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RA FM: Speculations On Topic Of Meghri Is A Cheap Trick

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  • RA FM: Speculations On Topic Of Meghri Is A Cheap Trick


    2008-02-13 12:56:00

    ArmInfo. The version of the territorial exchange of Karabakh to Meghri
    is no more than a proposal, put in requisition by American political
    expert Paul Goble, RA Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan told "Shant"
    TV channel.

    The minister said that Paul Goble's plan was presented in early 1990s
    and remained in circulation till 2000. 'I will speak in details for
    our compatriots to understand the situation. Let's start with what
    Levon Ter-Petrosyan (RA first President, now presidential contender
    -ed.) is doing now - this is a cheap trick. There is no matter of
    confidentiality, it is just incorrect. These are speculations. I
    have no such estimations in my vocabulary, however, this is immoral
    in fact. These are speculations on one of the most important issues
    for us, especially when it is associated with October 27 events
    (terrorist act in the Armenian parliament in October, 1999 - ed.)',
    V. Oskanyan said. He expressed opinion that the present situation
    gives grounds to think that L. Ter-Petrosyan will stick at nothing:
    'If he could speculate in this issue, I am sure that he will stick
    at nothing to fulfill his political programme, that is, to become
    the president of Armenia. I would like to be mistaken in this matter,
    but I think that we shall still make sure of what I have told'. RA FM
    categorically denied the version that such a document (about Meghri
    exchange) had ever been on the table of negotiations. 'I bindingly
    claim that three documents were officially or semi-officially presented
    by OSCE MG co-chairmen during Robert Kocharyan's presidency: a document
    about the 'common state' in 1998, the 'key-west document> in 2001 and
    the one being presently on the table of negotiations. There is no word
    'Meghri' there', V. Oskanyan said. He recalled that two documents,
    "package" and "stage-by-stage" versions, were presented in a period,
    preceding to R. Kocharyan's coming to the power, i.e. during
    L. Ter-Petrosyan's presidency.

    'What L. Ter-Petrosyan claims at the meetings, saying that 'this is
    a version of Meghri's surrender', is Paul Goble's plan and it has
    never been on the table of negotiations', the minister emphasized. At
    the same time, he said that Goble's proposal has always been in
    circulation. V. Oskanyan added that in 1994, this proposal was
    discussed with Levon Ter-Petrosyan. The discussion was held with
    no third-party present. There were only people from Ter-Petrosyan's
    circle present. V. Oskanyan himself took the post of RA deputy Foreign
    Minister at that time. 'L. Ter- Petrosyan expressed his opinion
    regarding this plan. He said that Goble's plan was a good version
    for Armenia, if the northern part of Nakhchivan is added to it ',
    Oskanyan said. Responding to the commentator's question, the minister
    said that this was just discussion of Goble's plan in circulation:
    'However, I would not consider myself a moral man if I claimed that
    L. Ter-Petrosyan wanted to give Meghri to Azerbaijan. It would be
    absurd and incorrect. L. Ter-Petrosyan would not do that. However,
    an opinion was nevertheless expressed and the issue was discussed'.

    As V. Oskanyan said, the document L. Ter-Petrosyan is talking about,
    contains the above-indicated idea. However, the point is that such
    a document has never been officially presented. "I have now many
    documents of such content in my table, however, none of them is
    official and the OSCE MG co-chairs are unaware of them. Such proposals
    were multiply received over the past years.

    At the same time, the minister expressed hope that though
    speculations on the topic of Meghri have began now, the document
    was in someone's hands long ago: 'Now, when the people's passions
    have been heated, they thought that the moment has come. Therefore,
    I consider this immoral'. Having touched upon the document, not
    signed by L. Ter-Petrosyan, about the package version of settlement,
    which envisages a status of autonomy for the NKR in AR structure,
    the minister emphasized that though the document was unsigned,
    Ter-Petrosyan's share of guilt is that there were such formulations in
    this document. 'I cannot blame Levon Ter-Petrosyan for an intention
    to give Karabakh because he did not sign the document and did not
    present it for the people's discussion. We can blame him for 'phasing',
    that is, a readiness to give the territories of the security belt
    without specifying the NKR status', the minister said and added that
    though Ter-Petrosyan did not sign up the 'stage-by-stage' version,
    however, he submitted it to the people's approval in his interview
    and article. 'It means that he agreed with the document and considered
    the negotiations completed, moreover, he thought this way right. The
    negotiations are headed by the people's elect, and when there is a
    discrepancy between the president's and the people's opinion, the
    president's resignation is a logical consequence', V. Oskanyan said.