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Zubkov visit is of both Armenia's and Russia's interest

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  • Zubkov visit is of both Armenia's and Russia's interest


    Victor Zubkov's visit is of both Armenia's and
    Russia's interest and it should be regarded from this
    very point of view

    Moscow's fears regarding the expansion of the region
    by the USA and NATO are completely justified; however
    the expansion is carried out just as it used to be in
    the times of the USSR; i.e. the main aim was to scare
    the `partner' as much as possible or to leave it
    standing in front of a choice.
    07.02.2008 GMT+04:00

    The visit of Russia's Prime Minister Victor Zubkov to
    Armenia on the eve of the elections gave rise to a lot
    of conjecture about its aim and outcomes, and it is
    mostly believed that the aim of the visit is the one -
    supporting Serge Sargsyan in the Presidential
    elections. At least this is what the Armenian Mass
    Media believes, however missing one very important
    detail; it is not the Russian, but the Armenian
    citizen who is going to vote. In this regard the
    support from the outside has always had the opposite
    effect on any candidate's reputation.

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ However, one of the reasons of
    Zubkov's visit, in our opinion, is supporting Armenia
    in the sphere of Russia's influence, because if
    Armenia also `goes' to the USA and Europe, Russia will
    have nothing to do here. According to the Deputy
    Director of the Center of Caucasian Studies at Moscow
    State Institute of International Relations Professor
    Vladimir Zakharov, at present Russia lacks a
    distinguished politics regarding the countries of
    Southern Caucasus. `Southern Caucasus is becoming one
    of the priority directions of NATO. A new regional
    geopolitical plan is being held here, which may leave
    Russia out,' said Zakharov.

    The Professor also mentioned that Georgia and
    Azerbaijan have practically `separated' from Russia.
    `Having lost Armenia, Russia will never be able to
    return to South Caucasus any more,' he emphasized.
    According to him, any armed conflict in Georgia will
    become a reason for the USA to enter the region, and
    consequently, to prepare for the possible attack on

    Moscow's fears regarding the expansion of the region
    by the USA and NATO are completely justified; however
    the expansion is carried out just as it used to be in
    the times of the USSR; i.e. the main aim was to scare
    the `partner' as much as possible or to leave it
    standing in front of a choice. None of them may be
    convenient to Armenia. We shouldn't be deluded with
    Russia's promises. Other than xenophobia, taking away
    lives of the Armenians in Russia, there is one more
    very important issue - Turkey. On February 16 the
    Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Ali Babacan is
    going to Moscow. The times, when Moscow considered
    Turkey an enemy, have long gone. Now Russia is
    interested in Turkey, especially in the light of
    frequent deteriorations of the relations of Turkey
    with the USA. Armenia must be ready to the fact that
    in the worst case the year of 1921 may repeat itself,
    when Mustafa Kemal Atatürk signed an agreement with
    Lenin exchanging the necessary weapon with the
    Armenian Issue. From this very point of view Treaty of
    Kars signed behind Armenia's back should be

    But all this is a history. For the present the
    Armenian-Russian relations are quite stable and have
    quite good perspective. After all, it is quite likely
    that Russia is going to be the one to establish a new
    atomic power-plant, which is already a rather serious
    fact. Nevertheless, Victor Zubkov's visit is of both
    Armenia's and Russia's interest and it should be
    regarded from this very point of view.

    According to the Russian Prime Minister, Russia is
    Armenia's main foreign investor. `The total bulk of
    Russia's investment at the rate of $1 milliard is a
    serious argument for our intention of developing the c
    o-operation. Joint investment projects are quite
    successfully realized. These projects embrace all the
    new fields, including the field of nuclear-power
    engineering, diamond manufacture, as well as the
    sphere of telecommunication,' he said.

    Victor Zubkov also mentioned that Russia still holds
    the status of the external economic partner of
    Armenia. `Over the last two years the two-sided
    commodity circulation has grown for 60% and has got
    past the point of $700 million, which is a very high
    index,' he said. According to Zubkov, `This is not the
    limit and the $1 milliard boundary will be past in the
    near future.

    Serge Sargsyan, confirming his colleague's words,
    mentioned that this boundary may be reached in the
    near future, since `the potential is much greater'.
    «PanARMENIAN.Net» analytical department