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Hayk Demoyan: Dialogue between Armenians and Turks is necessary

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  • Hayk Demoyan: Dialogue between Armenians and Turks is necessary

    Hayk Demoyan: Dialogue between Armenians and Turks is necessary
    09.02.2008 11:04

    `Dialogue between Armenians and Turks is necessary,' Director of the
    Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Hayk Demoyan said during the
    international conference on `Countries of the Caucasus and the Middle
    East: Possible partners in the process of formation of the regional
    security system.' He noted that Turks must realize that the genocide is
    part of their history they have been carefully concealing for many
    years. According to Hayk Demoyan, the dialogue will promote the
    establishment of trust between the younger generations of Armenians and
    Turks. According to him, it's pleasant that positive progress has been
    registered over the past years: the number of Turks interested in the
    topic has increased. `Turkish citizens visit the Museum to familiarize
    themselves with history, but a different history which is not spoken
    about in Turkey, because there is Article 301 of the Penal Code and
    there is a common atmosphere,' Hayk Demoyan declared.

    Turkey's activity in the direction of denying the fact of the Genocide
    results in deepening of crisis among the Turkish society. Thus, a
    special organization on the level of National Security Agency has been
    established in Turkey to act against the recognition of the Armenian
    Genocide. However, the further denial of this fact is a threat to
    Turkish identity. `The official interpretation of history is one thing,
    what the world speaks and writes about is a different thing. It's
    already a serious challenge, since the most terrible may happen: own
    citizens will stop trusting their authorities. A conflict will emerge
    that can lead to the collapse of the state. Currently deep processes of
    restoration of history are underway: the heritage of Ataturk is being
    discussed, which was not the case before.

    According to Hayk Demoyan, the discussion of the Genocide issue is
    certainly a challenge to Turkey. Nevertheless, the task of Armenia is
    not to aggravate the situation. `We must not present the Turks as
    enemies or potential enemies, we must conceive them as partners for the
    dialogue that will serve the interests of both countries,' he noted.

    Vice-President of the Istanbul Fund of Journalists and Writers Jemal
    Ushak also addressed the conference. He also underlined the necessity
    of launching dialogue between the societies of the two countries.