Toronto Star, Canada
Feb 14 2008
What's On: Stage
T.O. Tix offers tickets, some discounted, for a variety of shows and
productions. or in person at the Yonge-Dundas Square
Brand New
A Crooked Man by Richard Kalinoski tells the story of Hagop, an
elderly man tormented by what he witnessed during the 1915 Armenian
genocide. His reporter grandson gets him to finally face his demons
and reveal a terrible secret from his past. The Alianak Theatre
Productions show, a world premiere, runs Wed. to Mar. 2 ($10-$25 at
416-504-7529). The Theatre Centre, 1087 Queen St. W.
[other plays omitted] icle/303339
Feb 14 2008
What's On: Stage
T.O. Tix offers tickets, some discounted, for a variety of shows and
productions. or in person at the Yonge-Dundas Square
Brand New
A Crooked Man by Richard Kalinoski tells the story of Hagop, an
elderly man tormented by what he witnessed during the 1915 Armenian
genocide. His reporter grandson gets him to finally face his demons
and reveal a terrible secret from his past. The Alianak Theatre
Productions show, a world premiere, runs Wed. to Mar. 2 ($10-$25 at
416-504-7529). The Theatre Centre, 1087 Queen St. W.
[other plays omitted] icle/303339