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BAKU: OSCE 2008 Priority Directed at Settlement of Frozen Conflicts

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  • BAKU: OSCE 2008 Priority Directed at Settlement of Frozen Conflicts

    Trend News Agency, Azerbaijan
    Feb 14 2008

    OSCE Priority in 2008 Directed at Settlement of Delayed Frozen
    Conflicts in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova - Finland Foreign
    14.02.08 14:07

    Azerbaijan, Baku, 14 February / Trend News corr. K.Ramazanova / The
    priority of OSCE in 2008 will be the settlement of the delayed
    conflicts in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova, Ilkka Kanereva, OSCE
    acting-chairman in Washington and Finland Foreign Minister, stated
    during the meeting of US Commission in Helsinki on 13 February

    Three unsettled frozen conflicts remain: Nagorno-Karabakh,
    Georgian-Abkhaz and Georgian-Osetia, on the territory of CIS

    The conflict between the two countries of the South Caucasus began in
    1988, due to the Armenian territorial claims against Azerbaijan.
    Since 1992, the Armenian Armed Forces have occupied 20% of
    Azerbaijan, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and its seven
    neighbouring districts. In 1994, Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a
    ceasefire agreement which ended the active hostilities. The Co-Chairs
    of the OSCE Minsk Group ( Russia, France, and the US) are currently
    holding the peaceful negotiations.

    Kanereva added that he would pay a visit to the South Caucasus at the
    end of February. Within the framework of the visit he would discuss
    with the Presidents of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia, ways of
    settling the conflicts in the region.