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Interim Report on monitoring the coverage of presidential elections

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  • Interim Report on monitoring the coverage of presidential elections

    Lragir, Armenia
    Feb 14 2008


    The coverage of presidential elections-2008 by 8 broadcast media of
    Armenia is monitored by Yerevan Press Club with the participation of
    `TEAM' Research Center and with the financial assistance of the Open
    Society Institute. The study covers the period of pre-election
    promotion, January 21 - February 17, 2008.

    THIS INTERIM REPORT includes the period of January 31 - February 9,
    2008. As compared to the previous ten days (January 21-30, 2008),
    during this study period the volume of editorial coverage of the
    election campaign has somewhat increased. This, however, occurred due
    to the coverage of the RA presidency candidates, distinctly enjoying
    the greatest media attention: these are the RA First President Levon
    Ter-Petrosian, the RA Prime Minister, candidate of the Republican
    Party of Armenia Serge Sargsian, candidate of `Orinats Yerkir' party
    Artur Baghdasarian, candidate of Popular Party Tigran Karapetian,
    candidate of `Dashnaktsutiun' party Vahan Hovhannesian, candidate of
    `National Unity' party Artashes Geghamian and the candidate of
    National Democratic Union Vazgen Manukian. Self-nominated Arman
    Melikian and the candidate of `National Accord' party Aram
    Harutiunian are somewhat behind the leading seven. It should be
    noted, however, that Tigran Karapetian, following the tradition,
    received most of his coverage on `ALM' TV channel that he owns, and
    if he had received as much attention on `his own' air, as he did in
    average on seven other channels studied, he would have been rated the
    8th, between Arman Melikiàn and Aram Harutiunian.

    The gap between the candidates who received the most and the least
    aggregate (on all 8 media studied) coverage have somewhat increased,
    too: 37,016 sec. for Levon Ter-Petrosian and 8,725 sec. for Aram
    Harutiunian (the proportion here is more than 4 to 1, while during
    the previous decade the proportion between the most and the least
    covered candidates made less than 2.5 to 1).

    The RA First President received most of the coverage on 8 channels
    studied during the 10 days presented in this report. He is followed
    by Serge Sargsian - 32,786 sec. (of these 9,451 sec. were the
    coverage of his activities as a Prime Minister). If the coverage of
    the official activities is excluded from the total airtime allocated
    to the candidates, in terms of aggregate airtime Serge Sargsian would
    fall behind three more candidates - Artur Baghdasarian (29,963 sec.),
    Tigran Karapetian (25,706 sec.) and Vahan Hovhannesian (25,601 sec.).

    AT THE SAME TIME Levon Ter-Petrosian remains the undisputed leader in
    terms of connotational references (146), or, more specifically, in
    terms of negative references (143 versus 3 positive ones). The
    connotation references to Serge Sargsian are frequent, too (83
    positive and 24 negative). These two candidates, similarly to all the
    previous monitoring stages (the monitoring of 8 broadcast media was
    administered also ahead of the election campaign, in October-December
    2007), received polarized coverage. Of the remaining candidates the
    positive balance of connotational references is observed for Tigran
    Karapetian (8-0) and Vahan Hovhannesian (14-0), the negative one -
    for Artur Baghdasarian (11 positive and 16 negative) and Vazgen
    Manukian (4-8), neutral or almost neutral - for Artashes Geghamian
    (3-4), Arman Melikian (0-1) and Aram Harutiunian (0-0). At the same
    time all the positive references to Tigran Karapetian were recorded
    by the monitoring group on the air of `ALM', and 11 out of 14
    positive references of Vahan Hovhannesian - on the air of
    `Yerkir-Media'. In other words, a positive balance is held only by
    the candidates of `party of power' and/or owning (enjoying support)
    one of the leading TV companies. This circumstance signifies that the
    problem of unequal conditions in the editorial coverage of election
    campaigns remains quite urgent in Armenia.

    TO A GREATER EXTENT the existing polarity of coverage of the two
    candidates (Serge Sargsian and Levon Ter-Petrosian) was displayed on
    `Kenton' TV channel. Sargsian here was mentioned 19 times in a
    positive and never in a negative context, and Ter-Petrosian,
    respectively, 0 and 44 times. 9 of the positive references to the
    Prime Minister and 30 of the negative references to the First
    President were made in `What Newspapers Write About' TV program. The
    picture of this press review practically repeated that of the
    previous 10 days. As it is noted in numerous researches of the
    Armenian media market, most print media in Armenia have open and
    diverse (often radical) political stance. In particular, in the
    course of the current election campaign the newspaper stances diverge
    dramatically, primarily as concerns the candidacies of the Prime
    Minister and the First President. The indicator of references to
    Sargsian and Ter-Petrosian, as quoted above, proves that when
    addressing the press coverage of these two politicians, the authors
    of `What Newspaper Write About' program display extreme bias.

