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Which private universities will be closed?

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  • Which private universities will be closed?

    Which private universities will be closed?

    16-02-2008 17:09:36 - KarabakhOpen

    Recently the minister of education Vladik Khachatryan has held a
    consultation on the private universities of NKR. The results of the
    monitoring by the License and Accreditation Service were released
    during the consultation.

    Presently there are 7 private universities in Karabakh. The deputy
    minister of education Slava Asryan says only two of them, Mesrop
    Mashtots University and Grigor Narekatsi University, have had progress.
    The universities have premises, furniture, and teaching staff. Slava
    Asryan says a number of shortcomings and breaches were revealed in all
    the other private universities. A deadline was set for eliminating the

    We asked the rector of the branch of Yerevan University of Management
    Shushanik Manucharyan for comment. She said in a talk with the License and Accreditation Service monitors the
    universities once a year. `Monitoring is held regularly, we were
    notified about the shortcomings and we made effort to eliminate them.
    Therefore, I took the results of the recurrent monitoring as usual,'
    Shushanik Manucharyan said.

    The rector says the leadership of the university has 6 months to
    acquire premises, a teaching staff 50 percent of which should be
    permanent staff of which 50 percent should have degrees. `We can
    fulfill the requirements within this period, especially that we have
    400 students,' said the rector of the university.

    Yerevan University of Management has its own buildings in Yerevan and
    Gyumri and is going to buy another building in Stepanakert, Shushanik
    Manucharyan said. Presently the university is renting a building which
    has a library, computer classroom and other facilities.