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Armenia: Opposition Coalition Fails To Materialize

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  • Armenia: Opposition Coalition Fails To Materialize

    Marianna Grigoryan

    Feb 11 2008

    Former president Levon Ter-Petrosian and rival candidate Artur
    Baghdasarian have missed a deadline to combine campaigns, apparently
    denying the opposition any realistic hope of mounting a serious
    challenge for power in Armenia's February 19 presidential election.

    Ter-Petrosian, often presented as the opposition frontrunner, had
    earlier announced that he had "serious grounds" to believe that other
    opposition forces would join him, an assertion thought to refer
    mainly to Baghdasarian, who heads the opposition Orinats Yerkir
    (Country of Law) Party. Heritage Party leader Raffi Hovannisian,
    who has a sizeable popular following, was also thought to be on the
    verge of offering an endorsement. Party representatives now indicate
    that they will make a decision by February 12 on which candidate to
    support. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive].

    A merger announcement had been expected by February 9, the last day
    for candidates to withdraw from Armenia's presidential race. But the
    day came and went without an announcement by either Ter-Petrosian or
    Baghdasarian. At a Yerevan rally on February 9, arguably one of the
    largest in recent years, thousands of supporters gathered to hear
    the former president speak. Police put the turnout at 15,000 people;
    organizers at a gargantuan 150,000. "This public rally and magnificent
    march have shown that there are indeed no insurmountable obstacles
    in front of us," Ter-Petrosian declared at the rally.

    The campaign was joined by several organizations tied to the war
    in Nagorno-Karabakh, but the topic of a possible alliance with
    Baghdasarian and/or Hovannisian was not broached.

    The Central Election Commission has finalized the registration for
    all previous nine candidates and a sample ballot has already been
    sent to the printing house. The Constitutional Court has rejected a
    request filed by Ter-Petrosian on February 8 that could have delayed
    the elections by two weeks to 40 days. [For background see the Eurasia
    Insight archive].

    Heritage Party spokesperson Hovsep Khurshudian told EurasiaNet that
    negotiations with Ter-Petrosian and Baghdasarian are still ongoing.

    Hopes for some form of cooperation still exist, he said.

    Senior Heritage Party member Stepan Safarian echoed that view,
    asserting that "everything" will be clear by February 12. "We will
    have a big discussion inside the party tonight and we will probably
    make a decision on that during that discussion and will clarify our
    position," Safarian said in reference to a potential partnership with
    Ter-Petrosian and/or Baghdasarian.

    Political analysts, however, take a dimmer view. With the February
    9 deadline past, one observer says, the time for unified campaigns
    is gone. Rather, he asserts, Heritage will now have to decide which
    campaign it plans to support - Ter-Petrosian or Baghdasarian.

    "From the legal point of view, the time for unifications is up,
    and even if one of the candidates speaks out about withdrawing his
    candidacy in favor of another candidate, it will no longer have
    the impact that it would have had before February 9," commented
    pro-opposition political analyst Aghasi Yenokian.

    Yenokian attributes the failure to agree on a unified campaign to
    the ambitions of both candidates and government pressure.

    On the evening of February 8, Armenian President Robert Kocharian
    called on Baghdasarian, a former government protege, to refrain from
    linking his campaign with that of Ter-Petrosian. Doing so, Kocharian
    asserted, would cost the onetime parliamentary leader "at least half
    of his electorate."

    "[T]he electorate of Orinats Yerkir is an electorate which is longing
    for stability and is not embittered for the most part. I don't think
    its mood is compatible with that of Levon Ter-Petrosian's embittered
    camp," he said, pointing out that many Orinats Yerkir supporters would
    rather vote for Prime Minister Serzh Sarkisian than the "discredited"

    Baghdasaria n has described as "slander" a report by one Yerevan
    newspaper that claimed that he had been invited to Prime Minister
    Sarkisian's summer cottage and offered the post of premier if Sarkisian
    is elected and Baghdasarian does not join forces with Ter-Petrosian.

    Baghdasarian has largely dodged any clear-cut statement about his talks
    with the former president. But he has clearly indicated a reluctance
    to play second fiddle to any other candidate.

    At a February 11 Yerevan meeting with non-governmental organizations,
    he reminded participants that he has "hundreds of thousands of

    "We discussed both options: Levon Ter-Petrosian joining me, and
    our joining him," he said. "I am not struggling for the runner-up's
    position. I am struggling for the post of Armenia's president. I am
    confident that I will be in the runoff. Time will show whether Serzh
    Sarkisian or Levon Ter-Petrosian are with me in the second round."

    Under Armenia's election law, a candidate must win an absolute majority
    of votes to secure election in the first round of voting.

    Nonetheless, Baghdasarian still maintains that "opposition
    consolidation" in both rounds is "a political necessity."

    Such assertions, notes independent political analyst Yervand Bozoyan,
    have put a question mark over the question of opposition unification
    from the get-go.

    "It is clear to everyone that Levon Ter-Petrosian is an opposition
    frontrunner, however, each candidate has his own viewpoint about his
    rating and it seems to each of them that he holds the most weight,"
    Bozoyan said. "In this case, a conventionally 'weak' candidate could
    easily join, but not Artur Baghdasarian. There is a question of
    serious ambitions here."

    The inability of Ter-Petrosian and Baghdasarian to merge campaigns
    did not come as a surprise to members of the governing Republican
    Party of Armenia. Prime Minister Sarkisian, the odds-on favorite to
    the win the presidential vote, told Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty's
    Armenian Service that he was "simply sure" that his rivals would not
    be able to reconcile their differences. The reason why? "[A]s they
    say," noted the prime minister, "we know our customers."