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Christian Editor's Murder Trial Seen As Test For Turkey

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  • Christian Editor's Murder Trial Seen As Test For Turkey


    Christian Today
    Feb 12 2008

    Supporters of slain Turkish Armenian editor Hrant Dink demanded justice
    on Monday at a third hearing in the trial of his suspected killers,
    in a case seen as a test for democracy and human rights in Turkey.

    The murder of Dink, who hails from Turkey's 60,000-strong Christian
    Armenian community, has also shone a spotlight on religious intolerance
    in this mainly Muslim but secular country.

    Last April, three Protestants -- two Turks and a German -- had their
    throats slit at a Bible publishing house. Several Christian clergymen
    have been attacked, most recently an Italian priest in his church in
    the Aegean port of Izmir.

    Dink was killed outside his Istanbul office in January 2007 by an
    ultra-nationalist teenage gunman. He had received death threats from
    far-right groups over his calls for Turkey to accept its role in the
    mass killings of Armenians in 1915.

    The trial of the gunman and 18 others has taken on greater urgency
    since the recent arrests of another 29 people, including ex-army
    officers, as part of a probe into a far-right gang said to be behind
    a series of killings, including that of Dink.

    The European Union, which Turkey aims to join, is also closely
    following the Dink case.

    "This stain must be wiped away for the sake of a Turkey in which people
    are not tried or punished for their thoughts," said a statement of
    Dink's supporters, including writers, journalists and parliamentarians.

    Demonstrators waved banners reading "Justice for Hrant".

    "We consider it the minimum requisite to bring about a ruling that
    reaches all the people and organisations that are behind this case,"
    the statement said.

    Many Turks suspect the involvement of a "deep state" in Dink's
    murder. "Deep state" is code for ultra-nationalists allegedly operating
    in the security forces and state bureaucracy who are willing to break
    the law for political aims.

    Turkish media have chronicled a series of police lapses in the handling
    of the Dink case which newspapers say suggest official attempts to
    protect those who plotted the crime.


    Kemal Aytac, a lawyer representing Dink's widow Rakel, said one
    suspect, who is believed to have provided the murder weapon, told the
    court on Monday he had been taking orders from security personnel in
    Istanbul and the Turkish capital Ankara.

    "We don't expect a verdict today and we have not testified yet,"
    Aytac added.

    Last month, in a separate case, police arrested ultra-nationalists
    whom they suspect of plotting bombings and assassinations to sow
    chaos in Turkey and help provoke a military takeover in 2009.

    Prosecutors have declined to comment on the charges against the
    29 suspects, but Turkish newspapers have said the gang, known as
    "Ergenekon", was also probably behind Dink's murder.

    Dink was hated by Turkish nationalists for his stance on the sensitive
    issue of the mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks during World
    War One. He had urged reconciliation between Turks and Armenians
    based on an acceptance of past wrongs.

    Dink had received a suspended jail sentence before his death under
    article 301 of Turkey's penal code, for insulting "Turkishness" in
    his writings on the mass killings. The EU is demanding that Turkey
    scrap or amend the article.

    Up to 50 lawyers tried to attend Monday's hearing, though only 17
    were allowed into the courthouse. Security was tight, with police in
    riot gear stationed at the courthouse entrance.