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Pristina Sends Moscow Back to UN

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  • Pristina Sends Moscow Back to UN

    The Moscow Times, Russia
    Feb 18 2008

    Pristina Sends Moscow Back to UN

    By Nikolaus von Twickel
    Staff Writer

    The government reacted immediately Sunday to Kosovo's declaration of
    independence, calling for a meeting of the UN Security Council to
    discuss the move, while former Soviet breakaway regions, long
    fostered by aid from Moscow, rejoiced at improved prospects of
    international recognition.

    The Foreign Ministry promptly issued a stern warning after the
    parliament of the former Serb province unanimously embraced a
    declaration of independence Sunday afternoon.

    "We expect the United Nations' and NATO's mission in Kosovo to
    fulfill their mandate swiftly ... and annul the decision of the
    Pristina organs," the ministry said in a statement posted on its web

    It said the declaration could lead to an escalation of tensions and
    renewed ethnic conflict in the Balkans.

    The statement reiterated Moscow's position that a declaration of
    Kosovar independence represented multiple violations of international
    law, including breaches of Serbia's sovereignty and the UN Charter.

    "Russia totally supports the Serbian leadership's reaction ... and
    its just claims to territorial integrity," the statement said.

    Serbian President Boris Tadic said Sunday that his country would
    never accept Kosovo's "unilateral and illegal" declaration.

    The Kremlin also condemned the decision.

    "This is an illegitimate act that deeply contradicts UN Security
    Council resolutions," spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in televised
    comments Sunday evening.

    The Foreign Ministry's statement made no reference to a possible
    recognition of former Soviet breakaway republics. President Vladimir
    Putin last week said that Russia would not mimic a "foolish and
    unlawful decision" by the West.

    Britain, France and Germany could move quickly to back Kosovo's new
    status officially after a meeting of EU foreign Ministers on Monday.
    But the 27-member Union is deeply divided over the issue. The
    stiffest opposition comes from Spain and Cyprus, two countries torn
    by separatist conflicts themselves, and from Greece and Romania, two
    of Serbia's traditional allies.

    It was unclear how soon Washington would recognize Kosovo. President
    George W. Bush merely said during a visit to Tanzania Sunday that the
    U.S. would work with its allies to prevent violent clashes, The
    Associated Press reported.

    Leaders of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, autonomous territories that
    have enjoyed de facto independence within Georgia for more than 15
    years, said they would press their case for international

    "Kosovo is a precedent and by no means a unique case," Abkhaz
    President Sergei Bagapsh said Sunday, Interfax reported. South
    Ossetian President Eduard Kokoity said that both his region and
    Abkhazia make a stronger case for independence than Kosovo.

    "What Kosovo did today happened in Abkhazia and South Ossetia already
    17 years ago," he was quoted as saying.

    Both leaders said that they would formally ask both the Commonwealth
    of Independent States and the United Nations to recognize them as
    independent states, the agency reported.

    Their words were echoed by Abkhaz representatives abroad.

    "We welcome this as an example of a people's right to
    self-determination," Khibla Amichba, a representative of the Abkhaz
    government to Germany said by telephone from Andernach, near Bonn.

    George Hewitt, a professor of Caucasian Languages at London's School
    of Oriental Studies, to whom the republic has given the title of
    Honorary Consul in Britain, agreed.

    "Whatever happens in Kosovo is a precedent for Abkhazia," he said in
    a telephone interview from Doncaster, England.

    While it was unlikely that any country would recognize Abkhazia,
    Hewitt argued that support from countries other than Russia might be
    the only way out of the isolation that has kept the small territory
    along the Black Sea coast isolated ever since it defeated Georgia's
    armed forces in a vicious war back in 1993.

    "If the West does not want to see Russian power established, it
    should step in and recognize Abkhazia," he said.

    The present status quo meant that Moscow has been able to wield
    massive influence, because without recognition other countries were
    unwilling to establish relations, he argued.

    Western policymakers have argued that the case of Kosovo must not be
    compared with Abkhazia or South Ossetia, because ethnic Albanians
    represented 90 percent of the province's two million people and had
    been oppressed by the Serbian government in Belgrade.

    Kosovo has been under UN administration since 1999, when NATO
    airstrikes ended the late Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic's
    crackdown on ethnic Albanian separatists.

    In Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Georgian troops tried to bring the
    territories back under central jurisdiction after both unilaterally
    declared independence following the breakup of the Soviet Union.

    But the Georgian army was defeated twice and fled, accompanied by
    much of the local ethnic Georgian population. In the case of
    Abkhazia, this amounted to around 250,000 people, a majority of the
    pre-war population.

    In a rare show of agreement with Moscow, a senior Georgian politician
    voiced opposition to an independent Kosovo on Sunday.

    "The Georgian leadership will never recognize Kosovo's independence,"
    said Konstantin Gabashvili, the chairman of the country's
    parliament's Foreign Relations Committee.

    Gabashvili argued that the issue might come to the fore if Russia
    took steps toward the recognition of breakaway republics, but warned
    that this posed risks to the country's own territorial integrity,
    Interfax reported.

    Moscow and Tbilisi nevertheless traded barbs after the Russian
    Foreign Ministry said Friday it would defend the rights of its
    citizens living in Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

    The Georgian Foreign Ministry summoned Russian Ambassador Vyacheslav
    Kovalenko to hand him a note of protest over the statement.

    Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili replied that the granting of
    Russian citizenship to vast numbers of residents of Abkhazia and
    South Ossetia was seen by his government as illegal.

    "According to our laws, people living in Abkhazia and South Ossetia
    are our citizens," he was quoted as saying by Interfax.

    Armenian Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan said that Kosovo's example
    would strengthen a bid by the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh to
    be recognized as a state.

    "Recognition of Kosovo's independence can be welcomed by us,"
    Sargsyan, front-runner in the Feb. 19 Armenian presidential election,
    said in an interview with Reuters.

    "If countries recognize the independence of Kosovo and then don't
    recognize the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh, we'll think of double
    standards," he was quoted as saying.

    In a war with Azerbaijan in the 1990s, ethnic Armenians managed to
    break away from control by Baku, but have yet failed to win
    international recognition.

    In Moldova's Transdnestr region, the separatist parliament was
    expected to issue a statement on Monday responding to Kosovo's