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Oskanian: "Levon Ter-Petrosian Will Stand In Front Of Nothing On Way

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  • Oskanian: "Levon Ter-Petrosian Will Stand In Front Of Nothing On Way


    Noyan Tapan
    Feb 13, 2008

    YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 13, NOYAN TAPAN. "There has been no word with
    regard to handing over Meghri as a territory to Azerbaijan in any
    official or semi-official document concerning the regulation of the
    Nagorno Karabakh conflict," Vardan Oskanian, the RA Minister of Foreign
    Affairs, who was the guest of the Shant TV company, stated on February
    12. According to him, the recent statements of Levon Ter-Petrosian,
    the RA first President and a candidate running for the post of the RA
    President, and the proclamings appeared in press about the variant of
    handing over Meghri by the authorities were, all in all, the program
    of political scientist Paul Goble, an American analyst, which was
    put into circulation at the beginning of the 90s and was finally and
    flatly refused in 2000. Vardan Oskanian specially stressed that the
    co-Chairmen of the OSCE MInsk Group, who are officially involved in the
    regulation of the conflict, have never come up with such a suggestion.

    "What Levon Ter-Petrosian is doing in connection with this issue, is
    really a cheapest method. That is not right, that is a speculation. I
    should say with sorrow that this is a real immorality, as this
    is the speculation of one of the most important issues for us,
    especially, when that issue is linked with the October 27 cases. If
    he could speculate that issue this way, I am really sure that he
    will stand in front of nothing in order to implement his political
    program, which is to become president of the Republic of Armenia,"
    the Minister of Foreign Affairs stated. He also mentioned that he
    consideres the "most sorrowful side of immorality" the fact that Levon
    Ter-Petrosian is speaking on behalf of late Vazgen Sargsian and Karen
    Demirchian. According to him, the first President of the country has
    not met with Vazgen Sargsian after his resignation, whereas Vazgen
    Sargsian and Robert Kocharian, the current President of the country,
    "had fine relations up to the end." "Let us not abuse, let us leave
    the dead alone, let us argue with each other, with those, who are
    alive," Vardan Oskanian called.

    By the way, he mentioned that still in 1994 the RA authorities
    discussed the program of Paul Goble within narrow frameworks, at
    which Vardan Oskanian was present as the Deputy Minister of Foreign
    Affairs. Levon Ter-Petrosian expressed opinion that "if we add to it
    and they give us the northern part of Nakhijevan, that is the directly
    adjacent part of Armenia up to the border of Iran, that will be a good
    variant for us. That is the continuation of the Ararat field and that
    can be more useful for us than the stony region of Meghri." However,
    Vardan Oskanian mentioned that he will not allow himself to declare
    that "Levon Ter-Petrosian wanted to hand over Meghri to Azerbaijan,
    in spite of expressing such an opinion, as it is not that way, that
    will be absurd, that will not be correct, Levon Ter-Petrosian would
    not do such a thing," the RA Minister of Foreign Affairs declared.

    Attaching importance to Meghri for Armenia, he mentioned that the very
    region has currently become a symbol of Iran-Armenia cooperation:
    the Iran-Armenia gas main, the interstate road pass here, in the
    near future there will also be the oil refinery. Those programs are
    10 years old.

    "We really live in a very critical period and if the people makes a
    wrong decision, we, at least, I even do not know what losses will
    suffer," the Minister made assertions mentioning that "the people
    should have a right idea of the situation: who says what, what kind
    of speculations there are."

    Not doubting the wisdom of the people, Vardan Oskanian, however,
    considered a number of the statements made recently by Levon
    Ter-Petrosian as preoccupying, particularly, that they have already
    won, that, all in all, ten days are left, as well as "all the
    preparations that are being made, and applying to the Constitutional
    Court." According to him, all this brings to the conclusion that
    nothing good expects us on February 20." "I call to our people for
    being sober," Vardan Oskanian declared.