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Hayk Kotanjian: Azerbaijan: Anti-Democratism And Colonialism In The

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  • Hayk Kotanjian: Azerbaijan: Anti-Democratism And Colonialism In The


    Feb 12 2008

    On February 7, a conference called "Caucasus and Middle East countries
    as potential partners in the process of forming regional security
    system" started in Yerevan, Armenia. REGNUM publishes full text of
    Major General, Commandant (INSS, MoD, Republic of Armenia), Doctor
    of Political Sciences, Fellow Member (Russian Academy of Military
    Sciences), Counterterrorism Fellow (National Defense University,
    USA), Member (CSTO Academic-Expert Council) Hayk Kotanjian's report
    at the conference.

    In the community of international organizations and scholars dealing
    with the settlement of the Karabakh Conflict, it is common to express
    peacemaking optimism concerning the settlement at the beginning of
    each year. With all due respect to these expectations, I believe the
    consideration of the problems of real peace and security in the region
    in the circle of experts as a no less useful effort.

    The Karabakh Conflict resolution by peaceful democratic tools is
    one of the key problems for the security of Armenia, Azerbaijan and
    the South Caucasus region on the whole (1). This report is devoted
    to the evaluation of colonial essence of certain antidemocratic
    manifestations of the former metropolitan country's policy in relation
    to the self-determined Nagorno Karabakh. The appraisal of essential
    characteristics of the states' democratization processes in the
    region, as well as the realization of collective and individual human
    rights can be considered as an integrative political-legal basis for
    comprehension of regional security architecture formation process,
    founded on the principles of peaceful coexistence and cooperation
    enjoying equal rights in the South Caucasus.

    Let's begin with the overall assessments. While analyzing positions
    of the Azerbaijani authorities regarding the Karabakh issue as a
    regional security factor together with its other aspects, external
    assessments of the neighboring state leadership's democracy in the
    context of international-legal norms of human rights and liberties
    protection are of special attention. A comprehensive non-partisan
    assessment is given to the authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan
    by Freedom House (2), a renowned US-based human rights organization.

    Like in previous years the last annual survey of Freedom House declared
    Azerbaijan as a "not free country". Evidently, the democratization
    process is not smooth in the neighboring states - both in Armenia
    and in Georgia; however, Freedom House considers these two countries
    "partially free", unlike "not free" Azerbaijan.

    The Western colleagues consider the Azerbaijani government
    antidemocratic in its political-legal essence. This is, first of all,
    expressed in the dynastic inheritance and maintenance of power as well
    as in imposing by the head of the state, the cult of his father-the
    former ruler of the country-on the people of Azerbaijan thereby
    resembling to the sultanate-style dictatorships. It is well-known that
    the authorities' response to the assessment of their democratization
    extent is considered as an important component of democracy by human
    rights organizations. From that perspective, it is symptomatic that
    on 24 December, 2007, the neighboring state's President, ignoring
    the assessments of Freedom House, declared that the world community
    recognized Azerbaijan as a democratic country and called his son the
    next heir to the rule (3).

    >From stability and security perspectives, the "non-freedom" of our
    neighboring state is reflected in the colonialist manifestations
    towards the rights and liberties of the natives in the Eastern
    Transcaucasia. That first and foremost, concerns the right of peoples
    to equality and free external and internal self-determination.

    Antidemocratism of the neighboring state's authorities regarding
    the Karabakh settlement is expressed in denying the fact of legal
    democratic suspension of the administrative and hierarchic relations
    between Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan (4).

    The illegality of the declaration of independence by Azerbaijan
    in 1991 (5) without holding a referendum on the issue of seceding
    from the USSR lies in the basis of ignoring the mentioned political
    and legal fact. The fact of declaring Azerbaijan independent without
    fulfillment of the right of the people of Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous
    Oblast and other regions of densely-populated Armenian habitations to
    free and independent choice of their political status - in defiance
    of the USSR acting Law "On procedure of settling issues related to
    withdrawal of a Soviet Republic from the USSR" (6) is also qualified
    as a law infringement. Instead, by passing a legislative act on the
    liquidation of Nagorno Karabakh autonomy, the Republic of Azerbaijan
    proved to be an entity of metropolitan colonial oppression of Nagorno
    Karabakh people's will to free self-determination (7). As a reaction
    to this illegal act, in compliance with the acting Law and principles
    of direct democracy, Nagorno Karabakh seceded from the Azerbaijan SSR-
    by holding a referendum.

    At the beginning of 1992 the Republic of Azerbaijan unleashed
    a colonial war in response to proposal of the newly elected NKR
    authorities to start peace negotiations.

    In addition to the violations of the legislation, the official Baku,
    proclaimed her Declaration of Independence in 1991 on the legal
    succession from the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan, thereby
    depriving herself of the right to include Nagorno Karabakh in her
    territory, based on the fact that Nagorno Karabakh, having the status
    of a disputed territory, wasn't included in the Democratic Republic
    of Azerbaijan throughout the whole period of its existence from 1918
    to 1920 (8). Heretofore, Karabakh was a constituent part of the
    Russian Empire and previously - of Persia, but not of Azerbaijan,
    which didn't exist as an independent state until 1918.

    Another colonial attribute of the antidemocratic nature of the
    Republic of Azerbaijan is the contradiction of her Constitution (9)
    to the essence of the international-legal norms on the peoples'
    right to dispose their own destinies through free expression of
    popular will of the self-determined population in complete freedom,
    formulated by the 1975 Helsinki Final Act, the 1966 International
    Covenants on Human Rights and the UN Charter (10). World practice
    proves that in this very way, i.e. without interference from the
    metropolitan country, the rights of the peoples of Bangladesh, Eritrea,
    East Timor, Montenegro, and at this moment Kosovo too were exercised,
    to self-determine through free expression of will in the referenda
    held among the self-determining nations, and not in the populations
    of their former metropolitan countries, namely in Pakistan, Ethiopia,
    Indonesia or Yugoslavia-Serbia.

    A few words concerning the manifestation of antidemocratism, namely
    the propaganda of xenophobia, violence and war are worth mentioning.

    The efforts by the OSCE Minsk Group on the peaceful resolution of
    Karabakh Conflict are based upon the UN fundamental principles:
    interdependence of peace, progress and democracy in relations with
    other nations, assuming that lasting peace is a premise, and democracy
    is an utmost condition for secure and sustainable development of
    nations. These very principles, reflected in the UN Charter and the
    Human Rights Covenants, exclude war propaganda.

    However, recurring statements by the statesmen of our neighboring
    country contain a direct threat of war. Suchlike public addresses by
    the head of our neighboring state to the population of almost all the
    regions in Azerbaijan at national events and international meetings,
    as well as their widespread broadcasting through mass media lead
    towards a motivation of inevitability of resumption of war in line
    with the propaganda of war and violence.

    Yet by conducting open colonial war propaganda, the official Baku,
    contrary to the logic of the Minsk process, mobilizes its population
    to regain Karabakh by force. A concrete evidence of Azerbaijan's
    preparation to war is its purposeful excess of limitations, anticipated
    by the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE). Instead
    of the permitted 220 tanks, Azerbaijan has 579, i.e., exceeding 2.63
    times; instead of 220 armored combat vehicles-1174 (exceeding 5.34
    times); instead of 285 artillery pieces of 100mm caliber and higher-788
    ones (exceeding 2.76 times), instead of 100 battle planes-128 pieces
    (exceeding 1.28 times). It should be noted that Armenia continues to
    meet its international commitments according to the CFE Treaty, and
    the NKR declares its eagerness to become a responsible participant
    in this treaty which is of such importance for the regional security.

    The statements by the statesmen of the neighboring country as a
    matter of fact are a gross violation of the International Covenants
    on civil and political, economic, social and cultural rights, and
    which are difficult not to qualify as incitement of its own people
    to genocidal actions towards the Armenian population. Unfortunately,
    an example of such a manifestation of colonial disregard towards their
    international commitments is given by the head of the neighboring state
    himself. In his last New Year address to the Azerbaijanis all over
    the world President Aliyev threatened the Nagorno Karabakh Armenians
    with ethnic cleansing: "If Armenians residing in Nagorno-Karabakh
    want to decide their fate, they must do it basing on the principle
    of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity, but if they do not want to do
    this, they must leave Nagorno-Karabakh and create their second state
    in another place" (11).

    The antidemocratic nature of the Baku authorities' position
    on the peoples' right to self-determination is reflected also
    upon domestic level regarding the rights of ethnic minorities to
    internal self-determination. Skepticism towards Baku's promises
    to render high-level autonomy to the Armenians is based upon the
    complete disregard of the Azerbaijani Armenian refugees' rights
    while conducting negotiations on fulfilling the rights of refugees
    and temporarily displaced persons of Azerbaijani nationality. A
    symptomatic and sobering example of the Aliyev regime's colonialism and
    antidemocratism regarding the rights of ethnic minorities to internal
    self-determination within the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan is
    the routing of the Talysh Mugan Autonomous Republic in 1993 which
    was accompanied by its leader's and his ethnopolitical companions'
    arrest (12).

    The fact of total obfuscation and pressure on accurate information in
    Azerbaijan is reflected in the assessments by "Freedom House" as one
    of the key features of the antidemocratic regime of this "not free"
    country. The official policy of the titular nation's dominance to the
    detriment of parity with the native peoples of the neighboring country
    is reflected in the purposeful reconstruction of the scientific history
    of the nations of the region, which is targeted at distortion of their
    identity, as well as at reducing the place and the role the indigenous
    people in the historical development of the Eastern Transcaucasian
    culture. In the policy of historical falsifications the grounding
    of Azerbaijan's historical right to the possession of territory,
    which has been populated by millennia-old indigenous Armenians in
    Nagorno Karabakh and Armenia, has a special place. As it is known
    from the text of the President Aliyev's speech at the anniversary
    meeting at the National Academy of Sciences, he made a political
    order on the falsification of the Eastern Transcaucasian history on 14
    December, 2005 (13). As a result of the state policy of substitution
    of scientific history with totalitarian special propaganda, there
    occurs a break between the reality and the antiscientific history
    of the nations of Eastern Transcaucasia, framed up in the depths of
    current authorities.

    The world academic community has already registered specific attempts
    on realizing the political order of the neighboring state's head ­­­-
    to make primeval the history of densely-populated Turkic peoples
    residing in the territory of Eastern Transcaucasia, subject to
    Persia. The scientific fact of Turkic peoples' habitation for 900
    years in the South Caucasus seems an unacceptably small period for
    the Baku authorities. The falsifiers try to prolong that history for
    ten thousand years­ - back to the era of creating Mesolithic artifacts
    of Gobustan by the pre-historic man of the Stone Age Epoch.

    These distortions of the past, which were ordered from above,
    are pierced through the manipulations with the Iranian toponym
    "Azerbaijan" with its antiscientific usage towards Persia's former
    Caucasian provinces for the periods. The political application of that
    term preceded well before the Turkic peoples settled in the territory
    of the Eastern Transcaucasia. As it is known, the Turkic peoples of
    Caucasian provinces also were not prominent as "Azerbaijanis" and their
    settling territory as "Azerbaijan" in the official documentation of
    the Russian Empire. In a word, the famous joke: "The USSR is a country
    with an unpredictable past" is fully applicable to Azerbaijan, where by
    the authorities' order, a new history of the region is written­­-with
    a radical change of place and role of settled indigenous peoples and
    newly arrived nomadic tribes.

    These are the manipulating positions from which the Baku authorities
    impute to the Armenians the crimes against the "Azerbaijani people"
    even in those periods, when Turkic ancestors of contemporary
    Azerbaijanis didn't enter the South Caucasus from Central Asia.

