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How to talk about genocide ?

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  • How to talk about genocide ?

    Courrier International, France
    Feb 18 2008

    How to talk about genocide ?

    The news reporter Jean Hatzfeld has written several books on the
    genocide in Rwanda which left 800,000 dead in 1994. Interviewed by
    Colette Braeckman, he explains that prose, as opposed to journalistic
    writing, allowed him to "approach the reality of genocide. (...) A
    journalist is first and foremost a go-between, someone who links
    those who experience events and the readers, who tries his or her
    best to answer questions that readers might ask. Facing a genocide,
    there is always a lapse of time during which readers do not want to
    hear anything, whether about the Shoah, the Armenian genocide, or
    Rwanda, for event is too unthinkable, too exceptional. The journalist
    is also disarmed ... . In literature, instead of asking oneself the
    questions that others pose, as a journalist does, you ask your own
    questions. In fact, you write for yourself, first and foremost. It is
    not the same approach." ics/article.asp?langue=uk&publication=18/02/20 08&cat=CULTURE&pi=0

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress