last month, the Wall Street Journal reported that former President
    Clinton stands to make $20 million as he unwinds a complicated
    business relationship with Yucaipa Cos., the investment firm of his
    longtime supporter, billionaire Ron Burkle, which has connections to
    the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum. [WSJ, Jan.
    22, 2008]

    A week ago, the New York Times described the help Clinton gave
    Canadian mining financier Frank Giustra in securing a lucrative
    uranium deal with the repressive government of Kazakhstan in 2005,
    shortly before Giustra made an unreported $31.3 million donation to
    Clinton's foundation. [NYT, Jan. 31, 2008]

    Sen. Clinton's most recent financial disclosure form showed that the
    former president also earned $10.2 million for giving 57 speeches in
    2006. Of those speeches, 31 were delivered outside the United States
    for $6.4 million.

    >From 2001 to 2007, Bill Clinton collected nearly $40 million in
    speaking fees, according to a review by the Washington Post. His paid
    speeches - with fees as high as $400,000 - included appearances
    before landlord groups, biotechnology firms, food distributors,
    charities and leadership organizations all over the world.

    The legal significance of Hillary Clinton's assertion that the $5
    million loan came from her portion of the couple's wealth relates to
    the political sensitivity - and questionable legality - of a husband
    or wife financing the campaign of a spouse. Federal law only allows
    the candidate to make unlimited contributions to his or her own

    For instance, when Sen. John Kerry arranged a $6.4 million loan to
    keep his 2004 campaign afloat, he used his Boston townhouse as
    collateral, rather than count on help from his multi-millionaire
    wife, Theresa Heinz Kerry.

    Troubled Campaign?

    Since the announcement of the $5 million loan, the Clinton campaign
    has tried to reassure anxious supporters that the loan does not
    signify a lack of resources or possible trouble staying competitive
    with Obama.

    But Joe Trippi, a former adviser to John Edwards, said the loan is a
    warning sign. `It means she's at a tremendous disadvantage moving
    forward,' he said. `The worst thing to be is an 800-pound gorilla
    who's out of money.' [Washington Post, Feb. 7, 2008]

    There's also the mystery of why Hillary Clinton's campaign needed
    this sudden infusion of cash. While Clinton justified the loan as
    necessary `to be competitive' with Obama, her campaign raised more
    money in 2007 than any candidate of either party.

    Over the year, she brought in a total of $115.7 million, far above
    the $75 million goal she set at the beginning of the year. In
    comparison, the Obama campaign raised $102.2 in 2007. In the final
    three months of the year, she out-raised Obama by nearly $4 million.

    It does appear that Obama out-raised Clinton in January, with
    reported receipts of $32 million for the month, compared to Clinton's
    reported $13 million. But Clinton seemed to go out of her way to
    downplay that shortfall before Super Tuesday.

    She claimed to have had `a great month fundraising in January,' a
    month in which her campaign `broke all the records.'

    But there is concern among Clinton's advisers that her smaller roster
    of contributors means that many have reached their legal limit and
    thus can't give more. By contrast, Obama has relied on more small
    donors who mostly have not `maxed out.'

    Renewed Interest

    Clinton's acknowledgement of the loan also threatens to attract new
    interest in the overseas financial ties of the Clintons and some of
    their supporters.

    According to a review of records by the Center for Investigative
    Reporting and ABC News, several top fundraisers for Hillary Clinton's
    campaign have lobbied on behalf of foreign governments and sometimes
    helped their clients gain access to Clinton as a U.S. lawmaker.

    The review found that six Clinton `Hillraisers,' specially designated
    fundraisers who have collected at least $100,000 for her presidential
    campaign, are registered with the Justice Department as lobbyists for
    foreign governments.

    As ABC News reported, `Two of Clinton's top moneymen, John Merrigan
    and Matthew `Mac' Bernstein, are part of a lobbying team hired by the
    rulers of Dubai to defend against a U.S.-based lawsuit alleging that
    the rulers had enslaved young boys to race camels.'

    Merrigan's and Bernstein's firm, DLA Piper, arranged a meeting with
    Clinton and three other senators last year on behalf of Dubai,
    according to filings. Dubai paid the firm $3.7 million for a year's

    Merrigan and Bernstein also lobbied on behalf of the Turkish
    government in March 2007 to prevent `the introduction, debate and
    passage of legislation and other U.S. government action that harms
    Turkey's interests or image.'

    Specifically, the lobbyists opposed a resolution, co-sponsored by
    Clinton, that would term the World War I-era massacre of Armenians by
    Ottoman Turks a genocide.

    Although Clinton was an original co-sponsor, she soon qualified her
    support for the resolution, telling the Boston Globe editorial board
    that `the adamant expression of real dismay and outrage by this
    Turkish government has to be factored into this.'

    Merrigan and Bernstein have since pledged to raise at least $250,000
    for Clinton's presidential campaign, and DLA Piper employees now
    represent the largest bloc of contributors to Clinton's presidential
    campaign, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

    Campaign finance experts say the connection between foreign lobbying
    and presidential campaign fundraising deserves scrutiny because
    lobbyists may have undue influence if their candidate reaches the
    Oval Office.

