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The Absurdity of "Independent" Kosovo

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  • The Absurdity of "Independent" Kosovo

    Co unterPunch
    February 15, 2008
    George Szamuely
    A Saga of Injustice and Hypocrisy
    The Absurdity of "Independent" Kosovo


    With their unfailing passion for the inconsequential and their knack
    for doing the wrong thing at the wrong time, NATO leaders appear
    determined to carve the province of Kosovo out of Serbia and grant it
    "independence." That they lack the physical, legal and moral power to
    bestow independent statehood to a part of a state that is neither a
    member of the E.U. nor NATO appears only to have emboldened them to
    use this issue to demonstrate Western resolve. Just as in the 1990s,
    and just as erroneously, a self-righteous West has seized on the
    Balkans as an opportunity to parade before the world in the unfamiliar
    guise of champion of democracy and national self-determination, and
    protector of Muslims.

    Much as it did before the invasion of Iraq, the United States has said
    it will do whatever it wants to do -- namely, recognize independent
    Kosovo -- with or without U.N. sanction. Unlike Iraq, this time the
    Europeans intend to take an active part in the Easter egg hunt and are
    as determined to ignore the United Nations as the Americans. Confident
    that the new state of Kosovo will prove to be a reliable NATO/E.U.
    satellite, key European countries, and especially the ever-compliant
    British, promise to recognize Kosovo's unilateral declaration of
    independence on the very day it happens.

    The line from Brussels and Washington is that the status quo in Kosovo
    is unsustainable and that the status of Kosovo needs to be settled
    once and for all. Final status means "independence" and only
    "independence." The Serbs have been told to forget about Kosovo and
    all the talk of historic patrimony and to focus instead on "Europe"
    (the grand name the European Union has arrogated to itself).
    Curiously, the Kosovo Albanians are not told forget about their
    national aspirations and focus on Europe. Yet their claim to statehood
    is particularly dubious since an Albanian state already exists in
    Europe. There doesn't seem to be any reason to have two Albanian

    Kosovo's status is governed by U.N. Security Council Resolution 1244,
    which envisages only self-government for Kosovo, and acknowledges the
    "sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of
    Yugoslavia." Kosovo's status can't be changed without a new

    To be sure, the status quo is unsustainable. But this status quo is
    one entirely of NATO's making. Eager to demonstrate that it had
    relevance even though the Cold War had long ended, NATO pulverized
    Yugoslavia with cluster bombs, depleted uranium and cruise missiles
    for 11 weeks, in the name of its newly proclaimed mission of
    humanitarian intervention. As the adoring media told and, in
    subsequent years, retold the story, the United States and its
    supposedly supine European allies were knights in shining armor,
    selflessly killing and destroying in order to rescue the oppressed
    Kosovo Albanians from the bloodthirsty Serbs. NATO forces marched into
    Kosovo, stood by passively as more than 250,000 Serbs fled or were
    driven out of the province and then cowered in the safety of their
    barracks in March 2004 as the Kosovo Albanians went on a bloody
    anti-Serb rampage.

    Meanwhile, making use of the engineering skills of Halliburton
    subsidiary, Brown & Root Services Corp., the United States built a
    giant military base, Camp Bondsteel, covering some 955 acres or
    360,000 square meters. The camp also includes a prison. According to
    Alvaro Gil Robles, Human Rights Commissioner for the Council of
    Europe, who visited the prison in 2005,

    "What I saw there, the prisoners' situation, was one which you
    would absolutely recognize from the photographs of Guantanamo. The
    prisoners were housed in little wooden huts, some alone, others in
    pairs or threes. Each hut was surrounded with barbed wire, and guards
    were patrolling between them. Around all of this was a high wall with
    watchtowers. Because these people had been arrested directly by the
    army, they had not had any recourse to the judicial system. They had
    no lawyers. There was no appeals process. There weren't even exact
    orders about how long they were to be kept prisoner."

