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Florence Avakian Discusses The Armenian Genocide On Al Jazeera Telev

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  • Florence Avakian Discusses The Armenian Genocide On Al Jazeera Telev

    By Harry Koundakjian

    AZG Armenian Daily

    Armenian Genocide

    UNITED NATIONS, NY - Florence Avakian, an accredited United Nations
    journalist, and free lance writer based in New York, recently was
    interviewed on Al Jazeera television which has a worldwide audience
    of over 70 million. The interview which took place at United Nations
    headquarters in New York, focused on the Armenian Genocide, and its
    prospects for recognition by the United States Congress.

    She emphasized that the issue was one of moral and human rights,
    and should not be compromised because of political expediency. This
    first genocide of the 20th century was a catalyst in persuading Rafael
    Lemkin to call the mass slaughter of a people a "genocide", she said.

    Ms. Avakian pointed out that early United States administrations
    had recognized the magnitude of the Armenian tragedy perpetrated by
    Ottoman Turkey, and that The New York Times during that period, had
    run front page articles about the horrific events. This accentuated
    the plight of the refugees, and resulted in American efforts to help
    the survivors. Even Hitler, she reiterated, had chillingly stated,
    "Who remembers the extermination of the Armenians", before he started
    his own plan.

    When asked about Turkey's intention to close the American base in
    Turkey, as well as other such threats, she said the issue must not be
    one of "callous political expediency", As an influential world power,
    the United States should stand up as a beacon of justice. Even today,
    the world is seeing genocides and ethnic cleansing continue, with
    virtually no action taken to prevent them, a precursor to future
    genocides, she noted.

    With huge military and industrial corporations joining the
    well-financed Turkish lobby and the Bush administration to stop the
    Genocide bill, several members of Congress caved in, causing the bill
    to be tabled indefinitely, she pointed out.

    While a freshman student at Hunter College High School in New York,
    Ms. Avakian had represented her school on the NBC television series
    "The New York Times Youth Forum" on the topic of genocide. At that
    time, she was privileged to meet Rafael Lemkin who was the moderator
    of the program.

    Florence Avakian received a Master of Arts (M.A.) degree in Political
    Science on a Falk Fellowship at Michigan State University. She was
    also awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Fellowship
    in Journalism to Cornell University, and an English Union Speaking
    Fellowship to Oxford University in England.

    At the United Nations, she has interviewed several world leaders
    including India's Indira Gandhi, Georgia's President Edward
    Schevardnadze, Turkey's President Bulent Ecevit, and Cypriot Presidents
    Archbishop Makarios, Glafkos Clerides, and Spyros Kyprianou, among
    others. She is a regular member of the United Nations Correspondents
    Association (UNCA).

    In the last several years, Ms. Avakian has had her Op Ed articles
    on the Armenian Genocide and Armenian issues published in The New
    York Times, Boston Globe, Christian Science Monitor, San Francisco
    Chronicle, Los Angeles Examiner, Baltimore Sun, and the Hearst Feature
    Service Ms. Avakian is a frequent contributor to The Armenian Reporter,
    and to Ararat Magazine. She is also the news reporter in English
    every week on the Armenian Radio Hour of New Jersey.