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Goble's Plan On Karabakh Problem Still Remains The Object Of Fierce

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  • Goble's Plan On Karabakh Problem Still Remains The Object Of Fierce


    14.02.2008 GMT+04:00

    There are two versions of the plan; "Goble-1" and "Goble-2". The
    first version was approved and encouraged by the Administration of
    George Bush already in January 1992. "Goble-2" emerged in 1996.

    For 20 years since the beginning of the Karabakh conflict many
    suggestions have been made for its resolution. As a rule, all of them
    were based on one soul idea, according to which the both parties should
    work towards reaching a compromise to come to a peaceful agreement. The
    plan of the American politician Paul Goble is among the so-called
    "compromise settlements". However, Goble's plan remained only a plan,
    since it included an argument, which, according to a western mind was
    totally irrational. "Own lands" mustn't be given up to the enemy or it
    would be the same as to stop being a representative of your own nation.

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ "In fact there are three ways of solving the problem
    of Nagorno-Karabakh: 1) displacing or killing all the Armenians on
    this territory (which is morally impossible), 2) placing numerous
    foreign troops in Nagorno-Karabakh for locating the parties (which
    is physically impossible), 3) leaving Nagorno-Karabakh under the
    control of Armenia (which is politically impossible). This is why
    the key to the resolution of the conflict is the territory exchange
    on the following conditions; a) giving the part of Nagorno-Karabakh
    to Armenia together with the territories of river heads, flowing to
    Azerbaijan's side, b) giving under the Azeri control the territory
    of Armenia, separating the Republic of Azerbaijan and its Nakhichevan
    autonomy (Megrian Corridor)". However, in this case Armenia would lose
    its only and the most vital exit to the outside world though Iran
    during blockades. Meanwhile, the left bank of the Arax River with
    the length of 42 km would become the most important strategic means
    of communication, which would link Turkey, the Nakhichevan autonomy
    and Azerbaijan," this is, actually, what exactly the plan looks like.

    In fact, here are two versions of the plan; "Goble-1" and
    "Goble-2". The first version was approved and encouraged by the
    Administration of George Bush already in January 1992. In 1996 emerged

    The author accepted that in the first version he had made "a big
    mistake", since "he hadn't realized what a psychological meaning
    the common border with Iran has for Armenia." "Goble-2" didn't
    anticipate any abolition of the Armenian-Iranian borders and didn't
    allow territorial attachment of Turkey and Azerbaijan.

    Instead, "Goble-2" suggested exchanging the southern part of
    Armenia (the Region of Megri) with the western part of Nakhichevan
    autonomy, where it has a 9-km border with Turkey. At the same time
    Nagorno-Karabakh, together with the Lachin Corridor become a part
    of Armenia, or get independence; the blockade of the Armenia-Turkish
    border is abolished, the problem of non-enclave existence of Nakhichev
    Autonomy of Azerbaijan is solved, the border between Armenia and
    Iran are preserved, and is only moved to north, which has a key
    geopolitical significance: in this case when being passed to Armenia,
    the part of Nakhichevan Autonomy doesn't allow any joining with Turkey
    and Azerbaijan.

    The truth is that Goble's plan on Karabakh problem is still the object
    of fierce discussions. There is even the opinion that this plan with
    some changes was the very object of discussion of the meeting of the
    Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Rambouillet in 2006. And the
    latest rumors about the upcoming "exchange" ("the giving of Megri")
    started in the beginning of 2004. In the same year of 2004 in the
    report of the American Analytical Center STRATFOR "Battle for the FSU:
    Wooing Armenia" the experts of the Center declared that Washington
    will do everything to drive Armenia to a tight corner and then the
    revision of priorities in favor of the USA will have no alternatives
    for this republic.

    Since then neither in Armenia, nor in Azerbaijan there are any
    discussions about the "exchange", and even if there are, then only
    within the frames of election campaign. It is not very likely that
    this very plan is on the bases of "mutual compromise", but giving it
    up for good would be very untimely too.