    Shamelessly, but not at all surprisingly, the U.S. political
    establishment, particularly its Clintonian wing (the bunch that did so
    much to destroy Yugoslavia), seized on the March 2004 anti-Serb pogrom
    as evidence that the Kosovo Albanians deserved independent statehood
    immediately. On March 28, 2004, columnist Georgie Anne Geyer quoted
    Richard Holbrooke as saying " 'The recognition of an independent
    Kosovo and eventual membership in the European Union would be the best
    way to bring permanent peace and stability to the Balkans.' The
    leadership in Belgrade 'should finally come to terms with the new
    reality and choose either Kosovo or the E.U.but if Serbia chooses
    Kosovo over the E.U., it will end up with neither."

    Holbrooke, permanent secretary of state in waiting, notoriously
    negotiated an agreement with President Slobodan Milosevic in October
    1998. In return for the United States agreeing to put off the bombing
    of Yugoslavia for a few months, Milosevic agreed to withdraw Serbian
    security forces from Kosovo and permitted the arrival of an OSCE
    mission-the so-called Kosovo Verification Mission. The agreement
    wasn't binding on the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), whose
    members armed themselves and committed terrorist attacks, the purpose
    of which was to provoke the Serbian forces to retaliate and thereby to
    provide a pretext for the bombing the Clinton administration was
    itching to launch. Milosevic, well aware of the trap that was being
    laid for him, went out of his way to avoid being provoked. The Kosovo
    Verification Mission did not remain passive in all of this. Led by
    William Walker, U.S. ambassador to El Salvador during the 1980s, the
    KVM actively colluded with the KLA, going so far as to fake the Racak
    incident in January 1999 that served to trigger the NATO onslaught. It
    isn't surprising, therefore, that Holbrooke, who played such a crucial
    role in that earlier charade, should play an equally crucial role in
    today's Kosovo charade.

    Another establishment ticket-puncher, this time a member of its
    Republican branch, also weighed in early demanding independence for
    Kosovo. Frank Carlucci, a former secretary of defense and national
    security adviser in the Reagan administration and a former chairman of
    the Carlyle Group, global private equity firm for ex-government
    officials, wrote in the New York Times on Feb. 22, 2005,

    The only solution that makes long-term sense is full independence
    for Kosovo, and the only question that remains is how to get there.
    The best approach would be for Washington and its five partners in the
    so-called Contact Group-Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Russia-to
    initiate a process for a final settlement, or Kosovo Accord. First the
    powers would have to establish a timeline and some ground rules. The
    goal would have to be independence for the entire province, and all
    other options -- partition, or union with Albania or slivers of other
    neighboring states where ethnic Albanians live -- would be off the
    table from the outset. Given the events of last March, the Kosovo
    Albanians would be informed that that the pace of their progress
    toward independence will be set by their treatment of Serbs and other

    So progress toward independence should depend on how the Albanians
    treat Kosovo's minorities. Holbrooke had no time for this. He
    ridiculed the notion that independence should in any way be connected
    to the Albanians' treatment of the Serbs. "Standards before status,"
    he sneered in the Washington Post on April 20, was merely a delaying
    policy that "disguised bureaucratic inaction inside diplomatic
    mumbo-jumbo. As a result, there have been no serious discussions on
    the future of Kosovo."

    Standards before status or status before standards, it really didn't
    matter too much. The United States pushed U.N. Secretary General Kofi
    Annan to launch a fraudulent process that would -- so it was it
    believed -- result in an independent Kosovo. In June 2005, Annan
    appointed Norway's ambassador to NATO, Kai Aide, to determine if
    Kosovo has made sufficient progress in meeting accepted standards on
    democracy and minority rights to merit a decision on its final status.
    In October 2005, Aide duly reported to Annan that, yes, Kosovo had
    made splendid progress and that any further delay on resolving its
    final status would lead to catastrophe. Actually, the report said that
    the "Kosovo Serbs fear that they will become a decoration to any
    central-level political institution with little ability to yield
    tangible results. The Kosovo Albanians have done little to dispel it."
    The report concluded that "with regard to the foundation for a
    multi-ethnic society, the situation is grim." Nonetheless, there
    wasn't a moment to be lost. "What's important," Annan said, "is that
    talks begin soon."

    Talks did indeed begin. Annan appointed former Finnish President Marti
    Ahtisaari as his special envoy to lead the negotiations on Kosovo's
    final status. Talk about rewarding terrorism! The Kosovo Albanians
    rioted for several days in March 2004, and here they were, some 18
    months later, about to be made a gift of independence. Ahtisaari was
    as likely to act the honest broker as Holbrooke. One of the posts he
    holds is chairman emeritus of the International Crisis Group (ICG),
    one of those George Soros-funded organizations staffed by
    out-of-office international worthies who invariably advocate for NATO
    expansion/intervention and unhindered U.S.-E.U. foreign investment.
    The ICG has for a long time been a fervent propagandist for an
    independent Kosovo. On its board sit such veteran bomb-the-Serbs
    alumni as Wesley Clark, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Joschka Fischer, Morton
    Abramowitz and Samantha Power.

    The negotiations under Ahtisaari's aegis inevitably went nowhere, as
    they were meant to. Given that key NATO/E.U. officials had already
    declared that independence was inevitable, the Kosovo Albanians knew
    they only had to sit tight, reject any option other than independence
    and prepare to collect their reward within a few months.

    In March 2007, Ahtisaari reported to the new U.N. secretary general,
    Ban Ki-moon, that "the negotiations' potential to produce any mutually
    agreeable outcome on Kosovo's status is exhausted. No amount of
    additional talks, whatever the format, will overcome this impasse."
    Therefore, he announced,

    "I have come to the conclusion that the only viable option for
    Kosovo is independence, to be supervised for an initial period by the
    international community. My Comprehensive Proposal for the Kosovo
    Status Settlement, which sets forth these international supervisory
    structures, provides the foundations for a future independent Kosovo
    that is viable, sustainable and stable, and in which all communities
    and their members can live a peaceful and dignified existence."

    Washington, London, Brussels and other capitals immediately embraced
    Ahtisaari's proposal and his noble, but entirely vacuous, sentiments.
    Since a massive NATO military presence had not sufficed to ensure that
    Kosovo's "communities and their members" lived an even minimally
    "peaceful and dignified existence" (as even Kofi Annan's envoy Kai
    Aide had admitted), the idea that in an independent Kosovo the
    province's minorities would be flourishing was laughable. Kosovo's
    Serbs -- the few that remain -- live behind barbed wire and need armed
    escort whenever they step outside their enclaves. According to a
    recent European Commission report, "only 1 per cent of judges belong
    to a minority group and less than 0.5 per cent belong to the Serbian
    minority. Only six of the 88 prosecutors belong to minority groups."
    Overall, the report concluded, "little progress has been made in the
    promotion and enforcement of human rights."

    None of this really matters. The United States, the European Union and
    Ahtisaari himself are as serious about protecting Kosovo's minorities
    as they are about creating an independent state there. In fact, the
    last thing one would call the state that Ahtisaari envisages is

    To be sure, land would be taken away from Serbia, and the Kosovo's
    Serbs, Turks, Roma and other minorities would be booted out, even as
    NATO/EU officials will doubtless go on avowing their commitment to a
    multicultural, multiethnic, multi-whatever Kosovo. To be sure,
    Brussels will probably succeed in bribing a few Serbs to come back to
    -- or even make a home in -- Kosovo. These "returnees" will then be
    touted as evidence that Kosovo is embracing "European values."

    However, there is no plan to permit Kosovo's Albanians to run their
    own affairs. First of all, as in Bosnia, ultimate power will reside
    with an internationally-appointed bureaucrat. This position of
    colonial viceroy known as the International Civilian Representative
    (ICR), will be held by one of the West's innumerable, interchangeable
    has-been politicians moving from one sinecure to another. The ICR
    will, for example, have the authority to "[t]ake corrective measures
    to remedy, as necessary, any actions taken by the Kosovo authorities
    that the ICR deems to be a breach of this Settlement." Such corrective
    measures would include "annulment of laws or decisions adopted by
    Kosovo authorities," "sanction or remov[al] from office [of] any
    public official or take other measures, as necessary, to ensure full
    respect for this Settlement and its implementation," final say over
    the appointment of the "Director-General of the Customs Service, the
    Director of Tax Administration, the Director of the Treasury, and the
    Managing Director of the Central Banking Authority of Kosovo." There's
    democracy for you.

