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The Kurdish and Armenian genocides: from censorship to recognition

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  • The Kurdish and Armenian genocides: from censorship to recognition

    Kurdish Aspect, CO
    Feb 18 2008

    The Kurdish and Armenian genocides - from censorship and denial to
    recognition - By Desmond Fernandes
    Apec Press, Stockholm, December 2007
    ISBN: 91-89675-72-X

    Turkey's repression of the Kurds has been widely documented - and is
    acknowledged as a major obstacle to Turkey's accession to the
    European Union. But what lies behind such repression? Fernandes
    confronts the issue head on, forcing the reader to probe a question
    that many in Turkey and elsewhere would rather avoid: does the
    systematic repression of the Kurds amount to genocide? Open
    discussion of this issue is critical if a long-term resolution of the
    Kurdish issue is to be achieved - Nicholas Hildyard, Policy Analyst.

    The book is an exceptionally important read for anyone with a broad
    interest in human rights and social justice. It has a scholarly
    account of the historical background to the present awful situation
    of Turkish Armenians and Turkish Kurds. In particular, the book
    provides a powerful comparative analysis of the policies of the US,
    Israel and Turkey in terms of their rationale for labelling human
    atrocities as genocide - Dr. Julia Kathleen Davidson, Research
    Fellow, Faculty of Education, University of Glasgow and Membership
    Secretary of Scotland Against Criminalising communities (SACC).

    In this important book, Desmond Fernandes exposes the details of the
    sordid and largely hidden role of Israel and the US Israel Lobby in
    preventing Congress from recognizing the Turkish genocide of the
    Armenians - Jeff Blankfort, Former Editor, Middle East Labor

    Among its Cold War victories the United States certainly succeeded in
    its ambition to make the world safe for nationalism. As identity
    politics is reprocessed as a function of global capital, and
    rehabilitated as its natural ally, Desmond Fernandes documents the
    fractured consequences of the ready-made social fantasy - Variant:
    Cross Currents in Culture.

    Desmond Fernandes writes for those who spoke the truth and were
    murdered, those who spoke 200 days ago and are still imprisoned, and
    for those who live in terror and in silence, or who meet in nameless
    buildings, so that the words `GENOCIDE', ethnic cleansing, or the
    Turkish military word `TEMIZLEME', may be heard as a siren call for
    the muted victims of the Turkish state - Diamanda Galás, Composer and
    Performer of Songs of Exile, Vena Cava, Schrei X, Plague Mass and
    Defixiones, Will And Testament.

    Fernandes' painstaking investigation sheds much needed light on the
    collusion between the Turkish State and the Israel lobby in
    preventing recognition of one of the darkest episodes of the past
    century, the genocide of Ottoman Turkey's ethnic Armenians - Muhammad
    Idrees Ahmad, Spinwatch.

    [This is] a judiciously assembled vast, syntactic mosaic
    `illustrating' the total state terror inflicted upon two ancient
    peoples ... Desmond Fernandes has laboriously integrated a vast
    amount of historical events, scholarly data, secret documents, live
    witnesses, relevant literature and even poetry ... [He] has hit the
    target: mainly encapsulating the enormity of censorship, denial and
    recognition of that ultimate crime of man's inhumanity to man -
    Genocide - Khatchatur I. Pilikian [from the Epilogue].

    Desmond Fernandes is a policy analyst and former Senior Lecturer in
    Human Geography and Genocide Studies at De Montfort University,
    England. He has published widely in a number of journals and is
    co-author of Genozid an den Kurden in der Türkei? - Verfolgung, Krieg
    und Zerstörung der ethnischen Identität (2001, Medico International,
    Frankfurt). Forthcoming titles by the author include The Kurdish
    Genocide in Turkey and US, UK, German, Israeli and NATO `Inspired'
    Psychological Warfare Operations against the `Kurdish Threat' in
    Turkey and Northern Iraq, due to shortly be released by Apec Press,

    The book can be ordered securely online via Paypal at at the recommended retail
    price of £14.99 (postage and packing free within the UK). It can also
    be ordered from most bookshops in the UK and via the UK distributor
    AK Press and Distribution (; h.php?itemid=5326). doc021808DF.html
    From: Baghdasarian