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Some Questions To Israel

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  • Some Questions To Israel

    by Axin Arbili

    The Conservative Voice 30762.html
    Feb 13 2008

    As a Kurd, I want to know from the State of Israel;

    Why is Israel allied with the Turkish military? Why does Israel
    support the Turkish forces in murdering Kurdish civilians? Why does
    Israel provide unmanned aerial vehicles, intelligence, and equipment
    used by the Turks to attack the Kurdish liberation movement, capture,
    torture, murder our freedom fighters? Why does Israel participate
    in the Turkish crimes against humanity? Why does Israel support the
    Turkish military dictatorship and thus a status quo that is barbaric,
    criminal, genocidal? Why does Israel support the Turkish propaganda,
    tyranny, fascism?

    What are the benefits of this partnership for Israel? Why does
    Israel value an alliance with a state which is Islamic, which has
    traditionally, emotionally, religiously always sided with the
    Palestinian Muslims? Why does it believe in a friendly Turkish
    state which actually permits and supports anti-Israel, anti-Jewish
    propaganda in its schools, media, mosques? Are the Jews still dhimmis
    of the Turks, as they were under the Ottomans? Is Israel afraid of
    Turkey? Has Ankara perhaps threatened you, forced you to cooperate?

    Or is Israel simply following US guidelines for maintaining Western
    "strategic interests" in the Middle East? Why did Israeli governments
    and Jewish organizations in the USA help prevent, on behalf of the
    Turkish regime, the recognition of the Armenian genocide by Senate
    and Congress? Why is the genocide, after nine decades of proven facts
    and documentation, still not been recognized by your own parliament?

    Isn't that a shame for the State of Israel and for all those conscious
    of the Shoah? How can Israel complain about Ahmadinejad's statement
    of the Holocaust being a myth when at the same the Jewish parliament
    refuses to recognize the Armenian genocide? Shouldn't Israel be
    different from other nations? Shouldn't Israel be a beacon of moral
    conscious, truth, hope, and justice for the world? Why is Israel
    engaged in double games and double-standards of realpolitik?

    But what really is Israel's gain in all of this? In what ways does
    Israel profit from collaborating with the Turkish regime and military,
    a state which denies the existence and rights of 30 million people,
    which is suppressing their identity, language, and culture, which
    is burning and bombarding their villages, which is humiliating,
    terrorizing, murdering innocent men, women, and children just because
    they are Kurds who want to live as free Kurds. Don't the Jews have any
    empathy at all for the suffering of a defenceless people? Why is there
    no word of condemnation from Israel about the Turkish atrocities and
    crimes? Why is Israel silent? Is it just (weapons) business as usual,
    are profits more important than human life?

    At least why doesn't Israel remain neutral, why is it engaged on the
    Turkish side? Does Israel hope the Turks will be on their side in case
    of war with Iran? Don't the Jews know that the Turkish Muslims will
    not fight another Muslim state that has the same strategic interests
    in the region, which is the domination over the Kurds, occupation
    and exploitation of Kurdish lands? Don't they know that the Turkish
    and Iranian regimes have agreements on that and are cooperating for
    decades? Do the Jews really believe that their purpose is served by
    supporting a state of terror and crime, and that this will lead to
    more security in their neighbourhood, to peace with the Arabs?

    Why help bomb a movement that truly strives for freedom and democracy,
    that could be a natural ally of Israel?

    What are Israel's reasons for a pact with the Devil?