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STOP IMAGINING Just Look At Turkey!

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  • STOP IMAGINING Just Look At Turkey!

    STOP IMAGINING JUST LOOK AT TURKEY! ommunique00010200.html
    Sent to The Economist : Saturday, February 09, 2008

    Imagine Nazi Rule in Turkey, surviving for decades, with the chauvinist
    Young Turk regime and ideology defeated but quickly revived after WWI
    with western headgear replacing the Young Turk Fez! Imagine then a
    "reform/Islamist Nationalist Turk" (call him M-abdulah Gul-bach or
    Ragib Erdogab) coming to power in the late 1990s and ...

    Then STOP IMAGINING and just look at Turkey! Having committed massacres
    in the 19th century and Genocide in the 20th century against its
    Armenian, Assyrian and Greek (Christian) populations wiping them and
    their entire civilisations out almost completely (from 25% of Ottoman
    population in 1900 to less than 0.25% now after a 100 years when it
    should have stayed at least static even without any growth but without
    mass slaughter either!), having been defeated in WWI but, unlike the
    Nazi state and criminals, not dismantled, punished or prosecuted, all
    its governments since 1918 have denied and distorted the fact of their
    genocidal past and continue to do so with impunity up to the present,
    even enjoying full support from the likes of the Economist, the UK and
    the US, with occasional mild criticism. It maintains an authoritarian,
    virulently nationalist and now Islamist government which prosecutes
    its own journalists, publishers and Nobel Prize winning authors for
    "insulting Turkishness", that is the very few who dare or are brave
    enough to speak the truth about Turkey's criminal past in general or
    refer to the Armenian Genocide!

    Furthermore, this unpunished and unreformed staunchly chauvinist
    nationalist Turkey, heavily militarised and armed to its teeth,
    is invading at will (Cyprus, 1973, Iraq, the Kurds repeatedly...) or
    threatening to invade and bullying its other large and small neighbours
    (Greece in the Aegean and Armenia ever since its independence in
    1991)... . It is blockading Armenia and keeping the border with it
    closed (the only closed border in Europe) and refusing to establish
    diplomatic relations with it until it meets Turkey's various bullying
    preconditions, such as accepting that it - Armenia - committed Genocide
    against Turkey and apologises to it!

    The Economist has never exposed Turkey's heinous criminal past
    properly, the murder of 1.5 million Armenians and their civilisation,
    or its present unacceptable authoritarian regime and its internal
    repression or external bullying, especially towards Armenia.

    In fact the Economist is one of the main advocates of its membership
    of European Union and other democratic organisations.

    Yet the very same Economist is devoting hypocritical and false
    editorials and comments about the apparent dangers emanating from
    Putin's Russia, of all things over the Katyn massacres, when the
    Russian government is on record for accepting the Stalinist era crime;
    just because some cranky old Soviet era General has written an article
    or a book denying the involvement of the Stalinist era NKVD!

    What rank hypocrisy and warped Disraelian anti-Russian propaganda. The
    Economists agenda is a new cold war against Russia so any petty and
    disgusting lie will do to paint Russia in cold war distorted shades.

    Equally, the same warped ideology still needs the real
    authoritarian/unreformed even barbarian Turkey as a buffer against
    Russia so will go to any length to protect it.

    The Economist, like the British government, has no credibility or
    any constructive European ideas but peddling the same old, warped
    and now bankrupt cold war rhetoric.