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BAKU: US Azeris protest gross mistakes in the by Bradt Travel Guides

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  • BAKU: US Azeris protest gross mistakes in the by Bradt Travel Guides

    Today, Azerbaijan
    Feb 17 2008

    The U.S. Azeris Network protests gross mistakes in the "Armenia with
    Nagorno Karabagh" by Bradt Travel Guides Publishing House

    17 February 2008 [04:13] - Today.Az

    The U.S. Azeris Network (USAN) (, is a registered
    non-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian genuine grassroots advocacy
    and voter education network that is facilitating political activism
    and efforts by the Azerbaijani-Americans and other Turkic-Americans
    and their associations, organizations, councils, conferences, and
    other formal, semi-formal and informal groups, on federal, state and
    local levels. Through the auspices of the U.S. Azeris Network, the
    voice of the Azerbaijani-Americans is becoming unified and
    strengthened. USAN is the first nationwide grassroots organization
    uniting Azerbaijani-Americans, conducting successful fundraisers and
    being created by the grassroots, for the grassroots.

    Recently USAN members have picked up a copy of the "Armenia with
    Nagorno Karabagh" and were outraged by the sheer number of gross
    mistakes, misrepresentation and outright false statements. After
    authoring an article by the USAN team for a leading Azerbaijani
    online publication, Day.Az ( ), and submitting a
    negative review of the book to
    ( 21633/ref=cm_cr_mts_prod_img
    ), a protest letter to the publishers of the guide was adopted and
    made available through the USAN network - . The USAN letter follows this
    Action Alert.

    All USAN members and friends of Azerbaijani-Americans are urged to go
    to and send the letter to their elected

    # # #

    USAN Action Campaign Letter: Protest Travel Guide mistakes over NK
    and other parts of Azerbaijan

    To the attention of the Bradt Travel Guide and The Globe Pequot Press

    As a member of the Azerbaijani community, I am simply flabbergasted
    and outraged by Nicholas Holding's "Armenia with Nagorno Karabagh",
    published by Bradt Travel Guide in the UK and The Globe Pequot Press
    in the US (ISBN 1841621633). Both the maps and the text of the book
    are misrepresenting the facts and plain false on more than one

    Firstly, the Nagorno-Karabakh, as well as seven (7) other regions of
    Azerbaijan that have been occupied by Armenia (a total of some 16% of
    the territory of Azerbaijan, from which all of its 800,000 strong
    Azerbaijani population has been ethnically cleansed), are recognized
    by the international community, including both US and UK, as being
    part of Azerbaijan (for a detailed review of all these aspects, read: Nowhere do you mention any of
    these facts, nowhere does your book and author even attempts to cover
    its utter bias with any kind of disclaimers. It is absolutely
    unacceptable that your publishing houses serve as clearinghouses of
    propaganda, separatism and distortion.

    At the same time, the regional capital of the Karabakh region of
    Azerbaijan official name is Khankendi. This is the historic name of
    the city, which was changed by Soviets in 1923 to Stepanakert (the
    only name which you use in the book), and was re-named back in 1992
    by the independent Azerbaijan. Same applies to many other toponyms
    and name-places which you use for the Azerbaijani regions, reflecting
    your book's absolute Armenian bias, with complete negligence and
    disregard for well-known facts and international law.

    Compare your maps with those from the following official or otherwise
    respected sources:

    CIA World Factbook: book/geos/aj.html
    The National Geographic magazine: ions/atlas/azerba/azerba-dl.gif
    The U.S. State Department:
    The UN:

    Secondly, it is important to stress that there is absolutely no
    evidence that Karabakh ever belonged to Armenia, especially before
    the creation of the USSR. All relevant official maps and Soviet
    documents of the time clearly show that Karabakh was part of
    Azerbaijan, then upon Sovietization of Armenia was pressured to be
    assigned to it but due to Azerbaijani resistance, was left within
    Azerbaijan. All the relevant archive letters are available upon
    request. A recent U.S. State Department historical background
    clarifies the issue of historic land ownership irrefutably: "In the
    late 18th century, several khanates [Azerbaijani states], including
    Karabakh, emerged in the south Caucasus to challenge the waning
    influence of the Ottoman Empire. After the Russian Empire eventually
    took control over the region in 1813, Azerbaijani Turks began to
    emigrate from Karabakh while the Armenian population of mountainous
    (Nagorno) Karabakh grew. With the 1917 Russian Revolution, Azerbaijan
    and Armenia each declared independence and sought control over
    Karabakh during the Russian Civil War. In 1923, after the Bolshevik
    takeover of the Caucasus, Nagorno-Karabakh (NK) was made an
    autonomous region within the Azerbaijani Soviet Republic" (Source:
    U.S. Department of State, "History of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict",
    March 30, 2001).

    Thirdly, the books makes many more other mistakes, such as the false
    statistics figures from 1917, citing an official census which was
    last taken 20 year prior, in 1897, and while overlooking the huge
    Armenian influx into Caucasus since early 19th century, which has
    been well documented by Russian, Turkish, Iranian, Azerbaijani,
    European, American and even Armenian researchers. Perhaps the census
    data from the Russian Imperial Census of 1897, the most authoritative
    statistical document, should be considered as the most reliable
    statistical document, and which shows Armenian population at about
    40% - way below the 72% majority your book tries to push (see the
    census re-print in: Prof. Audrey Altstadt, "The Azerbaijani Turks",
    Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1992).

    Fourthly, the wholesale declaration of all Christian heritage on the
    territory of occupied Azerbaijan as being Armenian is simply not
    true. Instead, nearly all churches, monasteries, cemeteries and other
    tangible Christian heritage in Karabakh region is that of Azerbaijani
    ancestors, the Caucasian Albanians, who as a nation officially
    converted into Orthodox Christianity in 313. In fact, Dr. Hratch
    Tchilingirian, an Armenian nationalist who is a researcher from the
    London School of Economics, admitted that: "Beginning with the
    fifteenth century, the monastery of Gandzasar became the seat of the
    native Catholicos of the Albanian Church" ("Religious Discourse on
    the Conflict in Nagorno Karabakh" / Religion in Eastern Europe,
    Volume XVIII, Number 4, August 1998).

    Finally, it is despicable when the books talks about massacres of
    Armenians in Baku and Elizavetpol in September 1918, but completely
    fails to mention that Armenians has committed the biggest massacre in
    March 1918, by slaughtering no less than 12,000 Azerbaijanis in Baku.
    This act, described in vivid details by British journalist and
    historian Peter Hopkirk, was described by him as "genocidal" ("Like
    hidden fire. The Plot to bring down the British Empire", Kodansha
    Globe, New York, 1994, pp. 281-287). To commemorate that and other
    Armenian atrocities against innocent Azerbaijani civilians,
    Azerbaijan observed March 31 as the Day of Massacre since 1919, which
    today symbolizes the day of the Azerbaijani Genocide.

    I would like to once again express my utter disappointment and
    outrage, and deplore your publication of this book, in violation of
    every single ethical and moral standard as well as the law. You
    should not only pull the book off all the shelves and initiate a
    total recall of all of its remaining stock, but apologize in writing
    to the Azerbaijani (and all other) readers for printing such a book,
    and offer the Azerbaijani side to publish an authoritative travel
    guide with editorial control done by a group of recognized American
    and British specialists.
