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Armenian, Georgian, Azeri Pol Scientists Try To Understand Sejm

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  • Armenian, Georgian, Azeri Pol Scientists Try To Understand Sejm


    YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 8, NOYAN TAPAN. There are many threats, against which
    the South Caucasian countries can struggle jointly even under
    conditions of unsolved conflicts. The participants of the conference
    "From the Transcaucasian Sejm to the South-Caucasian Alliance:
    Experience, Problems, Prospects" held the other day in Tbilisi came to
    this conclusion. The conference held on the initiative of the South
    Caucasian Institute of Regional Security and a number of other
    organizations was timed for the 90th anniversary of the Transcaucasian
    Sejm. The goal of the organizers was to present historic estimations to
    the experience of regional cooperation by the example of the
    Transcaucasian Sejm, as well as some innovation proposals worked out by
    South Caucasian scientists in the recent years.

    According to Malkhaz Matsaberidze, a professor of Tbilisi State
    University, the Director of the Institute of Political Science, the
    Transcaucasian Sejm, which was created in 1918 and functioned only
    three months, is a historic example of how under hard conditions
    representatives of Transcaucasian peoples on their own initiative
    created common power bodies and tried to jointly solve the problems
    faced by them. It is interesting that human rights, including rights of
    women and national minorities, were taken into consideration in the
    draft Constitution of the Sejm.

    Rauf Huseynov, a professor, a doctor of history and ethnology of the
    Caucasian Institute of Strategic Studies, said that besides unsolved
    conflicts, the fact that different Caucasian countries have joined
    different military alliances hampers establishment of close relations
    between Caucasian peoples. Georgia and Azerbaijan strive for membership
    to NATO, Armenia is already a member of CSTO.

    The participants of the discussion also discussed issues of influence
    of the United States, Russia, Europe, and other leading countries on
    the processes in the South Caucasian region, which is a center of
    collision of different interests. Yuri Petrosian, a representative of
    the Embassy of Republic of Armenia to Georgia, called for not
    overestimating the role of the regional countries' leaderships, which,
    in his words, often have to make decisions under the pressure from

    Vakhtang Kolbaya, the former Vice-Speaker of the Georgian parliament,
    said that the parliaments of Armenia and Georgia in their time signed a
    document on creation of an Interparliamentary Assembly of the South
    Caucasian countries, but the initiative did not have a continuation.

    In spite of the situation formed in the region, in the opinion of the
    discussion participants, there are many common problems, the attempt of
    joint solution of which would contribute to establishment of close
    relations between the peoples and solution of the existing conflicts.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress