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Turkey Is Not Far From Committing Kurdish Genocide

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  • Turkey Is Not Far From Committing Kurdish Genocide

    By Dr Hoshiar Molod (Saudi Arabia)

    Kurdish Aspect ml
    Feb 11 2008

    In response to a previous article, some readers have sent me prejudiced
    comments indicating disapproval of the article "In response to their
    brutality, Kurdistan should boycott Turkish products[1]". One reader
    described me as being backward and not realistic in urging a boycott
    of Turkish products. Another reader compared my views to those of
    German Nazism and French nationalists.

    I would like to ask those readers of their views regarding the Turkish
    aggressive attacks on the innocent people in Kurdistan. Every civilized
    person should support the boycott of Turkish products in view of the
    cruelty the Turkish government practices in the region. A boycott
    is more powerful and is more effective than demonstrations in the
    streets, because it affects Turkey's economy. Turkey's policy in the
    region and the rest of the world is quite insensitive and ignorant.

    Turkey's double standard is very obvious when the Turkish President
    sending friendly messages to Europe and presenting the democratic
    side of secular Turkey while restating on fighting the PKK. Turkey
    has to apologize for the Armenian genocide instead of committing
    another massacre in Iraqi Kurdistan.

    The comments by some readers intended to undermine my view on
    boycotting Turkish products are some examples of the double standard
    that Turkey has always presented. When something is not in Turkey's
    favor, it's acceptable for the Turkish public and Turkish business
    communities to take the boycott approach.

    A boycott was carried out by the Turkish streets in response to the
    implementation of the human right laws by European countries. In 2000
    the Turkish consumer association boycotted Belgian made products[2],
    asking Belgian to undermine its civil society and extradite someone
    to be executed in Turkey. In 2006 various Turkish supermarkets also
    boycotted French products[3], because the French parliament passed
    the Armenian genocide bill.

    The question is why the Turkish society sometimes excuses the boycott
    approach and sometimes speaks negatively about it?

    It is the double standard of Turkey's international policy. When any
    other government's view is not in favor of the Turkish politics in
    the region, the Turkish streets are encouraged to protest against
    that specific government by boycotting the products of that country.

    The Armenian genocide is a crime against humanity and the world is
    no longer ignoring that illicit act by the Turkish government. It
    is ironic that despite their differences both Hillary Clinton and
    Barrack Obama are in agreement on the issue of the Turkish government
    recognizing the Armenian genocide[4].

    The fact of the matter is that Turkey has never recognized the genocide
    of the Armenians and is not very far from committing another massacre
    in Kurdistan. The only reason for the Turkish attacks is to undermine
    Kurdish existence.

    Apart from the Kurdish public, no one else seems to care about the
    situation in Kurdistan. Therefore I would like to renew my plea to
    the international community to boycott Turkish made products not only
    because Kurdistan is being attacked by the Turkish war machine on a
    daily basis, but actually because of the appalling record that Turkey
    has in the crimes against humanity such as the killing of Kurds and
    the genocide of the Armenians.

    Finally, you should realize that with any Turkish made product you
    buy, you are backing, encouraging and promoting the denial of the
    Armenian genocide[5], the Assyrian genocide[6], the Greek genocide[7],
    and contributing to the recent killing of innocent Kurdish civilians
    by the Turkish government.

    End notes:

    1-, Tuesday, 15 January 2008, In respond to
    their brutality, Kurdistan should Boycott Turkish products.

    2 -, Tuesday, 22 August, 2000, Turkish consumers
    boycott Belgian goods.

    3- The Journal of Turkish weekly, Sunday, 15 October 2006, Turkish
    Supermarket Chains Boycott French Goods.

    4-, Thursday, 17 January 2008, Hillary
    wins White House (In dreams of Turkish officials).

    5 - International Herald Tribune, Thursday, 12 October 2006, French
    lawmakers approve bill on Armenian genocide.

    6-, Sunday, 4 March 2007, EU Conference Calls on Turkey
    to Recognize Assyrian Genocide.

    7-, Saturday, 10 February 2001, Greek genocide decree
    angers Turks.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress