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150 year-old voters

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  • 150 year-old voters

    Lragir, Armenia
    Feb 14 2008


    The election office of the presidential candidate Arthur Baghdasaryan
    works with the police department of visa and passports and all the
    community policemen to get the list of voters who wish to vote in
    other polling stations, stated Heghine Bisharyan, head of election
    office, on February 14 at the Pastark Club. She says they need this
    information because they have learned about mass passport collecting
    efforts, which means that the so-called additional registers of
    voters will be sham. For instance, Heghine Bisharyan said they have
    learned that a great number of false passports have been collected at
    the department of visa and passports.

    According to the head of the election office of Arthur Baghdasaryan,
    there is information that the chairs of all the election commissions
    have received immense sums to settle all problems with the members of
    commissions. Heghine Bisharyan also said that the chair of one of the
    election commissions of Artashat forged the signature of the
    representative of the Orinats Yerkir Party to the commission and
    appointed Republicans to the election commissions of the villages of
    Mkhchyan and Shahumyan. The member of the OYP learned about the fraud
    and demanded repealing appointments, however the chair of the
    commission delayed it until after the deadline. Heghine Bisharyan
    said she has appealed to the office of prosecutor general, as well as
    international observers, asking to pay more attention to the villages
    because there will be mass election fraud there.

    Heghine Bisharyan revealed some interesting figures from the voters'
    registers provided by the police. Hence, the dates of birth of 74
    thousand voters are missing, 1150 voters have no address. There is
    also one voter born in 1899, 270 voters born in 277 and 488 voters
    born in 1912. It means there are voters who are 150 years old,
    Heghine Bisharyan says.

    She said this makes worry about election fraud on February 19. In
    this connection, the head of Arthur Baghdasaryan's election office
    says unfortunately the political forces have not responded to the
    proposal of the Orinats Yerkir Party to set up a joint office for
    controlling election fraud.