    The First Channel of the Public Television of Armenia, similarly to
    the previous ten days, displayed the balance required by law only in
    distribution of the airtime, but not in the nature of candidate
    coverage (this concerns again Serge Sargsian and Levon
    Ter-Petrosian). During the 20 days of pre-election promotion studied
    the Prime Minister was referred to in positive context 32 times and
    in negative context - 3 times. The First President has 27 negative
    references and none - positive. The contrast on Public Radio of
    Armenia is a little milder: here Sargsian's balance of connotational
    references for 20 days is 14-0, while that of Ter-Petrosian is 0-16.
    In October-December 2007 the Public Radio was, on the contrary, more
    unbalanced. The special approach to the coverage of these two
    politicians on the Public Radio stands out also against the fact that
    the remaining candidates throughout the 20 days of pre-election
    promotion were mentioned solely in neutral context. On the First
    Channel of the Public Television, too, seven other candidates
    received few connotational references: throughout the ten days
    (January 31 - February 9, 2008) only 3% of the total number of their
    references had connotational coloring. For Ter-Petrosian this figure
    made 28%, and for Sargsian - 18.8%. The figures quoted show that the
    journalists of the Public TV and Radio Company have the skills of
    impartial reporting, but do not always use them.

    Similarly to the previous monitoring stages, this trend of coverage
    of Serge Sargsian and Levon Ter-Petrosian that has probably become
    the main specialty of the current election campaign, was displayed in
    the work of all broadcast media studied, except for `Yerkir Media',
    during the past ten days, too. On this TV channel both the Prime
    Minister and the First President have a negative balance of
    connotational references for the 10 days.

    During the pre-election promotion another similarity in the news
    policy of the seven TV channels studied has been recorded: they all
    air reports about the pre-election events of Serge Sargsian one day
    after they had been held, while the rallies of the other candidates
    are covered, as a rule, on the same day. In this case, too, the
    coverage of the election campaign by `Yerkir Media' TV channel is
    somewhat out of the trend: here the events of Sargsian appear on the
    air quite irregularly, but are still broadcast the next day. Hence,
    the monitoring group is induced to reiterate its hypothesis about a
    coordinated (or directed) policy of covering election campaigns in
    Armenia by most of the leading broadcast media.

    The Public Radio of Armenia (35,178 sec.) and `Kentron' (30,981
    sec.), similarly to the preceding decade, paid the most attention to
    the election-related subjects. These are followed by `ALM' (30,276
    sec.), `Yerkir Media' (26,802 sec.) and the Second Armenian TV
    Channel (26,581 sec.). The least attention to the elections was paid
    by `Shant' (21,310 sec.) and `Armenia' (20,113 sec.) TV channels.

    SIMILARLY TO THE PREVIOUS TEN DAYS, the involvement of presidency
    candidates (and the representatives of their election headquarters)
    in the discussion programs of the media studied remained low. Despite
    the heat of the pre-election promotion, on eight channels during the
    ten days candidates or their representatives took part in such
    programs only 28 times, less than on January 21-30, 2008 (36 times).
    Here it should be noted that the monitoring group did not take into
    account the interviews of the candidates on the air of Public Radio
    as these were broadcast before 17.00, i.e., the time when the
    editorial coverage was not studied. As it follows from discussions of
    this issue with media representatives, the reason for this is not so
    much the reluctance of broadcasters to invite the candidates, but
    rather the unreadiness of some politicians to engage in public

    The rarest participants of `guest in studio' programs were Serge
    Sargsian (2 times in 20 days after the launch of the pre-election
    promotion) and Levon Ter-Petrosian (3 times) - or, rather, in all
    these cases, these were not they themselves, but their
    representatives. The greatest openness during the same period was
    displayed by Tigran Karapetian (11 programs, 5 of them being on `ALM'
    TV channel), Vahan Hovhannesian and Vazgen Manukian (9 each), Arman
    Melikian, Artur Baghdasarian and Artashes Geghamian (8 each), Aram
    Harutiunian (6). Similarly to the previous stages of monitoring, the
    broadcast media were little interested in the opinion of those
    Armenian NGOs, who observe various aspects of electoral process.

    AS CONCERNS the pre-election promotional materials (political
    advertising), the monitoring gives no ground to speak about any
    obstruction for them on the channels studied. All candidates use the
    free air they are entitled to the First Channel of the Public
    Television. By the results of the 20 days studied, the leader for the
    aggregate (on all 8 channels) volume of promotional materials is
    Vahan Hovhannesian (30,052 paid and free seconds), followed by Artur
    Baghdasarian (18,129 sec.) and Levon Ter-Petrosian (18,075 sec.).
    Serge Sargsian was only the fourth by this indicator (16,011 sec.).
    Three of the candidates listed (except Artur Baghdasarian) reduced
    the number of promotional materials during January 31 - February 9 as
    compared to the previous ten days (January 21-30).

    The paid air of the First Channel of the Public Television was the
    most attractive for the candidates during the second decade, too. It
    is followed by `Armenia', `ALM', `Shant', Second Armenian TV Channel,
    `Yerkir Media', `Kentron'. The least attractive of all was the air of
    the Public Radio.

    JANUARY 31, 2007 - FEBRUARY 9, 2008