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Armenia: LTP files suit that could postpone presidential election

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  • Armenia: LTP files suit that could postpone presidential election

    EurasiaNet, NY
    Feb 8 2008

    Marianna Grigoryan 2/08/08

    Amid assurances from President Robert Kocharian that Armenia's
    upcoming presidential poll will meet international standards, leading
    opposition candidate Levon Ter-Petrosian, alleging unfair campaign
    conditions, has filed a complaint that could lead to a postponement
    of the February 19 election.

    On February 7, Ter-Petrosian lodged the petition with the
    Constitutional Court, Armenia's highest court. In it, he asks the
    high court to recognize that his election campaign faces
    "insurmountable obstacles." Under Article 90 of Armenia's Election
    Code, such "obstacles," if recognized by the Court, can trigger a
    two-week postponement of the presidential election.

    At the end of that period, if the hindrances have been addressed, the
    election would take place immediately. If it is decided that they
    have not been addressed, the election would be held 40 days after the
    end of the two-week postponement period.

    The Constitutional Court will consider Ter-Petrosian's application on
    February 11, a source within the Court told EurasiaNet.

    "[P]residential candidate Levon Ter-Petrosian's pre-election
    headquarters undertook all measures possible under the laws of the
    Republic of Armenia to preclude violations of the law carried out
    against the presidential candidate or to remove their consequences.
    However, those initiatives did not yield any positive result," the
    application submitted to the Constitutional Court reads.

    The campaign claims that alleged government propaganda against
    Ter-Petrosian, who resigned as president in 1998, has made it
    impossible for the ex-president to have a fair chance at running for
    national office. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive].

    Ter-Petrosian's resignation a decade ago was sparked by a
    disagreement with senior officials over the Nagorno-Karabakh peace
    process. Among the top leaders who opposed him back then were
    then-prime minister Robert Kocharian and then-interior minister Serzh
    Sarkisian, who is current prime minister and the government's
    candidate for president.

    "There is total anti-campaigning going on against Levon Ter-Petrosian
    on television channels, which impedes our activities," Arman
    Musinian, a spokesperson for Ter-Petrosian's campaign, told
    EurasiaNet. The campaign singles out public television in particular
    for biased coverage, but indicates that attempts have also been made
    to derail the ex-president's rallies. [For additional information see
    the Eurasia Insight archive].

    "Besides the anti-campaigning, the authorities are doing everything
    in this period to create obstacles for us, and for this very reason
    we have applied to the Constitutional Court," Musinian said.

    The first interim report from the Organization for Security and
    Cooperation in Europe/Office for Democratic Institutions and Human
    Rights election observation mission cited overwhelmingly negative
    coverage of Ter-Petrosian, Armenia's first post-Soviet president.
    Local monitoring groups have reached similar conclusions.

    While government officials have issued repeated assurances that the
    election campaign is going relatively smoothly and comes close to
    meeting "international standards," opposition leaders have frequently
    complained about alleged cases of violence that they attribute to the

    On February 3, Orinats Yerkir (Country of Law) Party leader and
    presidential candidate Artur Baghdasarian declared at a rally in
    Yerevan that he had received a death threat. A police investigation
    is ongoing.

    Pro-government media, however, have hinted that the claim is a
    publicity stunt. Although he reportedly received the threat on
    February 2, Baghdasarian did not visit the police until February 7,
    noted Hayots Ashkharh. "This means Baghdasarian has absolutely no
    problems connected with his personal security, as he announced at the
    rally," said commentary published by the newspaper. "Or, he is really
    determined to sacrifice his life for the sake of Armenia and does not
    want that the police interfere in this."

    Baghdasarian has since accepted protection from the National Security

    Meanwhile, during a February 6 rally for Ter-Petrosian in the eastern
    town of Artashat, in Armenia's Ararat region, several young men
    hurled stones and pieces of ice in the direction of the former
    president. A scuffle between rally participants and the young men -
    termed "hooligans" by Ter-Petrosian -- broke out, injuring the
    candidate's deputy security chief. Campaign members have said that he
    was hospitalized.

    Ter-Petrosian's campaign blamed the government for the incident and,
    personally, on Deputy Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamian and his
    brother, parliamentarian Jonik Abrahamian, who are both from nearby
    Artashat. The town is widely assumed to be an Abrahamian political

    In response, the police have claimed that Ter-Petrosian and his
    supporters "voiced personal insults and discrediting words against
    certain officials."

    "Three citizens participating in the rally demanded that the obscene
    and offensive expressions be put to an end," an official statement
    claims. It goes on to allege that "four or five young people from
    among the supporters of the event organizers dragged, threw on the
    ground and hit those who made the remarks, inflicting bodily injuries
    on them."

    A criminal case has been started in connection with the incident and
    a police investigation is reportedly ongoing. The OSCE/ODIHR election
    observation mission will be conducting its own inquiry as well,
    according to mission head, Amb. Geert Ahrens of Germany.

    Not surprisingly, opposition and government supporters are
    diametrically opposed over who is responsible for the clash. "Those
    are shows that the authorities from time to time organize to
    discredit Levon Ter-Petrosian on public television," commented
    opposition journalist Nikol Pashinian, a senior Ter-Petrosian ally.
    "In reality, we are carrying out our campaign in an atmosphere of
    terror created by the authorities."

    Pashinian also holds the government responsible for a reported
    assault on a Ter-Petrosian heckler in the town of Talin - an incident
    cited by Ter-Petrosian opponents to underline the former president's
    supposed low tolerance for criticism.

    Local government officials routinely intervene, Pashinian continued.
    At a rally in Charentsavan, a town near Lake Sevan in eastern
    Armenia, the town's mayor stood near the demonstration and ordered
    people not to attend it, Pashinian alleged.

    "We get very warm receptions everywhere, with special ceremonies,
    with horses, offerings, presents, and it is clear that [Prime
    Minister and rival presidential candidate] Serzh Sarkisian does not
    like all this," Pashinian said.

    Orinats Yerkir Party spokeswoman Susanna Abrahamian - no relation to
    the deputy prime minister -- also claims that voters are afraid to
    act freely during the campaign.

    "In several cases during our campaign meetings people do not manage
    to get to the place because of government intervention and
    intimidation," Abrahamian claimed. "Despite that, things fortunately
    have not gone as far as fistfights in our campaign." Orinats Yerkir
    and Ter-Petrosian have reportedly recently held talks about forming
    an alliance of some sort. [For details, see the Eurasia Insight

    Pro-administration officials, however, claim that the opposition
    itself is staging the incidents. "One [player] is stirring up
    everything, and that instigator is the opposition, which has created
    a situation with such stories to make it appear that there is
    pressure on them," alleged ruling Republican Party of Armenia
    parliamentarian Rafik Petrosian. "We have stated many times that we
    have sufficient strength and resources to cruise to an easy victory
    in the election. And the opposition needs an excuse for their
    [coming] defeat."

    At a February 7 rally in the city of Vanadzor, Prime Minister
    Sarkisian attributed the "mud slinging" to opposition candidates
    "losing their conscience."

    Editor's Note: Marianna Grigoryan is a reporter for the weekly in Yerevan.