    Preparing a ground for justifying colonial claims to the territory
    of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, the Baku authorities, manipulate
    the repatriation fact of the limited contingent of the Armenians (who
    had been taken away earlier to Persia by Shah Abbas) in the aftermath
    of the Russian-Persian War of 1828. Some of academicians politically
    committed by the Baku authorities try to thrust on the Azerbaijani
    community the opinion that all the Armenians arrived to the Eastern
    Transcaucasia. The given "scientifically tailored" propaganda is
    recently carried out right from President Aliyev's mouth. Similar
    authorities' violence of human rights on free access to the truthful
    scientific information targets at spoiling Azerbaijani people by the
    belief that Artsakh is allegedly the fatherland of Turkic peoples,
    and the Armenians in Karabakh and Armenia are, for the most part,
    either descendants of re-settlers or are not Armenians at all.

    In the policy of demolishing the trust among nations, the Baku
    authorities spare a special place to conscious distortion of the
    information on the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. State
    propaganda of disrespect for the memory of 1.5 million Armenian victims
    surpasses the boundaries of separate publications, taking the form of
    sacrilege, directed by the Baku authorities. For examples of coarse
    falsification of the Eastern Transcaucasian history, we may bring the
    attempts of politico "balancing" of the genocidal crimes against the
    Armenian population, which were committed at the beginning of the 20th
    century, with "the genocide against the Azerbaijanis". Based upon
    these falsifications, the Decree of the President of the Republic
    of Azerbaijan "On the Genocide against the Azerbaijanis" was issued
    in 1998 (14). The representatives of Baku intelligentsia themselves
    in the narrow confidential circle are mocking at the dishonest and
    dangerous way of political "consolidation of the Azerbaijani people"
    against the Armenian and Russian peoples. They know that as a matter
    of fact at the beginning of the 20th century, massacre of Armenians
    and resistance of Armenians to that massacre took place, as well
    as later-in response to pogroms of peaceful Armenian population in
    Sumgait in 1988 and in Baku in 1990.

    It should be mentioned that the Baku authorities' sneering at the
    pain and human dignity of the millions of Armenian families in
    the Diaspora together with the propaganda of xenophobia among the
    Azerbaijani population, play also a diametrically opposite role - it
    consolidates Armenians all over the world for adequate counteraction
    to the State defamation of the Armenian Genocide.

    The recent campaign of commemorating the "genocide" victims, as if
    committed by Armenians against the Mountain Jews, serves to confront
    Armenians and Jews. The historic truth was defied by the manipulators
    (by means of the informational war) to such an extent of sneer, that
    excavating mass burials of the Armenians, killed at the beginning of
    the 20th century, are presented as "victims" of genocidal actions by
    the very true victims; that is the Armenians. The goal is to destroy
    centuries-old good neighborly relations that existed between Shirvan
    Armenians and the Mountain Jews, aiming to push Israel and Jewish
    lobby organizations to anti-Armenian positions.

    Among similar outcomes of involving scientists in the antiscientific
    elaboration of the Baku regime's informational war which is untwisted
    by special propagandists under the flag of human rights protection,
    the fact of falsifying the authorship of sneering at the victims'
    bodies of the Khojalu tragedy deserves special attention. Details of
    the given provocation, as a tool for political struggle for power in
    Baku, are stated by fresh traces in the well-known interview of the
    Azerbaijani President Ayaz Mutalibov to the Czech journalist Dana
    Mazalova (15). The Armenian party has all the proofs that corpses
    of those killed were in the responsibility zone of the Azerbaijani
    authorities and the physical contact of the Armenians with the bodies
    to abuse them was impossible.

