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Bhutan, Armenia among world's top tourist destinations

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  • Bhutan, Armenia among world's top tourist destinations

    The Press Trust of India
    February 13, 2008 Wednesday

    Bhutan, Armenia among world's top tourist destinations

    Thimphu Feb 13

    Armenia, Bhutan and Eritrea have been named the three top hottest
    tourist destinations this year by a leading travel guidebook.

    "The last surviving great Himalayan kingdom has long turned its back
    on the rest of the world, favouring Buddhist compassion over Western
    capitalism. With its gorgeous monasteries, towering fortress-like
    dzongs, intact Tibetan culture and pristine Himalayan environment,
    Bhutan offers an opportunity to glimpse a truly different way of
    living," the Bluelist 2008 said.

    Bluelist 2008 is Lonely Planet's take on the world's hottest trends,
    destinations, journeys and experiences. Lonely Planet has published
    over 650 titles in 118 countries, with annual sales of more than six
    million guidebooks.

    The other four countries on the list are Malaysia, Serbia &
    Montenegro, Mozambique and Papua New Guinea.

    "History nuts battle mountain tracks to the finest medieval
    monasteries, trekkers scale 4,000m-high peaks, nature buffs search
    for the ultra-rare Caucasian leopard, and everyone enjoys the potent
    local brandy, finely ground coffee and the easygoing what-the-heck
    tempo of daily life," the Lonely Planet writes of Armenia in its
    From: Baghdasarian