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BAKU: Political Scientists: Kosovo can not be precedent for NK

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  • BAKU: Political Scientists: Kosovo can not be precedent for NK

    Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
    Feb 18 2008

    Azeri political scientists: Kosovo can not be precedent for Nagorno

    [ 18 Feb 2008 16:35 ]

    Baku. Elnur Mammadli-APA. `Kosovo's declaration of independence shows
    that the country determining the future of the world is America, not

    The US ensured Kosovo's independence without Russia's will and Europe
    recognized it,' political scientist Vafa Guluzadeh told APA. As
    regards the suppositions that Kosovo's declaration of independence
    will be a precedent for the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict,
    the political scientist does not consider it possible.
    `Since 1999, Kosovo has been under U.N. administration. Kosovo
    belonged to Serbia formally, it was de-facto independent. Serbia's
    independence was recognized after Yugoslavia collapsed. As regards
    Nagorno Karabakh, the entire world knows it as Azerbaijan's
    territory. There is no similarity between Karabakh and Kosovo.
    Azerbaijan is the ally of the US and the problem will soon be solved
    in favor of Azerbaijan,' he said.
    Another political scientist Rasim Musabayov also said there was no
    similarity between Nagorno Karabakh and Kosovo conflicts.
    `The state of Kosovo is not similar to that of Karabakh. Kosovo was
    subject of federation when Yugoslavia was federation. Kosovo was
    formally an autonomous province, in fact, Kosovo and Serbia had equal
    rights in Yugoslavia. On the other hand, Kosovo Albans are
    two-million people and they underwent ethnic cleansing by Milosevic.
    In Karabakh it is vice versa, Azerbaijanis underwent ethnic cleansing
    here. Besides, Europe is ready to see Kosovo as an independent state,
    while no one will see the so-called regime of Armenians as an
    independent state. There is no need to identify these conflicts,' he
    said. Ilgar Mammadov, chairman of the National Committee on the
    European Integration stressed that the issue on the peacekeeping
    forces should be reconsidered, because Armenians may use this
    `Peacekeeping forces in Kosovo, which Azerbaijan also represents,
    recognized the territorial integrity of Serbia, but they are the main
    forces that prevent Serbia to restore the territorial integrity.
    Azerbaijan agreed to deploy peacekeeping forces in Nagorno Karabakh.
    This causes anxiety in terms of Kosovo developments. If there is
    peaceful agreement according to recent principles, Armenians can hold
    referendum in Nagorno Karabakh 15 years later. Peacekeepers which
    will be deployed in Nagorno Karabakh will ensure the independence of
    so-called regime. We should prevent this now,' he said.
    Elkhan Mehdiyev, director of Peace and Conflict Resolution Center
    stated that there is no similarity between Nagorno Karabakh conflict
    and Kosovo.
    `Kosovo is a unique problem. Europe, Russia, US did not said that
    Kosovo can be precedent for Nagorno Karabakh, Abkhazia and South
    Ossetia conflicts. Milosevic has been carried out ethnic cleansing
    against Kosovo population and NATO, Europe and US returned them to
    their lands. The situation in Nagorno Karabakh is different.
    Armenians carried out ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis here. It
    has never stated that, Serbia and Kosovo should carry out talks and
    achieve an agreement. Such talks are carried out on Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict,' he said.