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Joy, Fury Over Kosovo Independence Declaration

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  • Joy, Fury Over Kosovo Independence Declaration, VA
    Feb 18 2008

    Joy, Fury Over Kosovo Independence Declaration

    By Patrick Goodenough International Editor
    February 18, 2008

    ( - Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence has
    sparked reactions that make it clear the final chapter in the
    upheavals that roiled the Balkans at the end of last century has yet
    to be written.

    Within minutes of the announcement in the capital, Pristina, Serbian
    Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica called the newly declared entity a
    "phony state" and said "as long as the Serbian people exist, Kosovo
    remains Serbia."

    In a televised statement, the nationalist prime minister criticized
    "the president of the U.S." in particular, saying America had
    shamelessly breached international law by supporting independence for

    Newly reelected president Boris Tadic in a statement appealed to
    NATO's KFOR peacekeeping force in Kosovo to protect the Serb minority
    there from possible outbreaks of violence by members of the Muslim
    ethnic Albanian majority.

    Angry protestors in Belgrade marched on the U.S. Embassy, chanting
    "Kosovo is Serbia." At least 30 policemen were injured, local media
    reported. The ultra-nationalist Radical Party is planning a mass
    rally in the capital on Thursday.

    Earlier, Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu and Prime Minister Hashim
    Thaci set off celebrations by declaring an independent state, which
    they said would be "democratic, secular and multiethnic."

    The territory of two million people has been under U.N. supervision
    since a NATO campaign in 1999 ended Serb atrocities against the
    Albanians and forced the withdrawal of Belgrade's troops from the

    As Kosovar Albanians celebrated the announcement, Serbia's Russian
    ally called an emergency U.N. Security Council meeting which
    reflected the international split over the issue.

    The U.S. and most European governments, including permanent council
    members Britain and France, are supportive of "supervised
    independence." Russia is firmly opposed, as is the remaining
    permanent member, China.

    "Kosovo's unilateral act can produce a series of results that will
    lead to seriously negative influence on peace and stability in the
    Balkan region," foreign ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said in
    Beijing on Monday.

    Lui said the sides should continue to seek a proper solution through

    Months of negotiations have, however, had little success, and
    Sunday's announcement has been expected ever since a Dec. 10 deadline
    on reaching an agreement on Kosovo's final status passed without

    Because Russia has vowed to use its Security Council veto to block
    independence, Kosovo's international status will remain in limbo.
    While it may boast trappings of statehood including a new
    blue-and-gold flag, it will not immediately obtain membership of the
    world body.

    The forthcoming days will see some governments recognize the new
    state, with the United States and many European Union (E.U.)
    countries among the first, along with some Islamic nations, including
    Saudi Arabia and Albania.

    The E.U. is split, however, with at least six of the 27 member states
    -- Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Cyprus and Slovakia -- unlikely
    to recognize an independent Kosovo, largely because of concerns about
    secessionist movements in their own neighborhoods.

    A number of other countries, including Group of Eight members Canada
    and Japan, have indicated that they will not recognize the new state

    'It creates no precedent'

    One country that is more concerned than most is Georgia, which since
    the early 1990s has grappled with two breakaway regions of its own --
    the pro-Moscow enclaves of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Russia has
    long hinted that if the West supports an independent Kosovo, it would
    in turn throw its backing behind an independent Abkhazia and South

    The Interfax news agency quoted a top Georgian lawmaker as saying the
    government of Georgia would not recognize Kosovo's independence.

    Georgia's West-leaning President Mikhail Saakashvili has frequently
    accused Russia of trying to destabilize Georgia by stirring up
    tensions in Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

    In a statement released after Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met with
    the leaders of the two territories, Russia's foreign ministry said in
    a statement, "the declaration and recognition of the independence of
    Kosovo will doubtless have to be taken into account as far as the
    situation in Abkhazia and South Ossetia is concerned."

    President Vladimir Putin has warned that independence for Kosovo will
    set a legal "precedent" that could be cited elsewhere. Apart from
    Georgia, other secessionist situations in the former Soviet region
    remain unresolved in Azerbaijan (Nagorno-Karabakh) and Moldova

    At Sunday's Security Council session, U.N. envoy Alejandro Wolff
    disputed the argument, telling reporters "we have knocked it down
    over and over again. This is an unprecedented situation, it creates
    no precedent."

    In an earlier statement, delivered to the Security Council late last
    week, Wolff said the recent history of the region made Kosovo
    different from other conflicts.

    "The situation in Kosovo is sui generis and provides no precedent for
    any other part of the world," he said. "It hasn't ever been, it
    isn't, and it shall not be a precedent. There is no purpose served in
    pretending otherwise, and the United States will act consistently
    with this fact in how it looks at other conflicts."

    John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. and American
    Enterprise Institute senior fellow, joined former Secretary of State
    Lawrence Eagleburger and senior Bookings Institution fellow Peter
    Rodman late last month in calling for a reassessment of U.S. policy
    on Kosovo.

    They noted that notwithstanding the U.S. insistence that Kosovo would
    not set a precedent, ethnic and religious minorities in other
    countries have already signaled their intention to follow Kosovo's

    Bolton, Eagleburger and Rodman also voiced concern about what they
    called "the dismissive attitude displayed toward Russia's
    objections," and asked, "On an issue of minor importance to the
    United States, is this a useful expenditure of significant political
    capital with Russia?"

    'Stand up to threats'

    Critics of U.S. policy on Kosovo include the non-profit American
    Council for Kosovo, whose director, James George Jatras, warned in a
    recent op-ed article for UPI that the issue "could transform into a
    full-blown global crisis."

    Kosovar Serbs' concerns about what independence would mean for them
    were "well-founded."

    "Since 1999, some 150 Christian shrines have been destroyed or
    desecrated," Jatras said. "At the same time, hundreds of mosques have
    been built, mainly with Saudi money and propagating the intolerant
    Wahhabi brand of Islam."

    He argued that there was no clear U.S. interest in supporting
    independence for Kosovo.

    "Why should we provoke a needless fight with a newly muscular Russia?
    Especially after Sept. 11, why should America want to be midwife to
    the birth of a new Islamic country in Europe?"

    Heritage Foundation scholars Nile Gardiner and Sally McNamara called
    for the West to be united in supporting full independence for Kosovo.

    "The Western powers must stand up to any threats coming from Belgrade
    and Moscow and support full membership for Kosovo in the United
    Nations as a sovereign state," they wrote in a weekend memo.

    Gardiner and McNamara said the U.S. and E.U. should encourage Serbian
    leaders to seek E.U. membership, while making it clear that any
    attempt to sabotage Kosovo's sovereignty would only isolate Belgrade
    and weaken its chances of joining the E.U.

    Among the most recent declarations of independence by territories
    without the consent of legal governing authorities are the Turkish
    Republic of Northern Cyprus in 1983, and Rhodesia in 1965. Neither
    won international recognition. reaus.asp?Page=/ForeignBureaus/archive/200802/INT2 0080218a.html