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ARF Bureau rep Hrant Margarian's speech at February 8 rally

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  • ARF Bureau rep Hrant Margarian's speech at February 8 rally

    ARF Bureau representative Hrant Margarian's speech at February 8 rally

    08.02.2008 19:15

    Yerevan (Yerkir) - ARF Bureau representative Hrant Margarian made a
    speech at the rally on
    February 8 rally.

    Below is the text of his speech.

    It's been long since the Freedom Square saw such unification. It's been
    long we joined together for a good cause, for a positive cause that is
    giving new hope. We have united today with confidence and decisiveness.
    We have united to make a breakthrough in the life of our country. We
    have united to set up a new government, a fair government, a government
    for people, our government through elections. We are coming on a
    positive wave, we are coming by setting up a positive axis and we will
    succeed with your help, we will remove hatred, antagonism and violence
    from our life. There are two groups at both sides of our positive axis:
    the former regime is on the one side, and the current one on the other.
    One of them is trying to achieve a regime change by hatred and
    opposition; the other one is trying to maintain the current situation
    via government leverage and pressures. We are not going to speak about
    which of these groups is more negative because the choice should be not
    between those groups but between the positive axis and those negative

    Our reality is injured because there are injustice and poverty but it
    is hard for me to speak about this today because everybody speaks about
    it. The impression is that everybody opposes injustice, everybody wants
    the poverty to be eliminated and that nobody's rights are breached.
    They say so, but it is not the aliens who have caused this injustice in
    our country: it was you, the former and the current leaders, you are
    the reason for this reality, and don't speak about it so we don't feel
    shame for being like you. Today, your fight is not a fight for essence:
    in issues like economy, social relations, democracy, fair elections,
    justice you are the same. These people are your victims, the former and
    the current regimes are not different when it comes to these issues,
    and let nobody deceive us.

    What are busy with today? Today, when there is a possibility to make an
    aware choice and to form a new and normal political government, you
    have spoiled the entire environment, you are threatening people with
    each other, you are strengthening on the background of the other being
    worse, leaving aside shame and responsibility. You are depriving the
    people of making the right choice with a shameless, profanity-like
    theater that you are staging. Restrain yourselves, gentlemen, don't go
    to extremes, don't sacrifice our political stability for your dark and
    evil games, we will not allow you to do that .

    We believe that a new government should be formed in our homeland
    through elections but it is possible through fair elections in healthy
    environment, while this environment does not allow for it. It is
    impossible to engage in fair election race in this unhealthy
    environment and this environment is set up deliberately. The success of
    the deception that the former and current regimes are engaged is
    possible due to this tense and hostile environment. The former regime
    is creating this environment because it helps it to avoid ideological
    and political struggle because it is in this environment that they can
    veil their real goal: the old regime is coming back because it wants to
    change the political course, and the injustice, impunity, the lack of
    democracy and liberties, corruption are just excuses for them.

    We have to win. We have to win because the blood shed by Armenians in
    Artsakh and border regions of Armenia should not be ignored. Forgetting
    about the occupied Armenian Shahumian and Getashen, the former and the
    current regimes are disputing about conceding territories, they accuse
    each other of concessions. What are you conceding? Who has given you
    the right to concede homeland? We, the Armenian people, will not allow
    you to do so. Forgetting Azerbaijan's role and positions, forgetting
    the guilt of Azerbaijan, the former and current regimes blame each
    other before the eyes of the world.

    We are far from extremes and adventurism, we believe the Atsakh issue
    should be resolved through negotiations and will mutual concessions.
    But it is mutual concessions that should happen and not one-sided
    concessions. We should not compromise our dignity, our homeland, any
    part of the homeland.
    The unhealthy environment is created by the current regime too.

    We count on our people who is able to tell the truth from the lie.
    Stability but not recession. Changes but not turmoil. Let's not bring
    the old back and let's change the current ones.

    When the government is an end in itself and there are no ideological
    and political basis for it, and there are no supporters, the government
    leans on the state apparatus and "prominent" people. On those, who can
    guarantee their reproduction. When this is the reality, oligarchs
    become a machine for giving away election bribes, a government
    bureaucrat becomes a means for ensuring an army of voters, and then
    oligarchs are granted privileges, the free competition is eliminated,
    bureaucrat's illegalities are ignored, the corruption flourishes, and
    criminals set up a criminal government.

    This exactly why the former and the current regimes are trying to get
    to power with former and current oligarchs, criminals, bribe-takers.
    We will change the current situation. We will change the unfair current
    situation. We will put an end to unfair monopolies, we will bring fuel,
    cereals, sugar and medicine monopolies to the formal field. We will do
    this with the help of president Vahan Hovhannesian, led by him.

    Vahan Hovhannesian, a person that has all the features and
    possibilities to set up justice in this country. Our Vahan has the key
    feature, courage: only a courageous person can fight the lie and
    violence. Vahan's entire life is a proof of this. He is a person who
    does not depend on oligarchs, bureaucrats, and internal and external
    secret unions and does not owe to anybody. A person, who had all the
    reasons to break and be lured but he has remained as a person of
    integrity and independent. He is a person who was able to form his
    electorate in a short period of time, he is loved and accepted even by
    those who do not know him. Vahan Hovhanesian has the Dashnaktsutyun, a
    person who we the members of Dashnaktsutyun will obey as soldiers.