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Brad Sherman Opposes Administration Funding Level To Armenia

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  • Brad Sherman Opposes Administration Funding Level To Armenia

    14.02.2008 14:30

    Brad Sherman (D-CA) raised strong concerns regarding the
    Administration's proposed budget for Armenia during the House Foreign
    Affairs Committee hearing with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice,
    the Armenian Assembly of America reports.

    In response to Sherman's statement, Secretary Rice replied that Armenia
    also receives funding through the Millennium Challenge Act (MCA). In
    March of 2006, the United States and Armenia concluded a 5-year,
    $235.65 million compact under the MCA to help reduce rural poverty and
    increase agricultural productivity in Armenia. This funding is separate
    and distinct from the funding provided under the Freedom Support Act.

    Sherman told the Armenian Assembly that "the Administration's budget
    request is wholly inadequate. Assistance provided under the MCA is
    not a substitute for other important programs in Armenia provided
    under the Freedom Support Act. I will work with my colleagues to
    correct this gross disparity."

    Condoleezza Rice was on Capitol Hill testifying regarding the
    Administration's Fiscal Year 2009 International Affairs Budget. The
    Administration's budget slashed funding to Armenia by nearly 60 percent
    from $58.5 million in FY 2008 to a proposed level of $24 million in
    FY 2009.

    The budget request also called for more military funding for
    Azerbaijan; a clear breach of the agreement reached with Congress
    in 2001 regarding military parity for both countries. Under the
    Administration's budget request, Azerbaijan is slated to receive
    $900,000 in International Military Education Training compared to
    $300,000 for Armenia.

    "We commend Congressman Sherman for raising this concern directly with
    the Secretary. The Armenian Assembly strongly opposes the allocation
    level as proposed by Administration and will fight to ensure robust
    assistance for Armenia," stated Executive Director Bryan Ardouny.