    `Someone who has worked with the Clintons over a number of years,'
    said Sheila Krumholz, executive director of the Center for Responsive
    Politics, `is worth their weight in gold.'

    Hillraisers and Pioneers

    Besides the issue of foreign influence in a potential Hillary Clinton
    administration, there are broader concerns over the general
    aggressiveness of the Clinton's campaign's fundraising machine.

    Borrowing a page from Karl Rove's playbook, the Clinton campaign has
    broken new ground in the use of `bundling,' a fundraising tactic
    forged by the Bush campaign in Election 2000.

    Similar to Bush Pioneers, Hillraisers are people who gather at least
    $100,000 for Clinton's presidential campaign. This is done through
    the practice of bundling, or the gathering of contributions from many
    individuals in an organization or community, and presenting the lump
    sum to the campaign.

    Karl Rove's use of the Pioneers program came under criticism from
    Democrats and campaign finance reform advocates for violating the
    spirit of campaign finance laws, which attempt to curtail influence
    peddling and corruption in elections.

    Of Bush's 246 Pioneers in the 2000 campaign, the Washington Post
    reported, 104 ended up with jobs in the administration or
    appointments. Twenty-three Pioneers were named as ambassadors and
    three were named to the Cabinet. At least 37 worked on the
    post-election transition in 2000, which helped place political
    appointees into key regulatory positions affecting industry.

    Now, with Hillary Clinton emulating Rove's fundraising machine, some
    campaign reformers wonder if similar favors are in store for her
    biggest bundlers. Some point out that her level of disclosure of
    bundlers does not even meet the low standard set by George W. Bush in

    In a letter to Clinton, Public Citizen said her campaign `fails to
    disclose bundlers' cities and states of residence, how much money
    they raised other than to note that they have raised at least
    $100,000, or who they raised their money from.'

    Her disclosure `not only fails to set an exemplary standard,' it
    doesn't even `live up to the standard of George Bush and Dick
    Cheney,' the watchdog group said.

    Library Money

    Another issue that has arisen relates to the relationship between
    Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the William J. Clinton
    Foundation, which among other things, provides funding for his
    presidential museum in Little Rock, Arkansas.

    Hillary Clinton has faced questions about the source of the money for
    the library, as well as the relationship between the Clinton
    Foundation and her campaign.

    At least two dozen Clinton Foundation donors have become Hillraisers,
    and the early library donors, combined with their families and
    political action committees, have contributed at least $784,000 to
    Hillary Clinton's Senate and presidential coffers.

    Terry McAuliffe, who led the foundation's fund-raising and sits on
    its board, is now Clinton's campaign chairman and chief fund-raiser.

    During a September debate, moderator Tim Russert asked the senator
    whether her husband would release a foundation donor list. She said
    that her husband would `be happy to consider that,' but the former
    president later declined to provide a list of donors.

    Some of her rivals argue that donors could use gifts to the
    presidential foundation to circumvent campaign finance laws intended
    to limit political influence. Looking at some of the contributors, it
    does appear that some hope to gain favor on various issues.

    The New York Times has compiled the first comprehensive list of 97
    donors who gave or pledged a total of $69 million for the Clinton
    presidential library in the final years of the Clinton

    The examination found that while some $1 million contributors were
    longtime Clinton friends, others were seeking favors from the
    administration. Two pledged $1 million each while they or their
    companies were under investigation by the Justice Department.

    Others are directly connected to foreign governments, some of which
    may want policy changes from a second Clinton administration.

    The Saudi royal family, the king of Morocco, a foundation linked to
    the United Arab Emirates, and the governments of Kuwait and Qatar
    have all made contributions of unknown amounts to the Clinton

    The Clinton campaign says it has no relationship with the Clinton
    Foundation. `Sen. Clinton is not involved in the fund-raising or
    operations of the Clinton Foundation,' said campaign spokesman Phil

    Although Hillary Clinton may not be directly involved in the
    foundation's fundraising, one longtime Democratic insider said he has
    heard complaints from lobbyists that after they have `maxed out' to
    her presidential campaign, the senator asks if they have donated to
    her husband's foundation. The suggestion is that they must get their
    checkbooks out again, he said.

    The foundation and her campaign are intertwined in other ways, as the
    New York Times noted.

    Not only did McAuliffe raise money for both the foundation and the
    campaign, other top foundation employees overlap with the Clinton
    campaign. Cheryl Mills, for example, sits on the foundation board and
    serves as the general counsel to the Clinton campaign.

    And Jay Carson recently traded a communications position at the
    foundation for a job as her campaign's press secretary.

    But what may be of greater concern is the political influence that
    may be developing behind the scenes, and what it may mean in a future
    Clinton presidency.

    With her campaign emulating strategies pioneered by Karl Rove, the
    question arises as to why Americans should expect a break from the
    cronyism and corruption that have defined the Bush administration.

    Along with ending the war in Iraq, reining in the Bush cronyism was a
    central theme for the Democratic victories in the 2006 congressional

    Now, having missed opportunities to end the Iraq War, Democrats may
    find themselves in a difficult position for criticizing
    influence-peddling, too. ml