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Breakaway Regions Look To Kosovo Precedent

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  • Breakaway Regions Look To Kosovo Precedent


    Thu Feb 14, 2008 12:25pm EST

    powered by Sphere(Reuters) - Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica went
    on national television on Thursday to brace Serbia for the imminent
    secession of its historic Kosovo province, which he said Serbs would
    never accept.

    The West supports independence for the Albanian-majority territory,
    but insists it would not set a precedent. Other breakaway regions
    around the world disagree. Following are a few that might look with
    interest at the Kosovo case:


    ** A tiny sliver of land on the Dniestr river, Transdniestria broke
    away from Moldova in September 1990. A brief war killed hundreds before
    Russian troops intervened. The region of 550,000 people is dominated
    by Russian-speaking Slavs, who pressed for independence fearing
    Moldova's Romanian-speaking majority would one day join Romania to
    the south. Around 1,200 Russian troops remain. Transdniestria covers
    one eighth of Moldovan territory but is home to the bulk of Moldova's
    industrial base.


    ** Home to 200,000 people, Abkhazia is sandwiched between the Black
    Sea and the Caucasus mountains and was once a renowned tourist
    destination. It fought a 1992-3 war against Georgia and effectively
    rules itself. It was isolated for years after the war but has since
    forged closer ties with Russia, which has given Abkhaz residents
    passports and pensions. South Ossetia fought to throw off Georgian
    rule in the early 1990s. A ceasefire was signed but the violence has
    threatened to reignite. Russia has peacekeepers in both regions.

    NAGORNO-KARABAKH - Azerbaijan

    ** Sporadic clashes in Nagorno-Karabakh between Azeri and local ethnic
    Armenian irregulars began in 1998, escalating by 1992 into full-scale
    hostilities between Azeri forces and troops from Armenia. About
    35,000 people died and hundreds of thousands fled before a ceasefire
    was signed in 1994. The territory remains part of Azerbaijan but
    is controlled by Armenian forces. A major BP-led pipeline linking
    Azerbaijan's Caspian Sea oil fields to world markets passes a few
    kilometers from the conflict zone.

    PAPUA - Indonesia

    ** In the remote eastern province of Papua, activists have led a
    campaign for more than 30 years to break away from Indonesia, while a
    low-level armed rebellion has been rumbling for decades. Critics say
    military abuses and dissatisfaction over Jakarta's distribution of
    wealth generated by the mineral- and gas-rich province has fuelled
    grievances. A 30-year insurgency in Aceh province, killing 15,000
    people, ended in a European Union-monitored peace accord in 2005.


    ** Basque separatist movement ETA has spent the past four decades
    fighting for an independent Basque state in northern Spain and
    southwestern France, killing more than 800 people. The semi-autonomous
    Basque region in northern Spain is home to 2.1 million people. More
    than 750 suspected members have been detained since 2000. ETA declared
    a ceasefire last year, but the Spanish government scrapped peace talks
    in December 2006 after ETA bombed Madrid airport, killing two people.

    THE KURDS - Turkey/Iraq/Syria/Iran

    ** Around 20 million Kurds are scattered between northern Iraq,
    Syria, Iran and Turkey, describing themselves as the world's largest
    stateless minority.

    Most live in southeastern Turkey, where Kurdistan Workers' Party
    (PKK) guerrillas have fought an insurgency since 1984 in which more
    than 30,000 people have died. A ceasefire was called in 1999, but
    fighting resumed in 2004. Turkey fears that Kurds in northern Iraq
    plan to set up their own state, stirring tensions among Turkish Kurds.

    WESTERN SAHARA - Morocco

    ** The Polisario movement of Western Sahara fought a low-level
    war for independence after Morocco annexed the desert territory
    with the pullout of colonial power Spain in 1975. U.N. troops have
    monitored an uneasy peace since 1991. It is Africa's oldest territorial
    dispute, over land the size of Britain, inhabited by 260,000 people. A
    U.N. ceasefire agreement in 1991 promised a referendum on the fate of
    the territory, but it never took place and Morocco now rules it out,
    saying autonomy is the most it will offer.