    In addition, the European Union is to establish a European Security
    and Defense Policy (ESDP) Mission. This mission "shall assist Kosovo
    authorities in their progress towards sustainability and
    accountability and in further developing and strengthening an
    independent judiciary, police and customs service, ensuring that these
    institutions are free from political interferenceand shall provide
    mentoring, monitoring and advice in the area of the rule of law
    generally, while retaining certain powers, in particular, with respect
    to the judiciary, police, customs and correctional services."

    The ESDP mission will have "[a]uthority to ensure that cases of war
    crimes, terrorism, organised crime, corruption, inter-ethnic crimes,
    financial/economic crimes, and other serious crimes are properly
    investigated according to the law, including, where appropriate, by
    international investigators acting with Kosovo authorities or
    independently." The mission will have the authority to ensure crimes
    are "properly prosecuted including, where appropriate, by
    international prosecutors acting jointly with Kosovo prosecutors or
    independently. Case selection for international prosecutors shall be
    based upon objective criteria and procedural safeguards, as determined
    by the Head of the ESDP Mission." The mission will have the "authority
    to reverse or annul operational decisions taken by the competent
    Kosovo authorities, as necessary, to ensure the maintenance and
    promotion of the rule of law, public order and security." The mission
    will have "[a]uthority to monitor, mentor and advise on all areas
    related to the rule of law. The Kosovo authorities shall facilitate
    such efforts and grant immediate and complete access to any site,
    person, activity, proceeding, document, or other item or event in

    There is also to be an International Military Presence (IMP)
    established by NATO; it is to "operate under the authority, and be
    subject to the direction and political control of the North Atlantic
    Council through the NATO chain of command. NATO's military presence in
    Kosovo does not preclude a possible future follow-on military mission
    by another international security organization, subject to a revised
    mandate." Furthermore, the IMP is to "have overall responsibility for
    the development and training of the Kosovo Security Force, and NATO
    shall have overall responsibility for the development and
    establishment of a civilian-led organization of the Government to
    exercise civilian control over this Force, without prejudice to the
    responsibilities of the ICR." The IMP will be "responsible for:
    Assisting and advising with respect to the process of integration in
    Euro-Atlantic structures" and advising on "the involvement of elements
    >From the security force in internationally mandated missions."

    So, Kosovo will have no say on taxation, on foreign and security
    policy, on customs, on law enforcement. The only thing independent
    about "independent" Kosovo is that it will be independent of Serbia.
    In fact, there is not the slightest pretense that duly elected Kosovo
    authorities will have any say about anything other than perhaps refuse
    collection, though, doubtless even here, the authorities will have to
    follow E.U. guidelines or pay a penalty.

    Not that this talk of "mentoring," "monitoring," "training,"
    "assisting," "advising" and "investigating" should be taken too
    seriously. After all, the United Nations hasn't taken it too seriously
    during the past 8_ years; why should the European Union? Given the
    E.U.'s contempt for international law, its pride over its
    member-countries' participation in the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia, its
    dismissive attitude toward Serbia's concerns about the loss of its
    sovereign territory and its jurisdiction over its nationals, the idea
    that the E.U. is now ready to draw its sword and to come to the aid of
    Kosovo's minorities is laughable. The soaring rhetoric over Kosovo's
    supposed extraordinary progress, under U.N. auspices, contrasts
    starkly with the reality. According to Amnesty International's recent
    report on U.N.-style justice in Kosovo,

