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US supporters of Levon Ter-Petrosyan are engaged in mail revolution

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  • US supporters of Levon Ter-Petrosyan are engaged in mail revolution

    American supporters of Levon Ter-Petrosyan are engaged in 'mail

    2008-02-08 17:23:00

    ArmInfo. Thousands of citizens of Armenia began to receive letters from
    the State of California, USA, which calls to vote for the first
    Armenian president Levon Ter-Petrosyan in the coming presidential
    election. One of the letters reached ArmInfo News Agency.

    The sender of the letter is a certain A. Saydaryan from Santa Clarita,
    State of California, who states he is a citizen of Armenia. Addressing
    to his recipient, who assures he never knew A. Saydaryan, the latter
    characterizes the present authorities of Armenia as "Mongol-Tatarian
    caddish regime". The characterization is followed by personal insults
    against Armenian President Robert Kocharyan and Armenian Prime
    Minister, Leader of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), Serzh
    Sargsyan, who is running for president. "Dear fellow citizens, the
    Armenians of the USA sympathized Karen Demirchyan at the previous
    election, and after his death they sympathized his son Stepan
    Demirchyan. Now Demirchyan Jr. is standing beside our first president
    Levon Ter-Petrosyan and we vote for him", the letter says. As ArmInfo
    correspondent was told by reliable sources, letters with similar
    content were also sent to many other residents of Armenia. Commenting
    upon this fact, Mkrtich Minasyan, a member of the RPA faction, found
    nothing illegal in such kind of campaign method. "Nobody can forbid
    sending these letters, but one may perceive them as a foreign state's
    attempt to influence the election in Armenia", Minasyan stressed.