    The fact that the analytical community in Azerbaijan, as well
    as in Armenia, is represented by sufficiently wide spectrum
    of views on security realities and perspectives of our South
    Caucasian division of the European Neighborhood raises hopes. I
    was honored to know praiseworthy Azerbaijanis in the multinational
    professional environment, together with the impartial and worthy
    representatives of different states and organizations. I am sure
    that there are specialists in our neighboring country, who realize
    the counter-productivity of restoring the colonialism towards the
    Nagorno Karabakh's people in the process of the European Neighborhood
    formation. The given problem could become a subject of an unbiased
    study for Azerbaijan's politically non-committed scientists, who
    are preoccupied with perspectives of secure democratic development
    of the region, as well as for the co-chairs of the Minsk Group and
    international analytical community.

    1. "National Security Strategy of the RA". Yerevan, 2007,
    Special issue of defense-academic quarterly "Haikakan
    banak" MoD, RA. Freedom House. Map of Freedom in the
    World. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia (2007) (http://www.freedom 3&year=2007&country=7129)

    2. See Ilham Aliyev, "My Universities", 24 December, 2007
    ( amp;Pid=19934); Ilham Aliyev,
    excerpts from his direct address: "In the contemporary world the
    transition of power from one member of a family to another in itself
    isn't considered as an antidemocratic fact". "Moreover, I'd like
    to mention that the true heir of Heydar Aliyev is my younger son,
    Heydar Aliyev, the youngest member of our family".

    3. Act on the referendum results on the independence of the
    Nagorno Karabakh Republic, 10 December, 1991, Stepanakert,
    Nagorno Karabakh Republic, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    ( ml).

    4. Constitutional Act "On the state independence of the Republic of
    Azerbaijan", 18 October 1991, No 19-20.

    5. See USSR Law "On procedure of settling issues related to withdrawal
    of a Soviet Republic from the USSR" No 1410-1 of 3 April 1990." USSR
    Supreme Council (

    6. AzR Law "On abolition NKAO AzR", 26 November 1991. Registers of
    AzR SC, 1991, No 24.

    7. See "Journal". League of Nations, Geneva, No 17, p. 130: among
    the arguments lying in the basis of the resolution by the League of
    Nations on non-recognition of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan,
    the fact of "impossibility of precise identification of the Azerbaijani
    real borders in connection with its territorial disputes with its
    neighbors" was mentioned.

    8. See Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
    Chapter II. "Basis of the State", Chapter III. "Basic
    Rights and Liberties of a Person and Citizen"
    ( o/Constitution/constitution
    01 r.html).

    9. See CSCE. Helsinki Final Act, 1 August, 1975. Principle VIII. OSCE
    website ( ru.pdf); International
    Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. UN GA Resolution 2200 A (XXI),
    16 December, 1966. UN Centre for Human Rights: International Treaty
    Collection; International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
    Rights. UN GA Resolution 2200 A (XXI), 16 December, 1966, UN Centre
    for Human Rights. Human Rights: International Treaty Collection.

    10. President Ilham Aliyev's congratulations to the people of
    Azerbaijan on the occasion of the Solidarity Day of all the
    Azerbaijanis all over the world and New Year. 31 December, 2007
    23:59. President Aliyev Heydar oglu Aliyev. Official website of
    the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Documents/Addresses
    ( les.php/item_id=20080101020429299&sec_id=135).

    11. See Farmoni Fakhraddin Aboszoda (Abbasov). The
    History of Our Republic. CentrAsia. 2003,
    ( 39900).

    12. See President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev's speech at the ceremonial
    assembly, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the National Academy
    of Sciences (14-12-2005 14:15),, the President of
    Azerbaijan, official website (
    id=2007081 0125435235&sec id=11)

    13. Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
    "On the Genocide against the Azerbaijanis". Heydar Aliyev,
    President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, 26 March, 1998
    ( dil=ru&sid=MTMyMjMzMTA4MTMyNjE1)
    or (

    1 4. Interview of the AzR President Ayaz Mutalibov to the Czech
    journalist Dana Mazalova, "I am a humanist at heart", "Nezavisimaya
    Gazeta", 2 April, 1992.