    [H]undreds of cases of war crimes, enforced disappearances and
    interethnic crimes remain unresolved (often with little or no
    investigation having been carried out); hundreds of cases have been
    closed, for the want of evidence which was neither promptly nor
    effectively gathered. Relatives of missing and 'disappeared' persons
    report that they have been interviewed too many times by international
    police and prosecutors new to their case, yet no progress is ever
    made.In terms of recruitment, it appears that at no stage were serious
    efforts made to identify and recruit the most highly qualified,
    experienced and appropriate candidates in the world for the job.A
    significant concern regarding the fairness of the trials conducted by
    international judges and prosecutors is the lack of attention that has
    been given to the rights of the defense.Many of the trial
    proceedingsare conducted in a language not understood by the accused
    or their counsel. They are not simultaneously translated in full, but
    simply summarized. In some cases, translated transcripts of trial
    proceedings are not available until long after the time for an appeal
    has passed.It is disturbing that of the war crimes cases conducted
    only onehas involved a non-Albanian victim. In that case one of the 26
    victims was Serb.

    Some of the problems Amnesty mentioned: Trials are conducted "in
    absentia"; there's "use of anonymous witnesses"; "reconstructions of
    the crime" take place "without the accused and defense counsel being
    present"; "poor translation and interpretation and use of summaries by
    interpreters instead of verbatim interpretation"; "poorly reasoned,
    unclear and 'incomprehensible' decisions; "judgments based on
    eyewitness testimony contradicted by forensic evidence or the prior
    testimony of the witnesses"; "discrepancies between the evidence and
    the verdict or insufficient evidence to support the verdict"; and
    "significant differences between the oral judgment and the written
    judgment." Otherwise, the judiciary is in great shape, and likely to
    get even better under E.U. guidance.

    No report about Kosovo's dismal human rights record or its economic
    and political failure as a ward of international busybodies, no
    invocation by Serbia and Russia of international law, the Helsinki
    Final Act or U.N. Resolution 1244 makes any difference: Washington
    says it will do what it before the invasion of Iraq -- ignore the
    United Nations and recognize independent Kosovo. Brussels says it will
    do likewise. Unlike 2003, however, the Russians this time have a card
    up their sleeves. If Kosovo is to be permitted to secede, the Russians
    have argued, then why not other nationalities or ethnic groups living
    as minorities within someone else's state? As examples, President
    Vladimir Putin pointed to South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh
    and Transnistria. But he could have mentioned innumerable others: the
    Hungarians in Slovakia and Rumania, the Basques and Catalans in Spain,
    Corsicans in France, the Flemish in Belgium, Russians in Estonia and
    Latvia, the Turkish Cypriots.

    The West responded with fury to the Russians' argument. "Russia's
    position is cynical. It has no power to regain Kosovo for Serbia and
    the Kremlin plays its own secessionist games in Georgia and Moldova.
    President Vladimir Putin has simply been using Kosovo as a handy stick
    to beat the West and to remind the world that Russia still wields a
    Security Council veto," the New York Times thundered in an editorial
    on Dec. 6, 2007. Holbrooke accused Putin of seeking "to reassert
    Russia's role as a regional hegemon." The suggestion that Kosovo has
    any bearing on any other territorial dispute was "spurious," he
    declared. Kosovo "is a unique case and sets no precedent for
    separatist movements elsewhere." Why? "[B]ecause in 1999, with Russian
    support, the United Nations was given authority to decide the future
    of Kosovo." This is a typically shameless Holbrooke lie. The U.N. was
    authorized to set up an interim administration "under which the people
    of Kosovo can enjoy substantial autonomy within the Federal Republic
    of Yugoslavia."

    Moreover, given the utter failure of the U.N. administration to
    fulfill most of the provisions of 1244, invoking this resolution as
    authorizing the U.N. to do something is particularly egregious.
    According to 1244, among the responsibilities of the interim
    administration was "Demilitarizing the Kosovo Liberation Army,"
    "Establishing a secure environment in which refugees and displaced
    persons can return home in safety" and ensuring that "an agreed number
    of Yugoslav and Serbian personnel will be permitted to return to
    perform the following functions: Liaison with the international civil
    mission and the international security presence.Maintaining a presence
    at Serb patrimonial sites; Maintaining a presence at key border
    crossings." Needless to say, none of this ever took place. In any
    case, even if the U.N. was given the authority to decide Kosovo's
    future, then that's precisely what Russia, as permanent veto-wielding
    member of the Security Council, is insisting on by rejecting
    unilateral secession.

    That Kosovo was "unique" has been the Western officials' mantra for
    months. On Dec. 19, Zalmay Khalilzad, permanent U.S. representative to
    the U.N., told the U.N. Security Council that "Kosovo is a unique
    situation -- it is a land that used to be part of a country that no
    longer exists and that has been administered for eight years by the
    United Nations with the ultimate objective of definitely resolving
    Kosovo's status.The policies of ethnic cleansing that the Milosevic
    government pursued against the Kosovar people forever ensured that
    Kosovo would never again return to rule by Belgrade. This is an
    unavoidable fact and the direct consequence of those barbaric

    On Dec. 21, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian
    Affairs Daniel Fried said "Kosovo is obviously a unique case because
    there's no other place in the world where the UN has been
    administering a territory pursuant to a Security Council resolution.
    So there's nothing else like it, so it clearly isn't a precedent. It
    is our view that Kosovo is not a precedent, not for any place. Not for
    south Ossetia, not for Abkhazia, not for Transnistria, not for
    Corsica, not for Texas. For nothing. Nothing." On Nov. 28, Under
    Secretary for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns declared "It's a unique
    situation. Milosevic tried to annihilate over one million Kosovar
    Albanian Muslims. He was denied that by NATO. We fought a war over it.
    And the United Nations and NATO and the EU have kept the peace there
    for eight-and-a-half years. And now, fully 94 or 95 per cent of the
    people that live there are Kosovar Albanian Muslims."

    The sheer absurdity of Burns' hysterical statement illustrates the
    lengths to which Western officials will go to justify what obviously
    can't be justified. Milosevic tried to annihilate over one million
    Kosovar Albanian Muslims? The Foundation for Humanitarian Law led by
    Nata_a Kandi_, much beloved and much bankrolled by Western governments
    and non-governmental organizations, runs a project seeking to
    establish the number of dead and missing in Kosovo. According to an
    article in the Croatian magazine, Globus, "The project has documented
    9,702 people dead or missing during the war in Kosovo from 1998 to
    2000. Of this number, as things stand now, 4,903 killed and missing
    are Albanians and 2,322 are Serbs, with the rest either belonging to
    other nationalities or their ethnic identity remaining uncertain." One
    should add also that these numbers say nothing about how people were
    killed, whether in combat or otherwise, and by whom. And there's no
    clarification as to how many were killed by NATO bombs. What these
    numbers do reveal is that it was the Serbs, not the Albanians, who
    suffered disproportionately in Kosovo. If Burns is right and "fully 94
    or 95 per cent of the people that live there are Kosovar Albanian
    Muslims," that means that there are 19 times as many Albanians as
    there are Serbs in Kosovo. Yet, according to these numbers, the
    Albanians' casualty numbers are only slightly more than twice the size
    of the Serb casualty numbers.

    The war between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh resulted
    in far worse casualty numbers. The U.S. State Department itself
    admits, "More than 30,000 people were killed in the fighting from 1992
    to 1994."According to the CIA, "over 800,000 mostly ethnic
    Azerbaijanis were driven from the occupied lands and Armenia; about
    230,000 ethnic Armenians were driven from their homes in Azerbaijan
    into Armenia."

    In any case, if bad treatment of the local population were to
    disqualify a state from exercising sovereignty over part of its
    territory, then an awful lot of countries would be eligible for
    enforced amputation: Turkey would have to be stripped of Turkish
    Kurdistan; Israel would long ago have been given the boot from the
    West Bank and other occupied territories; Indonesia would be denied
    Aceh and Papua; Pakistan would lose Waziristan.

    Kosovo's claim to independent statehood is based on one fact only: The
    Albanians are the overwhelming majority in Kosovo. They are Muslims in
    a Christian state to which they don't want to belong. Yet this
    argument is convincing only to the willfully ignorant. First, the
    majority of Kosovo may be Muslim; but the Kosovo Albanians are only a
    small minority within Serbia as a whole. Kosovo would vote
    overwhelmingly for independence; Serbia would vote overwhelmingly
    against. Serbia is a legal entity; Kosovo is not. A Serbian vote
    trumps a Kosovo one. Second, there is nothing unusual about an
    overwhelmingly-Muslim inhabited province existing within a state that
    is overwhelmingly non-Muslim. There are the Muslim Moros who inhabit
    Mindanao in the Philippines. There is the Xinjiang province in China.
    There is Kashmir, overwhelmingly Muslim, many of whom live under
    Indian rule. Russia is replete with provinces in which the population
    is overwhelmingly Muslim -- Tatarstan, Bashkiristan, Dagestan,
    Chechnya. Northern Cyprus is overwhelmingly Muslim -- yet, except for
    Turkey, no country in the world recognizes it as an independent state.
    Muslim Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala provinces in Thailand are waging
    an insurgency to free themselves from Bangkok's Buddhist rule. And of
    course, there is the West Bank, yet another Muslim population,
    subjected to the rule of non-Muslims. In all of these cases, there has
    been an Islamic insurgency, a war seeking to liberate Muslims from the
    rule of non-Muslims, and considerable government repression. Yet,
    Western leaders do not splutter about unsustainable status quos, they
    do not demand immediate U.N. Security Council action, they do not
    insist that independence must be granted immediately and they do not
    threaten to ignore the United Nations and embrace a seceding state.

    Moreover, Kosovo has hardly made an even remotely plausible case for
    its having earned independence. First, for all the talk of "Kosovars"
    and "Kosovans," the residents of Kosovo identify themselves as either
    Serb or as Albanian; the languages they speak is either Serbian or
    Albanian. Creating a second Albanian state in Europe makes no sense
    whatsoever. It doesn't govern itself. It is a ward of various
    international bodies. Economically, it is a basket case, and lives off
    vast handouts. Kosovo is an example of an ethnic minority grabbing a
    piece of territory, permitting unrestricted immigration by its
    co-nationals from a neighboring state, ethnically cleansing the
    territory of all other groups and thereby creating an artificial
    overwhelming ethnic majority, and then demanding that these actions be
    rewarded by the bestowal of independent statehood.

    By comparison, the provinces whose demand for recognition the West
    rejects have been self-governing entities for years. A
    newly-independent Kosovo would have poor relations with Serbia and
    would be subjected to an economic blockade. Its electric grid is
    integrated within Serbia's electric grid. Its debt has been taken care
    of by Serbia.

    Compare Kosovo with Transnistria. Transnistria declared itself
    independent of Moldova in 1990. Transnistria functions as a
    presidential republic, with its own government and parliament. Its
    authorities have adopted a constitution, flag, a national anthem and a
    coat of arms. It has its own currency and its own military and police
    force. Yet the U.S.-E.U. position is that Transnistria has no right to
    independence, and that Moldova's territorial integirty must be
    respected. In 2003, the U.S. and E.U. announced a visa boycott against
    the 17 members of the leadership of Transnistria, accusing them of
    "continued obstructionism." In 2006, Ukraine introduced new customs
    regulations on its border with Transnistria, declaring it would only
    import goods from Transnistria with documents processed by Moldovan
    customs offices. The U.S., E.U. and OSCE applauded Ukraine's action,
    even though it was effectively imposing a blockade. In 2006,
    Transnistria held a referendum in which 97.2 percent of voters voted
    for independence. The OSCE refused to send observers, and the E.U.
    immediately announced that it wouldn't recognize the referendum
    results. This is the same OSCE, E.U. and U.S. that, a few months
    earlier, had leapt to recognize the results of Montenegro's
    independence referendum, despite the fact that the vote in favor of
    independence was a bare majority, rather than the two-thirds normally
    required for a constitutional change, and that Montenegrins living in
    Serbia were denied the right to vote in the referendum.

    Compare Kosovo with South Ossetia. Ossetians have their own language.
    South Ossetia had been an autonomous oblast within the Soviet
    Socialist Republic of Georgia. In 1990, the Georgian Supreme Soviet
    revoked its autonomy. The OSCE declared its "firm commitment to
    support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia." In
    November 2006, 99 percent of South Ossetians voted for independence
    >From Georgia. The usual gaggle of international bodies howled with
    indignation. The European Union, OSCE, NATO and the USA condemned the
    referendum. The Council of Europe called the referendum "unnecessary,
    unhelpful and unfair.[T]he vote did nothing to bring forward the
    search for a peaceful political solution." The OSCE declared South
    Ossetia's "intention to hold a referendum counterproductive. It will
    not be recognized by the international community and it will not be
    recognized by the OSCE and it will impede the peace process." NATO
    Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said "On behalf of NATO, I
    join other international leaders in rejecting the so-called
    'referendum'.Such actions serve no purpose other than to exacerbate
    tensions in the South Caucasus region."

    Nagorno-Karabakh can also make a vastly stronger case than Kosovo for
    independence. Since 1923, the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast had
    been part of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, even though
    about 94 percent of its population was Armenian. In November 1991, the
    parliament of the Azerbaijan SSR abolished the autonomous status of
    the oblast. In response, in December 1991, Nagorno-Karabakh held a
    referendum, which overwhelmingly approved the creation of an
    independent state. Yet the E.U., the OSCE and the United States took
    the line that Nagorno-Karabakh must remain a part of Azerbaijan,
    irrespective of the fact that almost 100 per cent of the populace
    wants out. Interestingly, in declaring itself independent in 1991,
    Azerbaijan claimed to be the successor state to the Azerbaijan
    republic that existed from 1918 to 1920. The League of Nations,
    however, did not recognize Azerbaijan's inclusion of Nagorno-Karabakh
    as part of Azerbaijan's claimed territory. This makes
    Nagorno-Karabakh's inclusion within Azerbaijan even more questionable.
    If the states that seceded from the Soviet Union are to be regarded as
    independent states, it's hard to see on what basis parts of those
    states are to be denied the right to independence.

    In 2002, Nagorno-Karabakh held a presidential election; in response,
    the European Union presidency declared "The European Union confirms
    its support for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, and recalls
    that it does not recognise the independence of Nagorno Karabakh.The
    European Union cannot consider legitimate the 'presidential
    elections.'...The European Union does not believe that these elections
    should have an impact on the peace process."

    In December 2006, Nagorno-Karabakh held another referendum on
    independence: Something like 98 per cent favored independence. The
    European Union immediately announced it wouldn't recognize the results
    of the referendum and said "that only a negotiated settlement between
    Azerbaijan and ethnic Armenians who control the region can bring a
    lasting solution.The E.U. recalls that it does not recognize the
    independence of Nagorno-Karabakh. It recognizes neither the
    'referendum' nor its outcome." The E.U. added that holding the
    referendum pre-empts the outcome of negotiations and that it "did not
    contribute to constructive efforts at peaceful conflict resolution."
    The E.U.'s attitude here is strikingly different from its attitude on
    Kosovo. On Kosovo, the E.U. holds Serbia's refusal to relinquish its
    sovereign territory as the reason for the failure of negotiations,
    which supposedly is the justification for Kosovo's declaration of

    The West's entire approach to Kosovo has been marked by sordid
    dishonesty and bad faith, supporting national self-determination and
    the right to secession in one place and territorial integrity in
    another, cheering on ethnic cleansing by one ethnic group and
    demanding war crimes trials for another, trumpeting the virtues of
    majority rule when it's convenient to do so and threatening to impose
    sanctions and penalties on majorities when that's convenient. For the
    Americans, Kosovo is nothing more than the hinterland of a giant
    military base, a key presence in the eastern Mediterranean should
    Greece or Turkey prove unreliable. As for the duly grateful Albanians,
    they are expected to repay their benefactors by agreeing to be cannon
    fodder in future imperial wars. For the Europeans, Kosovo is an
    opportunity to show the world that Europe counts for something and to
    conduct various pointless social experiments in multiculturalism and
    multiconfessionalism -- particularly pointless since Kosovo will be
    one of the most ethnically homogeneous places in Europe.

    George Szamuely lives in New York and can be reached at [email protected]