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Armenia's Presidential Election: The View From Baku

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  • Armenia's Presidential Election: The View From Baku

    Rovshan Ismayilov

    Feb 12 2008

    In Azerbaijan, official or public interest in Armenia's upcoming
    presidential election is minimal. Few in Baku see the impending
    political transition in Yerevan as having much of an impact on efforts
    to break the Nagorno-Karabakh negotiations stalemate.

    Despite a recent push to revive peace talks, analysts contend
    that a lack of popular hope in Baku for the normalization of
    Azerbaijani-Armenian relations, or for the resolution of the Karabakh
    conflict, is behind the lack of interest in the Armenian election.

    The Azerbaijani government's indifferent stance reinforces this
    impression. The identity of Armenia's new president, succinctly
    commented foreign ministry spokesperson Khazar Ibrahim, "will be the
    choice of the Armenian voters and society."

    The Armenian vote is generally viewed by Azerbaijani onlookers as a
    choice between just two candidates, even though nine are officially
    in the race. Most believe that the two candidates with any chance
    of winning are Prime Minister Serzh Sarkisian, who is seen as the
    favorite, and former president Levon Ter-Petrosian, who was in
    office during Armenia's 1988-1994 war with Azerbaijan over control
    of Karabakh.

    >From Baku's perspective, the other seven candidates in Yerevan simply
    do not exist. There is virtually no mention of them in the Azerbaijani
    media, and their movements and statements are generally not followed
    by Baku political analysts or government officials.

    Between Sarkisian and Ter-Petrosian, the latter is seen more as a
    political leader open to compromise with Azerbaijan.

    "Ter-Petrosian is an experienced politician who is ready for courageous
    solutions," commented Rasim Musabekov, an opposition-friendly political
    analyst in Baku. "And his speeches show he is readier to stop the
    hostilities with Azerbaijan. But the issue is whether Ter-Petrosian
    will be able to control the hawks in the Armenian administration."

    "He said several times that it is necessary for Armenia to have better
    relations with Azerbaijan and Turkey," agreed Rauf Mirkadirov, a
    political columnist for the Russian-language daily Zerkalo (Mirror) who
    recently returned from a trip to Armenia. "Of course, better relations
    are not possible without compromises on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue."

    Former presidential foreign policy aide Vafa Guluzade, who took part
    in the Karabakh peace talks during the 1990s, also sees Ter-Petrosian
    as capable of "real" compromises - a pullout from the seven occupied
    Azerbaijani territories surrounding Karabakh, and the start of some
    form of cooperation with Azerbaijan. Guluzade blames Russia's supposed
    dislike of such compromises for the former president's resignation
    in 1998.

    With the pro-Russian Sarkisian in power, Guluzade forecasts, "the
    [peace] process will remain stuck. "

    The deputy chairman of the Azerbaijani parliament's Security and
    Defense Committee disagrees. "I do not see a big difference between
    them [on the Karabakh issue]," Aydin Mirzazade said, referring to
    Sarkisian and Ter-Petrosian. "It was Ter-Petrosian who appointed
    Karabakh war hawks Serzh Sarkisian and Robert Kocharian [as] Armenian
    defense minister and prime minister, respectively."

    Speeches made by Ter-Petrosian, though, Mirzazade continued, indicate
    that he grasps "Azerbaijan's growing strength" - a phrase commonly
    used to refer to the country's energy-fueled economic boom and recent
    military buildup. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive].

    "[R]egardless who wins the elections, the new president will have
    to consider the new realities of our region and Azerbaijan's growing
    military and economic potential," Mirzazade said.

    Analyst Musabekov sees Sarkisian as out of sync with those "new

    "This group does not really understand the situation in the region ...

    and does not see the risks that Azerbaijan is getting stronger.

    Sarkisian is more confrontational," he said.

    The Foreign Ministry's Ibrahim noted only that the government hopes
    Armenia's next president will take a "more constructive position on
    the issue of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict."

    The expected victory by Sarkisian could bring some benefits for the
    Karabakh peace process, Musabekov suggested. "Sarkisian is from the
    incumbent administration that conducts talks with Azerbaijan. If he
    wins, there will not be need for delays in the negotiation process.

    He will not need time to get a grasp of the situation."

    The fact that Sarkisian is originally from Karabakh is another
    advantage, Musabekov continued. "Because once he decides to accept
    compromises, he will face fewer problems to persuade the elite of
    Nagorno-Karabakh to agree with that."

    Another independent political expert, Ilgar Mammadov, believes that
    the February 19 election means Yerevan is currently under greater
    outside pressure than Baku to compromise on Karabakh.

    In early January, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
    Europe's Minsk Group, which is overseeing negotiations between Armenia
    and Azerbaijan, traveled to Baku, Yerevan and Karabakh. "The reason for
    these renewed efforts [by both governments] lies in the understanding
    that there is a high correlation between election cycles and the
    negotiation process," Mammadov noted. "Previously, the presidents
    of both Armenia and Azerbaijan, when up for election, have always
    promised a compromise in order to ensure the West's support amidst
    election fraud, and failed to deliver such a compromise afterwards
    under various pretexts."

    Eventually, though, international pressure will focus on Azerbaijan,
    he said. "Apparently, Yerevan is pressed harder now, but the pressure
    will shift to Baku after April, heading towards the October 2008
    presidential elections in Azerbaijan," he noted.

    If Ter-Petrosian somehow wins the vote, Mammadov believes, Western
    pressure on Azerbaijan will stay strong, even after its upcoming
    presidential poll. "He already says he is ready for compromises.

    Therefore, if he wins, the West will demand more compromises from
    Baku as well," the expert said.

    At a January press conference in Yerevan, the Minsk Group's American
    co-chair, Assistant Deputy Secretary of State for European and Eurasian
    Affairs Matthew Bryza, affirmed that both Baku and Yerevan had "a
    common vision" for a framework peace agreement, news agencies reported.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress