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Armenian Reporter - 2/18/2008 - The Candidates (special report)

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  • Armenian Reporter - 2/18/2008 - The Candidates (special report)


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    February 18, 2008 -- The Candidates (special report)

    Those citizens of Armenia who are present in Armenia on Tuesday,
    February 19, will have the opportunity to head for the polls and
    choose one of nine men as the country's third president. Over the last
    few weeks, the Armenian Reporter has published profiles of six of
    those candidates. For readers' convenience, the profiles are collected
    in one place below.

    To see the printed version of the newspaper, complete with photographs
    and additional content, visit and download the pdf
    files. It's free.

    1. Artashes Geghamian: "The first step is to create confidence in the
    authorities" [Dec. 29, 2007] (by Vincent Lima)
    * Repeats call for national unity

    2. Vazgen Manukian's priority is an independent and incorruptible
    judiciary [Jan. 12, 2008] (by Vincent Lima)
    * Calls for a national movement for change

    3. Ter-Petrossian says 2008 is his year in the sun [Jan. 19, 2008] (by
    Tatul Hakobyan)
    * Promises jobs to those who support his campaign

    4. The Candidates: Vahan Hovhannesian seeks to restore checks and
    balances in Armenia's governance [Jan. 26, 2008] (by Vincent Lima)
    * Calls for an Armenian-Georgian union

    5. The Candidates: Artur Baghdasarian promises to increase the birth
    rate and decrease taxes [Feb. 9, 2008] (by Armen Hakobyan)
    * Calls for Armenia to embrace the West

    6. The Candidates: Serge Sargsian believes that Armenia's future lies
    in a knowledge-based society [Feb. 16, 2008] (by Maria Titizian)
    * Promises fight against poverty
    * Touts record as defense minister

    **************************************** ***********************************

    1. Artashes Geghamian: "The first step is to create confidence in the
    authorities" [Dec. 29, 2007]

    * Repeats call for national unity

    by Vincent Lima

    YEREVAN -- "The state is a living organism," presidential nominee
    Artashes Mamikoni Geghamian told the Armenian Reporter on December 24.
    "Now we have a sick organism. To heal a sick organism, it is necessary
    to diagnose the sickness. In our program we do that diagnosis," he
    added, referring to his National Unity Party's "Anti-Crisis Program."

    Mr. Geghamian, the last Communist-era mayor of Yerevan, who won 18
    percent of the vote in Armenia's last presidential election in 2003,
    made these remarks in a meeting with the editor of the Armenian
    Reporter, Associate Editor Maria Titizian, and correspondents Tatul
    Hakobyan and Armen Hakobyan. The meeting was the first in a planned
    series of encounters with candidates running in Armenia' presidential
    election, which is slated for February 19, 2008.

    Mr. Geghamian, whose party won no seats in the National Assembly in
    the May 2007 elections, said his first step as president would be to
    work with the National Assembly through "consensus building" to
    implement his program through legislation.

    What cure does Mr. Geghamian propose for Armenia's "sick organism"?
    "The first step, in my view, is to create confidence in the
    authorities," he said. "The first step must be to overcome the
    boundary between the people and their government, so that every person
    in the country considers himself the owner of his or her destiny, the
    destiny of his or her family, and the country's destiny."

    * "A mission from on high"

    Next, Mr. Geghamian said, "Armenia must announce to the world that as
    one of the most ancient Christian civilizations, originating from the
    Babylonian, Assyrian, and Sumerian civilizations, it has a mission
    from on high. In its geopolitical position, Armenia is a bridge -- a
    connecting bridge, not a dividing line -- between the Jewish,
    Arab-Islamic, and Christian civilizations, that Armenia is open to
    all, that Armenia has goodwill toward all nations and peoples, and the
    issues that exist today in Armenian-Azerbaijani and Armenian-Turkish
    relations are not at all a result of any ill will on our part toward
    those countries or peoples."

    Acknowledging that in Armenia the president manages foreign policy,
    Mr. Geghamian proposed: "We must, in our minds, return to the seventh
    century." He said Christian holy sites in Jerusalem were under siege
    and Armenians showed the besieging forces a command from the Prophet
    Muhammad calling on them to "show special consideration and
    sensitivity toward Armenians, because Armenians have behaved in a very
    virtuous manner."

    Warming to his theme, Mr. Geghamian continued: "When you know that
    your nation has been accepted and recognized by the holiest of holies,
    the Prophet Muhammad, you are obligated to use it for your country and
    state and for Armenian-Arab relations, Armenian-Turkish relations, and
    relations with all Mohammedan countries. You have to publicize all
    this. Ten years ago, the book Armenian Art Treasures of Jerusalem
    [1982] provided evidence of all of this. How can you not use these

    * Karabakh: "Wholesome proposals"

    Asked about the Karabakh conflict, Mr. Geghamian recalled that he was
    in charge of the Mashtots district of Yerevan in 1987-89, and as the
    district surpassed its construction quotas, he sent teams to build two
    nine-story 32-unit apartment buildings in Karabakh.

    Does he -- like President Robert Kocharian and Prime Minister Serge
    Sargsian -- agree with the proposal put forth by the French, Russian,
    and U.S. co-chairs of the Minsk Group of the Organization for Security
    and Cooperation in Europe? The proposal would have Armenian forces
    leave at least six districts of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic that
    were not part of the Soviet-era Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region,
    leaving Armenia and Karabakh connected by a narrow corridor, leave the
    final status of Karabakh to be determined in the future, and have
    Azerbaijani displaced persons return.

    "Being in opposition does not mean to oppose even wholesome
    proposals. I am against that attitude," Mr. Geghamian said. "Here I
    must state a simple truth. Alas, today the Republic of Armenia has
    been defeated in the economic competition with Azerbaijan. Today,
    Azerbaijan's geopolitical position is more favorable than Armenia's.

    "Let me offer evidence," he continued. "It is already clear that the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline and the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas
    pipeline have not only made [Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey] close
    economic allies but also strategic allies. Let's add another
    construction project that is most undesirable for Armenians: the
    Kars-Akhalkalaki-Maraga-Tbilisi-Baku rail line, for the financing of
    which Azerbaijan will give Georgia $200 million at a mere 1 percent
    annual interest rate. Considering the fall of value of the dollar,
    it's Azerbaijan paying Georgia interest! Annually 15 million tons of
    goods will be transported between central Asia and eastern Europe.

    "In addition, Turkey openly announces its support for Azerbaijan,"
    Mr. Geghamian said. "The lately dismissed Turkish ambassador in Baku
    had announced that Turkey would be roiled by any fighting between
    Armenia and Azerbaijan: all you need do is begin the hostilities, he
    told Azerbaijan."

    He said that if the United States goes to war with Iran, Azerbaijan
    will come after Armenia and Turkey will aid it as a military ally.

    "So I explain the policy of Robert Kocharian and Serge Sargsian as
    follows: they are leaving no room for unjustified aggression against
    Armenia," Mr. Geghamian said.

    "Now, if you have decided to criticize the authorities no matter
    what, and attack them on this question, that means you are either an
    irresponsible political actor or uninformed. I want neither of those
    labels, and I think in the present circumstances, it is appropriate to
    agree to the proposals, while posing the following parallel issue: our
    geopolitical role in the region should improve so that we can take a
    harder stance, and the only way to achieve that is national comity,
    national unity, consolidation, which we can achieve only if there is
    mutual trust between people and the state," Mr. Geghamian concluded.

    * Relations with the United States

    Asked about the U.S.-Armenia relationship, Mr. Geghamian said he would
    like to see Armenia as the closest ally of the United States in the
    region. He said the two countries share an interest in long-term peace
    and security in the region and the democratic Greater Middle East that
    President Bush has advocated.

    "And let us not forget another key factor for us Armenians: the
    presence of more than 1.5 million of our compatriots in the United
    States, who are proud of both their Armenian origins and their U.S.
    citizenship," he added. "We must not only take this factor into
    consideration but use it to our common advantage."

    Reminded that he long favored Armenia's joining the Russia-Belarus
    union and the introduction of the joint currency (the ruble), Mr.
    Geghamian said, "Nothing has changed. The mistake is considering close
    relations with the U.S. as contradictory to close relations with

    Georgia, Armenia's northern neighbor, announced its intention to
    join NATO, and Russia has been punishing it ever since, Mr. Geghamian
    was reminded.

    "It is absolutely not right to take Georgia as an example," he
    responded. "Georgia mustn't be likened to Armenia in this matter.
    There is no alternative to our strategic alliance with Russia in the
    situation that has been created. As for the creation of an economic
    zone with Russia, and Armenia's membership in that zone, yes, in 2003
    I found that such a zone must be created, with Russia, Kazakhstan,
    Byelorussia, and God willing Ukraine and Armenia. Why are we not
    surprised by the Euro zone? No one sees that as a threat. When we talk
    of a ruble zone, people take it into the political sphere."

    * Charges of high treason

    According to the Central Electoral Commission, Mr. Geghamian's party
    won 3.6 percent of the vote (49,863 votes) in the May 12, 2007,
    parliamentary elections. How does he plan to build up additional

    Mr. Geghamian disputed the election results, noting that opinion
    polls showed that he personally enjoyed a 57 percent positive rating.
    "In no poll did my party poll below 7-15 percent. Then what happened
    happened. In free elections, the results would be different."

    Had he not, however, conceded at the time that the numbers were
    correct? Asked on May 13 by the daily Aravot whether he would join
    those protesting alleged election fraud, Mr. Geghamian had responded,
    "The 50,000 people who voted for my program, those 50,000 voted for me
    to implement the program, not to start a revolution or take any other

    He now said that many of his supporters had received bribes to vote
    for one of the governing parties. "Nothing is more dangerous than a
    population willing to sell its right to govern its country. Tomorrow
    the special services of a country, be it Turkey or Azerbaijan can,
    through their agents, spend not $10-15 million as is done now, but $50
    million, and tomorrow or the next day, people may come to power in
    Armenia who will hand over our victories, especially in foreign
    policy, as regards, say, Genocide recognition."

    Since former president Levon Ter-Petrossian's announcement that he
    will again seek the presidency, some of his opponents have made an
    effort to portray him as Turkey's lackey. Was Mr. Geghamian accusing
    Mr. Ter-Petrossian of treason?

    "I raised the question, the reader must make the interpretation. The
    careful reader of the Turkish Daily News, Zaman, Cumhuriyet, and other
    Turkish media," Mr. Geghamian said, will find articles that seem to
    favor Mr. Ter-Petrossian. "I am making a political assessment. As for
    moving to a legal assessment, that is up to the appropriate bodies."

    On the basis of what evidence does Mr. Geghamian move from some
    favorable press in Turkey for Mr. Ter-Petrossian to accusations of a
    massive vote-buying scheme by a foreign government? "What I said is
    that people in dire financial straits sold their vote in May. The
    Bible says someone who sells his soul once will do so again."

    Mr. Geghamian took his attack on Mr. Ter-Petrossian a step further.
    Mr. Ter-Petrossian's camp plans "to bring brute force to bear against
    the government," he said. As evidence, he referred to past acts of
    violence and provocation by Mr. Ter-Petrossian and his supporters, and
    particularly a May 1990 confrontation with Soviet soldiers in which at
    least 17 people were killed.

    "We cannot stand aside and watch them destroy each other and allow
    our enemies to take advantage of the situation," Mr. Geghamian said.

    * * *

    Artashes Geghamian

    Artashes Geghamian was born December 2, 1949. His father Mamikon was a
    Communist Party functionary, and served as first secretary of the
    Artik district. Mr. Geghamian is a graduate of the Electro-Technical
    Department of the Yerevan Polytechnic Institute (1971) and the Social
    Sciences Academy (Higher Political School) of the USSR Communist Party
    (1990). He is married, has two children, and grandchildren.

    Mr. Geghamian served as the first secretary of the Polytechnic
    Institute's branch of the Communist Youth Union (Komsomol) in 1974-76
    and as head of the College Students' Department of the Central
    Committee of the Komsomol of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic in
    1976-78. Moving to the Communist Party organization, Mr. Geghamian
    worked as instructor, sector head, first deputy of a department head
    (1979-85), first assistant to First Secretary Karen Demirchian
    (1985-86), and first secretary of the Mashtots District of Yerevan
    (1987-89). From 1989 to 1990 Mr. Geghamian was the chair of the
    Yerevan City Council Executive Committee -- the mayor of Yerevan.

    In May 1990, together with Vazgen Sargsian, he negotiated an end to
    a deadly confrontation between Soviet troops and Armenian
    pro-independence units in the Sovetashen (Nubarashen) district.

    Mr. Geghamian was defeated by a candidate from the Armenian National
    Movement in the 1990 parliamentary elections. From 1991 to 1992, Mr.
    Geghamian worked as advisor to ZakavkazGazStroy and from 1992 to 1997
    as president of Prometevs Exchange (trading in metals and foreign
    exchange) and president of "21 Century (Dar)."

    In 1995-99 he served as a member of the National Assembly, elected
    as nonpartisan from the Mashtots district. He ran in the March 1998
    presidential elections and collected less than 0.5 percent; he
    endorsed President Robert Kocharian in the second round. He then set
    up the National Unity Party, which in April 1999 joined together with
    several political and cultural groups to set up the Right and Unity
    Bloc (IMB), which came third in the May 1999 parliamentary elections
    with 8 percent. (His election campaign was backed by Samvel Babayan,
    who was then defense minister of Karabakh.)

    Mr. Geghamian took an anti-Kocharian line after May 2000 (after an
    apparent failure to become prime minister). He tried, unsuccessfully,
    to forge alliances with Karen Demirchian's People's Party, and others.
    In 2001-2, he refused to join the united opposition alliance. He ran
    from president in 2003, and came third with about 18 percent of the
    vote; in the second round he refused to endorse either Mr. Kocharian
    or Stepan Demirchian. His party won about 9 percent of the vote in the
    2003 parliamentary election, which brought him back to parliament.
    With just over 3 percent of the vote in 2007, Mr. Geghamian's party
    won no seats in parliament.

    ************************************* **************************************

    2. Vazgen Manukian's priority is an independent and incorruptible
    judiciary [Jan. 12, 2008]

    * Calls for a national movement for change

    by Vincent Lima

    "The basic problem of our state is that in the absence of an
    independent judiciary, the people are unprotected," presidential
    nominee Vazgen Mikhaili Manukian told the Armenian Reporter on
    December 25. "Businesses are unprotected; workers and private property
    are unprotected."

    Mr. Manukian, who was a leader of the Karabakh Committee in 1988,
    the first post-Soviet prime minister of Armenia in 1991-92, and served
    as defense minister at the height of the Karabakh war, made these
    remarks in a meeting with the editor of the Armenian Reporter,
    Associate Editor Maria Titizian, and correspondents Tatul Hakobyan and
    Armen Hakobyan. The meeting was the second in a planned series of
    encounters with candidates running in Armenia's presidential election,
    which is slated for February 19, 2008.

    Asked about his first steps as president when his party, the
    National Democratic Union, has no seats in the National Assembly, Mr.
    Manukian noted that the president has broad powers to govern foreign
    policy as well as law enforcement.

    He also predicted a realignment of forces after an election in which
    he -- or any opposition candidate -- would prevail: "I think that if
    for the first time in Armenia's history an opposition candidate is
    able to win and become president, that will mean he has such vast
    popular backing that the majority will no longer feel confident in
    itself, especially since that majority's party affiliation is pro

    Such a realignment, he added, would bring about the possibility that
    the National Assembly would nominate as prime minister someone other
    than Serge Sargsian, whose party currently commands a majority of
    votes in the parliament. That would be an opportunity, he said, to
    form a better government.

    * A new constitution

    As president, Mr. Manukian would work toward the adoption of a new
    constitution. The constitution adopted in 1995 and amended in 2005 was
    "not accepted by the people," and does not fit the Armenian people's
    character, he claimed.

    The most important point in the new constitution would be an
    improvement of the judiciary. "At the same time, we need laws that do
    not allow judges to become corrupted," he said, "because you can be
    independent of the government and absolutely corrupt."

    The new constitution would also greatly enhance local
    self-government. The mayor of Yerevan and provincial governors serve
    the central government, and "people's dissatisfaction has absolutely
    no significance for them, because they are appointed and dismissed by
    the government."

    Mr. Manukian would also include the right to voter-initiated
    referenda, including the right to recall elected officials. He would
    advocate for the abolition of the presidency in favor of parliamentary

    Initiating constitutional amendments would not, however, be Mr.
    Manukian's first step. "Until then some sort of cleanliness must enter
    the republic because the republic has become quite sullied," he said.

    Again, Mr. Manukian would start with the judiciary.

    * Fear of the future

    He would continue with an initiative to abolish monopolies in the
    economy. "One person imports all the sugar; one person imports the
    cooking oil, the flour; and so on," he said. To bring about
    competition, Mr. Manukian would have the government determine how many
    shipping containers of each basic commodity are needed in a given
    timeframe, and separately auction off the right to import each

    "I think many wrongs have been committed over these years --
    criminal, political, and economic wrongs," Mr. Manukian continued. "I
    am not in favor of sitting down and reviewing ownership stakes.
    Redistributing ownership would be wrong, except in cases where the
    judiciary finds outright violations of the law." But he favored the
    formation of a commission that would review "that which has happened
    in Armenia over the last 15-20 years and give opinions, be it
    political murders, terror, criminal acts. If the commission uncovers
    evidence that is prosecutable, you prosecute. In other cases, you have
    a moral assessment."

    Mr. Manukian elaborated on his concern about people and businesses
    finding themselves vulnerable: Businesses are subject to tax audits,
    he said, in which they are fined for trumped up violations, and they
    have no recourse. "Workers are absolutely unprotected, even though
    there are laws protecting them. But there aren't unions, and the laws
    aren't enforced because there is no proper judiciary. Our people are
    unprotected, and the president has to try to resolve this problem,"
    Mr. Manukian said.

    People are afraid of the future, he continued. "People are afraid
    that the unresolved Karabakh issue can bring a new war and their
    children could go and be sacrificed in that war. People know that when
    they retire, they cannot live on their pensions, because the pensions
    are very low. People know that when their children grow up, they
    cannot afford to pay their tuition. People know that if they get sick,
    in the hospital they will be asked for sums they cannot afford," he

    * Using time to Armenia's advantage

    Asked about foreign policy, Mr. Manukian said he thought "the
    Karabakh issue is going to be resolved in the very distant future."
    Elaborating, he said Azerbaijan believes that the passage of time
    works in Azerbaijan's interests, and it is therefore unwilling to
    settle the issue. "The only way for Armenia is to use time to its own
    advantage," he said. In addition, he said, he would make "great
    diplomatic efforts" for the maintenance and enforcement of the
    agreement on Conventional Forces in Europe, which limits the quantity
    of armaments each side can have -- no matter its oil wealth.

    As the Karabakh issue will remain unresolved, Turkey will remain
    reluctant to establish relations with Armenia, Mr. Manukian said. At
    the same time, he noted, Turkey has EU aspirations, and it is under
    pressure to recognize the Genocide and open the border with Armenia.
    Mr. Manukian said he does not believe Turkey will recognize the
    Genocide anytime soon; he reasoned that political relations are
    therefore not likely to be established; but insofar as Turkey will
    allow politics and trade to remain apart, he would work for the
    development of trade and economic relations.

    Asked about relations with Russia and the United States, Mr.
    Manukian noted that Russia is becoming stronger, albeit not in the
    most democratic way. The United States, in turn, has many powerful
    allies in Armenia's region, including Turkey. Its alliance with
    Armenia is not its first priority. "For Russia, Armenia is important
    because Russia has no serious allies in this region," he said. "But it
    is not like Russia is committed to Armenian interests; if by
    auctioning off Armenian interests it can gain something from
    Azerbaijan, it will readily take that route."

    Mr. Manukian said that the European countries and the United States
    want to see Karabakh handed back to Azerbaijan and only then will they
    allow Armenia to develop. "Not only do we not want to pay that price;
    we cannot pay that price."

    The U.S.-Armenia relationship, Mr. Manukian said, is not just about
    relations between governments and NATO. "The United States is a very
    important example for us of the development of new technologies, and
    of democracy. We are not an Anglo-Saxon people; we have eastern
    origins; we don't have to be like America in every respect. But
    relations between us and the United States are very helpful. I have in
    mind not only relations at the top, but also horizontal relations,
    relations between businesses, the exchange of new technologies,
    relations among people."

    * The lessons of '96

    In discussing his campaign, Mr. Manukian recalled the presidential
    election of 1996, in which he ran against the incumbent, Levon
    Ter-Petrossian. Late in that campaign, a fractured opposition rallied
    around Mr. Manukian's candidacy. After the vote, the Central Electoral
    Commission announced that Mr. Ter-Petrossian had been reelected with
    52 percent of the vote, while Mr. Manukian had come in second with 41
    percent of the vote. There were major protests alleging fraud. Mr.
    Ter-Petrossian deployed tanks in the streets to quell the protests.
    Seeking to avoid bloodshed -- and perhaps the kind of instability that
    could provide an opportunity for a new Azerbaijani assault on Karabakh
    -- Mr. Manukian called on protesters to stand down.

    "If we have ordinary elections, where people drop ballots in boxes
    and someone counts them," Mr. Manukian said in reference to the 2008
    vote, "Serge Sargsian will receive say 60 percent of the vote and
    become president." If, on the other hand, a formidable "opposition
    force" emerges during the elections, with popular support, the outcome
    may be different, he continued. "It's not like all the links in the
    chain of authority would give their lives for Serge Sargsian to become
    president. No, if they see that there is a big force on the opposite
    side, they might cross to that side, or the people who facilitate
    fraud may be afraid to do so."

    The only opposition politician to hold rallies so far has been Mr.
    Ter-Petrossian. Is he going to create the kind of movement that
    rallied against him and around Mr. Manukian in 1996? No, Mr. Manukian,
    said: "First, Mr. Ter-Petrossian as a person does not have the trust
    of the people such that they might stake their hopes for future
    changes on him." Second, campaigns "should not be built on
    disgruntlement," he continued.

    In 1996, there were members of the National Democratic Union who
    wanted to organize rallies in Freedom Square, "using people's
    dissatisfaction, and then, like in 1988, take the wave of rallies to
    all of Armenia and create a revolutionary situation and defeat the
    authorities," he said. But Mr. Manukian rejected that advice. "The 5,
    10, 15 percent of the population that detests the authorities with a
    vengeance will always be with you. You mustn't work on them. You must
    work on the people who are opposed to the authorities but want
    positive changes, those who want to see what comes next."

    "I said, 'Let's act as if we live in a democracy,'" Mr. Manukian
    said, still referring to 1996. He said he refused to hold rallies in
    Freedom Square, except a wrap-up rally on the day before the election.
    Instead, he traveled the entire country, meeting voters, hearing their
    concerns, and putting forward his program. "We criticized the
    authorities, but did not incite aggression against the authorities,"
    he said. "We proposed a way forward, and slowly the people who wanted
    change but were not revolutionaries came to us."

    Mr. Ter-Petrossian and his circle "are relying on the angriest mass,
    and that base cannot grow," he said. Those who will do everything to
    be rid of the current ruling circle are not a majority but a tiny
    minority, he added. The rest are dissatisfied, but they all want to
    see a road, a team, a leader, who has come forth not to take
    vengeance, not to destroy, but to offer something new to the people.

    "Ter-Petrossian, it is obvious, will not get elected; he won't even
    take second place," Mr. Manukian said. "The second place will go to
    Artur Baghdasarian or me or someone else. So I think the remaining
    time should be used so these forces consolidate in some fashion: the
    ARF, we, Raffi Hovannisian is very important, Artur Baghdasarian." He
    recalled that in 1996 the opposition rallied around a single candidate
    -- himself -- only two weeks before the election.

    Why is so much bile being directed against Mr. Ter-Petrossian if his
    chances are so slim? At first it was personal, Mr. Manukian said:
    "There were people who thought they had an agreement that he would not
    criticize them in the way he did." Then it was panic: "There was a
    widespread opinion of Ter-Petrossian that he is very smart,
    calculating, and would not enter the race if he had no hopes. I did
    not think so because I know him, but others thought so." And now, he
    concluded, it's cynical: by focusing on Mr. Ter-Petrossian, his
    critics are making the race appear like it is between Mr. Sargsian and
    Mr. Ter-Petrossian, knowing "many, many people do not accept Levon
    Ter-Petrossian as the lesser of two evils," and they will think about
    voting for Mr. Sargsian.

    * A golden age

    "I consider this time to be a golden age for our people. Never before
    has the world been so good for the Armenians," Mr. Manukian said. "I
    want to see Armenians around the world develop into a team of free
    individuals who first, compete and cooperate in a globalized world;
    second, make a contribution to universal values; and third, make
    Armenia one of the most important states in the region, which everyone
    must take into account."

    * * *

    Vazgen Manukian

    Born in 1946, in Leninakan (Gyumri) to a family displaced from Van
    during the Armenian Genocide, Vazgen Manukian holds a Ph.D. in
    mathematics. He studied at Yerevan State University, Moscow State
    University, and the Novosibirsk branch of the Academy of Sciences of
    the Soviet Union. He started teaching at Yerevan State University in
    1972. He is married and has three daughters.

    In February 1988 he became a member of the Karabakh Committee and
    later that year its coordinator. He and other committee members were
    arrested on December 10, 1988 -- three days after the earthquake that
    devastated northern Armenia -- and spent six months in detention in
    Moscow. Upon their release and the establishment of the Armenian
    National Movement (ANM), Mr. Manukian became the first chairperson of
    its board. He was elected to parliament in May 1990. On August 13,
    1990, he became the first prime minister of Armenia since Simon
    Vratsian had to hand power over to the Bolsheviks in 1920.

    In 1991, as disagreements within the movement intensified, Mr.
    Manukian resigned from the post and founded the National Democratic
    Union (NDU), which became one of the main opposition parties.

    Mr. Manukian was, however, appointed State Minister of Defense in
    September 1992. He was instrumental in the formation of Armenia's
    armed forces. His tenure lasted until August 1993.

    The NDU took fourth place in the 1995 parliamentary elections. In
    1996 Mr. Manukian became the presidential candidate of the alliance of
    opposition parties. According to official records, he received 41.29
    percent of the vote, with the incumbent president receiving 51.75
    percent. This outcome led to riots and the introduction of the army
    into Yerevan streets.

    Mr. Manukian won about 12 percent of the vote in the February 1998
    presidential election, coming third behind Robert Kocharian and Karen
    Demirchian. He did not endorse either candidate in the second round,
    which was held because no candidate won over half the vote in the
    first round. In the May 1999 parliamentary elections, the NDU came in
    fifth with just over 5 percent of the vote, and Mr. Manukian was thus
    reelected a member of parliament. In the February 2003 presidential
    election, Mr. Manukian won less than 1 percent of the vote, coming in
    fifth; he endorsed Stepan Demirchian for president in the second
    round. In May 2003, Mr. Manukian was reelected to parliament on the
    ticket of Demirchian-led Justice alliance. The NDU did not participate
    in the May 2007 parliamentary elections.

    ************************************** *************************************

    3. Ter-Petrossian says 2008 is his year in the sun [Jan. 19, 2008]

    * Promises jobs to those who support his campaign

    by Tatul Hakobyan

    YEREVAN -- "I am telling you that I have won," presidential nominee
    Levon Akopi Ter-Petrossian told journalists on January 11. "The power,
    security, and tax structures, 10, 20 days from now will no longer
    submit to Serge Sargsian and Robert Kocharian," he continued,
    referring to the prime minister and the president. "There will be
    dissidents at Public Television. You will see," he said.

    These remarks came at a press conference held at the Marriott
    Armenia hotel. The last time Mr. Ter-Petrossian had given a press
    conference was on the twilight of his presidency, on September 26,
    1997, over a decade ago. At that time Mr. Ter-Petrossian had tried to
    persuade the Armenian people that Armenia should accept an OSCE Minsk
    Group peace plan that called for Armenian forces to withdraw from
    around Karabakh in exchange for security guarantees. The plan would
    leave the final status of Karabakh to be determined later. That
    approach was opposed by the Karabakh leadership as detrimental to its
    security. Also opposed were then-Prime Minister Robert Kocharian and
    Defense Minister Vazgen Sargsyan. In the end most of the parliament
    members also sided with the Kocharian-Sargsyan position and Mr.
    Ter-Petrossian was forced to resign.

    The press conference was exceptionally well attended. So much so
    that Mr. Ter-Petrossian quipped that he would wait another ten years
    to hold another one.

    This wasn't the only light moment at the press conference. A
    reporter for the Russian news agency Regnum started her question, "Mr.
    Ter-Petrossian, when you become president," and then sneezed loudly
    into the microphone. There were fewer than 100 journalists present and
    a few hundred supporters of the former president, and they all burst
    out laughing. When the room finally settled down, Mr. Ter-Petrossian
    said calmly, "Bless you." The supporters gave the press conference a
    rally atmosphere, interrupting the candidate's remarks with loud

    * Counting the votes

    Asked how he would react in defeat if Western observers judged the
    presidential election to be essentially free and fair, Mr.
    Ter-Petrossian said, "I am opposed to the notion that democracy will
    be established by foreign sources. We have to establish democracy
    ourselves. Any external affirmation of that ideology does not bring
    any benefit to us." He nonetheless appeared to attach special
    importance to U.S. approval, saying, "I will be happy when the
    consolidation of democracy in Armenia is such that the necessity of
    Radio Liberty [funded by the U.S. Congress] will not be felt. The day
    when Radio Liberty no longer broadcasts will be a day when we will
    congratulate one another because there will be true democracy in

    Radio Liberty broadcasts were banned in Armenia during Mr.
    Ter-Petrossian's presidency and restored in 1998 by President

    In a recent speech Mr. Ter-Petrossian had noted that the OSCE and
    the Council of Europe, both of which provide observation missions, are
    not foreign organizations but multilateral organizations of which
    Armenia had chosen to become a member.

    Asked by the Armenian Reporter what steps he would take if he came
    to believe the elections were rigged, Mr. Ter-Petrossian said, "The
    person who asks this question must be prepared to protect his own
    vote, and not demand that someone else protect it. There is the state,
    there is the Constitutional Court, the prosecutor general, the Central
    Electoral Commission, and it is their responsibility to protect and
    preserve the votes of the people. As long as that awareness doesn't
    exist, nothing will change in this country. What will I do if the
    elections are rigged? I will do that which I have done up to this
    point. Being aware of my rights, knowing our laws and international
    laws, I will take all lawful steps available to me, including
    protests, rallies, pickets, and trials. This will be my chosen path.

    "I will not destroy fences. I will not take over buildings. I will
    not brutalize the speaker of the parliament," he said, referring to
    riots that took place after he claimed victory in the 1996
    presidential election. Referring to his leading opponent at the time,
    Vazgen Manukian, he continued, "That candidate lost for that reason
    alone. In 1996 he received 41 percent of the vote. In the following
    presidential election he received 13 percent, and in 2003, 0.9

    Mr. Ter-Petrossian then went on to say: "Vazgen Manukian is
    convinced that he won the presidential elections in 1996. I respect
    his opinion and conviction; let him continue to be convinced. But
    politics are not about opinions and convictions. Politics is a legal
    process. In 1996 he went to the Constitutional Court and presented
    more than a thousand written protocols on voting results from
    electoral districts, all the while being convinced, that those
    protocols would prove that the elections had been rigged. There were
    only a few protocols where there were some irregularities. In other
    words, my adversary could not prove that the elections had been
    falsified. Additionally, based upon those protocols, when the final
    counting was done, my vote increased by 0.25 percent."

    It was evident that the 1996 presidential elections were a sore spot
    for Mr. Ter-Petrossian. It is equally painful for Mr. Manukian, who at
    every opportunity states that he won the elections with 60 percent of
    the vote, but the "power ministers" kept Mr. Ter-Petrossian in power.
    The "power ministers" in 1996 were Defense Minister Vazgen Sargsyan,
    who had publicly announced that even if Mr. Manukian received 100
    percent of the vote, it wouldn't matter because Mr. Ter-Petrossian was
    going to remain president; Interior Minister Vano Siradeghian, who
    later told Radio Liberty that the elections were indeed rigged to give
    Mr. Ter-Petrossian more than 50 percent of the vote, allowing him to
    avoid a runoff; and National Security Minister Serge Sargsian.)

    * Why he has returned

    "They ask me why I remained silent for 10 years and why is it that I
    returned now to politics. In 2003 there were those who told me that it
    was necessary for me to participate in the presidential election. But
    I refused because I understood that it was not yet my time. 2003 was
    Stepan Demirchian's time in the sun. Even if I had placed my
    candidacy, I wouldn't have had a chance to win and I would have
    undermined Stepan Demirchian," said Mr. Ter-Petrossian.

    "You may ask, what has changed now? After the 2007 parliamentary
    elections, it became evident that the opposition had lost its role as
    a political factor. Why did I return? This is not a matter of
    conscience; it is about clear political awareness, especially knowing
    that I have to share in the blame for the existence of this
    administration. Ultimately, I was the one who invited these people to
    Armenia," Mr. Ter-Petrossian said, referring to President Kocharian
    and Prime Minister Sargsian, both of whom are Armenians from Karabakh.
    Mr. Ter-Petrossian, who came to prominence as a leader of the Karabakh
    Movement, has been portraying Karabakh Armenians as foreigners during
    his campaign. "If I had not invited them to Armenia, then these people
    would not be lording it over us today. I will do everything in my
    power to convince our people that this administration is evil. I
    believe that it will be a nightmare scenario if we have to envision
    another 10 years of this administration."

    Mr. Ter-Petrossian was asked how he envisioned working with the
    parliamentary majority, held by Mr. Sargsian's party, if elected
    president. He acknowledged that forming the government will raise
    "serious issues because we do not have a majority in parliament. We
    will have to work with this majority."

    As for the executive branch, in Mr. Ter-Petrossian's words, "Those
    forces will come to power that are now by my side, those that support
    or aid my candidacy. Everyone in this movement, proportional to the
    amount of effort they invest in our victory, will be compensated with
    appropriate offices in the ranks of our new administration."

    The former president promised that midlevel and entry-level
    bureaucrats will be in no danger of losing their positions. "We were
    in power for eight years and we have cadres. But there are
    professionals in this government who will remain, especially those in
    mid-level and low-level positions. They are serious professionals and
    have no reason to worry," Mr. Ter-Petrossian said.

    * The Karabakh conflict

    How does Mr. Ter-Petrossian envision the resolution of the Karabakh
    conflict? In a speech on September 21, 2007, he had said that the
    resolution of the Karabakh issue "during the past ten years has almost
    become hopeless. I don't know what needs to be done to get out of this

    At a rally on October 16, Mr. Ter-Petrossian stated,
    "Nagorno-Karabakh from the beginning for me was not about land or
    territory, but exclusively about human rights."

    For the former president there is only one solution to the problem:
    "The realization of the inalienable right to self-determination of the
    population of Karabakh. Other solutions are precluded not because of
    the incompatibility of Armenians and Azerbaijanis, or religious
    antagonism, but rather the obvious reality that Azerbaijan is not
    capable of providing for the security, freedom, and well-being of the
    population of Karabakh."

    Mr. Ter-Petrossian has been critical of the current administration's
    acquiescence to the fact that Armenia represents Nagorno-Karabakh at
    the negotiating table. This has led to Karabakh being left out of the
    process and ultimately denying it the role of a full partner in the
    negotiations. According to Mr. Ter-Petrossian, the last ten years has
    seen the issue shift away from being about the right to
    self-determination to an issue of disputed territory.

    The former president said three steps are necessary. First, to
    return to the original formula, which included Stepanakert as a full
    partner in the negotiations. Second, to move away from the philosophy
    of maintaining the status quo and work toward a philosophy of
    resolution. And third, "It is pointless to be afraid or to avoid
    concessions, because there is no other solution in nature."

    Mr. Ter-Petrossian has not made clear what those concessions are or
    should be. Mr. Ter-Petrossian, with some reservations, was in favor of
    the 1997 stage-by-stage solution through which the resolution of the
    Karabakh issue would be left for the future; Karabakh would receive
    international security guarantees; Armenian forces would withdraw from
    all surrounding territories with the exception of the region of
    Lachin; the displaced Azerbaijani population would return to their
    homes; international peacekeepers would come in. Baku, in its turn,
    would have to open all lines of communication and release the blockade
    of Armenia and Karabakh.

    * "Serene Musings"

    On January 6 Mr. Ter-Petrossian published his campaign platform under
    the title, "Serene Musings." It has the form of an essay.

    His "Serene Musings" puts forth the position that the economic
    crisis of the early 90s was unavoidable, just as it was unavoidable in
    all post-Soviet countries and Eastern Europe. Moreover, in Armenia's
    case, added to this was the earthquake zone, the 300,000 displaced
    Armenians from Azerbaijan, the Karabakh War, and the blockade imposed
    by Turkey and Azerbaijan.

    The present administration, many of whose high-ranking officials
    were also part of the Ter-Petrossian administration and held key
    positions in Armenia and Karabakh, make a clear separation: the dark
    and cold years were the fault of Mr. Ter-Petrossian, while he had
    nothing to do with the victory in Karabakh. They credit themselves for
    that victory.

    In his "Serene Musings," Mr. Ter-Petrossian writes, "Even with
    additional problems, Armenia was among the first in the Commonwealth
    of Independent States (CIS) that, thanks to structural changes and
    improvements, was able by 1994 not only to slow down the economic
    decline but begin to register economic growth. One year later we were
    able to overcome the energy crisis. If we add to this that it was
    during this time period that we were able to conclude the Karabakh War
    victoriously, then it is difficult not to agree that it was heroism,
    unprecedented in Armenia's modern history."

    * Economic deviation

    Mr. Ter-Petrossian insists that Armenia has deviated from mainstream
    global processes, has been reduced to total political and economic
    isolation, excluded from regional development policies. As a result of
    economic policies adopted by the current administration, three
    fundamental principles of the market economy have been breached: a
    level playing field, securing free and fair competition, and the
    inviolability of private property.

    "The most destructive violation of Armenia's economy is the
    widespread monopolization, with which more than half the wealth of the
    country is concentrated in the hands of approximately 40 families," he
    said. What he called the "artificial" valuation of the dram has led,
    he said, to cost increases on products manufactured in Armenia, which
    has been a "severe blow to manufacturers who export."

    In his "Serene Musings," Mr. Ter-Petrossian writes that migration
    out of Armenia has not subsided. According to studies conducted by his
    supporters, in the last ten years 30,000 people have left the region
    of Syunik, 80,000 from Shirak, 90,000 from Ararat, and more than
    10,000 from Etchmiadzin.

    "Half-empty villages, abandoned homes, divided families, vanishing
    schools. This is the real picture of the Kocharian-Sargsian regime,
    and not the expensive boutiques of downtown Yerevan, the restaurants
    and modern buildings from which only 5 percent of the population
    benefits," writes Mr. Ter-Petrossian.

    * Mr. Ter-Petrossian's dream

    During the January 11 press conference, Mr. Ter-Petrossian also spoke
    about the Armenian army. If there hadn't been the Karabakh War or if
    there had been a resolution to the Karabakh conflict, then Armenia
    would not need the army it has today. "The guarantor of our existence
    is our relations with our four neighbors," he insisted. "I dream of
    the day when Armenia will have an army of 10-15 thousand.

    "Until a final resolution of the Karabakh conflict, the Turkish
    border will remain closed for us. When I speak of a resolution I don't
    mean a final resolution. I am convinced that if there is any serious
    progress in the negotiations, then Turkey would open the border and
    with that bring its own benefit to the resolution of the Karabakh

    Mr. Ter-Petrossian's close advisors from the 1990s have criticized
    Turkey for failing to justify his faith in its willingness to respond
    constructively to Armenian goodwill.

    *************************************** ************************************

    4. The Candidates: Vahan Hovhannesian seeks to restore checks and
    balances in Armenia's governance [Jan. 26, 2008]

    * Calls for an Armenian-Georgian union

    by Vincent Lima

    YEREVAN -- "Guaranteed changes in a politically stable environment."
    That's what Vahan Hovhannesian promises to bring about if he is
    elected as Armenia's next president. It's not a promise, however, he
    insists; it's a contractual obligation. His major commitments are
    listed in a short contract that he has signed; as of January 20, some
    120,000 citizens have countersigned, according to the candidate.

    Mr. Hovhannesian, 50, is a member of the Bureau, or global executive
    body, of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutiun) and is
    his party's nominee. He spoke to the editor of the Armenian Reporter,
    Associate Editor Maria Titizian, and correspondent Armen Hakobyan on
    January 7. Armenia's presidential election is slated for February 19.

    "There's one extreme that sees no need for change," he had said in
    Glendale on December 15, referring to Prime Minister and presidential
    candidate Serge Sargsian. "'All is well, everyone is smiling, there's
    construction throughout the city, what need is there for change?' they
    say. We see the need for change. But the other extreme, the former
    authorities, that have set out to demolish everything, are
    unacceptable to us too," he had continued, referring to presidential
    candidate Levon Ter-Petrossian.

    This middle position may seem odd to some, who have long seen
    Dashnaktsutiun as a hard-line force in Armenian politics. But
    "balance" appears to be the new watchword for the party, which has
    been part of the government and a critic of government policies at the
    same time. Even on foreign policy, where Dashnaktsutiun traditionally
    has taken a maximalist position, the soft-spoken Mr. Hovhannesian
    speaks of a peaceful process of regional integration.

    "Under the constitution, the president's basic responsibility --
    besides the obvious responsibilities to maintain national security and
    the constitutional order -- is to maintain balance among the arms of
    government," said Mr. Hovhannesian, who is a deputy speaker of
    Armenia's National Assembly. "It is that balance that is upset in
    Armenia today. The Constitution lives a separate life; real life is
    something else entirely."

    Mr. Hovhannesian said he seeks to bring "the Constitution and real
    life into the same plane."

    * Supervising judges

    To do so, and to restore faith in government, Mr. Hovhannesian would
    start with "the places where the citizen comes into contact with the
    state" and above all, the courts. Judges would come "under very strict
    oversight on the part of the president, and all intervention in
    judicial processes by other state entities, other officials, or 'the
    strong' in general" would be "out of the question."

    Asked whether strict presidential oversight would not be a form of
    intervention by the strong, Mr. Hovhannesian said there is "an
    established mechanism for oversight of the judiciary. It is not the
    personal phone calls and pressure of the president. There is a Council
    of Justice, which has the right to really review the performance of
    judges. What we need is to plug this mechanism in and use it. I'm not
    talking about some sort of extraconstitutional intervention."

    Mr. Hovhannesian was asked about the recent dismissal, through that
    constitutional process, of Judge Pargev Ohanian, who had rendered a
    rare not-guilty verdict in a criminal case brought against
    businesspeople who had confronted the state Customs Service. In this
    case, as in the case of member of parliament Khachatur Sukiassian,
    whose businesses were audited and heavily penalized after he announced
    his support for Mr. Ter-Petrossian, there were elements of corruption,
    Mr. Hovhannesian said. But punishment came only when their activities
    "became politically sensitive."

    An official openly violates the rules and the laws and his or her
    violations are overlooked, he said, because that makes officials more
    manageable. "And only when they try to come out of this environment of
    manageability" are the violations acted on. "This practice must come
    to an end. You messed up, you must be held accountable: you're loyal,
    you're disloyal, that should not matter," he said.

    * Independence and justice

    How does he hope to reach this point? "The solution is very simple,
    and at the same time, very difficult. Very simple because I can see
    it. Difficult because making it happen will create certain tensions.
    One of our slogans, and the most important, is 'guaranteed changes in
    a politically stable environment.' All these solutions must avoid
    bringing about upheaval."

    His first step, Mr. Hovhannesian said, would be to change the way
    elections are carried out in Armenia.

    "The strong, who are able to circumvent the principles and rules of
    justice and apply pressure on the judge, the police chief, the tax
    inspector, the customs agent: Where does their power lie?" Mr.
    Hovhannesian asked. It lies, he said, in the fact that the authorities
    need them in order to win elections. "'You must bring me votes; I
    don't care how,' they are told. 'If you want, buy them; if you want
    use your powers of persuasion. You are necessary to me for this
    purpose. And in return for that, I will turn a blind eye to certain
    deficiencies in your carrying out of your tax obligations, and in
    general in your relations with the law. I will be more tolerant toward
    you. You will be more equal than the others, as Orwell would have it.'
    These are the relations."

    As president, Mr. Hovhannesian said he would invite "the strong" and
    say, "Guys, 'there shall not an hair of your head perish,' but
    henceforth... you will go pay all your taxes, you will provide all the
    services prescribed by law, you will not interfere with the ship of
    state, the court process, etc. You will live like everyone; no one
    will touch your wealth: go enjoy it. But I owe you nothing because I
    was not elected thanks to your intervention; I was elected by the

    Asked how he hopes to get elected in this context, Mr. Hovhannesian
    said the ruling circle has three reserves through which it perpetuates
    its power: These are outright fraud, the poor, or rather "those among
    the poor whose votes can be bought," and the "administrative reserve:
    urban district heads, village heads, provincial governors, and the
    like." They, "in large part -- but I would not say in its entirety --
    provide for the perpetuation of that circle and thereby for their own

    He said he plans to do all he can "to minimize the negative
    consequences of the use of these three reserves by the authorities."

    * Uneven development

    Asked about Armenia's economic growth and the distribution of wealth
    among the people, Mr. Hovhannesian said, "Armenia's economic
    development is obvious and cannot be denied. We, too, with our
    participation in the coalition government, have helped the government
    take some of the right directions. And the progress is obvious."

    He noted that certain sectors have grown especially fast. Others have
    not. "Let's factor out the reasons that are out of the hands of
    Armenia's government: blocked export routes. But there are also other
    reasons: Armenia's tax and customs laws do not support the local
    producer. They are more supportive of the importer. For that reason,
    imports grow constantly, and our trade balance is always negative, and
    that gap is growing."

    Mr. Hovhannesian was particularly critical of the terms of Armenia's
    membership in the World Trade Organization. In the absence of
    protectionist tariffs, local producers have to compete with cheap
    imports from abroad, such as cheap tomatoes from Iran, he said.

    * Fighting in Karabakh

    "When the ARF started its first underground operations in Armenia, I
    was among the first who joined," Mr. Hovhannesian said when asked
    about his role in the Karabakh Movement. "It was clear to us that
    standing in public squares with our fists in the air, appealing or
    making demands of this or that international forum, the Karabakh
    question would not be resolved. For us it was clear that a
    confrontation was unavoidable. And we prepared for that physical

    With Azerbaijani massacres of Armenians in Sumgait and with attacks
    on Armenians all across Azerbaijan, especially in Mountainous
    Karabakh, the "violent, bloody stage of the Karabakh struggle began.
    It was clear that the only possible response to that was armed
    rebellion. Which is what our battalions did -- in northern Artsakh, in
    Hadrut," Mr. Hovhannesian said, adding that he "participated from that
    stage. I participated because having served in the Soviet Army in the
    Special Forces, on the border with China, I had gained knowledge that
    was necessary to our young people at the time."

    Asked how he sees the future of Karabakh, Mr. Hovhannesian said,
    "There are political forces that look at the Karabakh issue as a
    separate question, the resolution of which brings regional stability
    once and for all. For us the Karabakh question is only one of the
    components of the permanent struggle for the Armenian Cause. So any
    resolution today is a stage after which we must prepare for the next
    stages, which may take decades.

    "We understand very well that what has been lost over 700 years will
    not be restored through one miracle or one stroke," he continued. "The
    ARF will never go to any adventure to put the people or the state at
    risk. But, conscious that this is one of the stages, you must gain the
    most you can, to help the future development of your country. Because
    you can reach the other stages only after a certain amount of time in
    peaceful, normal conditions, of strengthening your country, making
    your people a nation."

    In this context, Mr. Hovhannesian said he welcomes the continued
    efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group to achieve a peaceful resolution of
    the Karabakh conflict. "We salute all those approaches that have the
    idea of a peaceful resolution at their core," he continued. "We must,
    yes, insist and work on a peaceful resolution. And a peaceful
    resolution unavoidably requires mutual concessions. It doesn't work
    that in a peaceful resolution one side gains the maximum. Armenia has
    repeatedly announced its willingness to engage in mutual concessions.
    This approach is not alien to us. (I mean to the ARF and to me

    He did not, however "find it useful for Armenia's president to get
    ahead and speak of the content of our concessions when we have not
    heard a word from Azerbaijan about its concessions." He noted that top
    Azerbaijani officials tell their people that they will concede
    nothing; "they speak of restoring the Soviet reality in its entirety.
    This is naturally unacceptable."

    * A Caucasian Union

    The program of the Dashnaktsutiun calls for an integral Armenia that
    includes the historically Armenian territories now in Turkey and
    Georgia. What would Mr. Hovhannesian, as president, do to further that

    "I would, as president, propose to the Georgians to take the example
    of the European Union and to create a common customs and economic
    zone: Georgia and Armenia," he said. "Yes. They would freely use our
    rail facilities and our routes to Iran, etc., and we would freely use
    their ports. The investments that came to us would encompass Georgia
    as well."

    In this case, he continued, "there could come a moment when the
    Armenian-Georgian border would lose its essential meaning." He said
    that the Armenian and Georgian peoples, "after a few thousand years of
    being neighbors, live side-by-side only in the Javakheti area today.
    In all the remaining areas, a Turkish belt has inserted itself between
    us like a wedge. And today, with the Kars-Akhalkalaki railroad,
    various energy programs, Turkey and Azerbaijan seek to close off the
    neighborly relations of the Georgian and Armenian peoples, inserting a
    Turkish-speaking wedge.

    * Peace with Turkey

    "Turkey is another matter," Mr. Hovhannesian continued. "We understand
    very well that the geopolitical reality that has taken shape over
    decades cannot be changed easily. And our issue today is not to snatch
    something from Turkey. Our issue is to have our just cause recognized.
    When it is recognized, and first of all Turkey recognizes the
    Genocide, this will bring us unavoidably to the idea of reparations.
    The idea of reparations can develop in various ways. Our issue, then,
    because we'd like to resolve these issues peacefully, is to develop
    the idea of reparations in the right direction."

    Mr. Hovhannesian argued that Turks as well as Armenians could benefit
    from a just resolution of the Turkish-Armenian conflict. Armenians
    must, he argued, "operate in such a flexible and smart manner with the
    powers of the world and with Turkey, so that the Turkish people and
    the Turkish state begin to understand that warming relations with the
    Armenian people and the Armenian state also benefits them.

    "The future will show which points of the ARF program can be achieved
    in what order and at what time as part of those reparations," he
    continued. "The position of Armenia in recent years, efforts toward
    the recognition of the Genocide worldwide, are having very positive
    results. But if the next president is not Dashnaktsakan," he warned,
    "we cannot be sure what direction these processes will take and
    whether we will not experience retreat, which can take us to a

    Mr. Hovhannesian also noted that the "president takes an oath, upon
    inauguration, to serve the security of the Republic of Armenia." He
    added that he would have to work closely with other political forces
    in Armenia's National Security Council.

    * The lessons of history

    What keeps Mr. Hovhannesian up at night? "There are the issues of
    today. And then there are the mistakes that have been made in history
    and what Armenia's destiny would have been if in the 18th century we
    hadn't done this, and in the 19th century we hadn't done that, and in
    the early 20th century we had done this, etc. But history is worth
    nothing if you don't take lessons from it. I take one big lesson from
    all this: All our shortcomings come from a lack of faith in our own
    power, and from a lack of willingness to fight for our own rights.

    "The difference between a people and a nation is not well understood
    among us," Mr. Hovhannesian said. "The people are those who live
    today. The nation is also those who came before, with all the values
    they created, their legacy, and those who have not yet been born. The
    nation is the people in history."

    He said he would like to see his National Security Council, or a
    similar body, take the long view. "We, unfortunately, live with
    today's problems. We don't have a clear picture of tomorrow's
    challenges because there isn't in Armenia the forum for looking to
    that future.

    Not all the problems in Armenia "have to do with errors in the high
    echelons of government. Some are rooted in our mentality," he said.
    "But we will be able to make a difference over five years: a new
    political culture, greater respect for the self. We have a nation that
    has constantly been divided into communities artificially; every
    citizen continues to live for the interests of his community: his
    family, his extended family, perhaps his village, his compatriotic
    union. But the consciousness of a common interest is what you must
    give the people, helping them understand that your personal interest
    can be realized only when the common interest is moving forward."

    * * *

    Vahan Hovhannesian

    Vahan Eduardi Hovhannesian was born on August 16, 1956, in Yerevan.

    After graduating from the Moscow Pedagogical Institute in 1978, Mr.
    Hovhannesian served in the Soviet Army for two years. From 1980 to
    1989, he was a researcher and section head at Yerevan's Erebuni
    museum, while earning a Ph.D. in history and archeology from the
    Moscow Institute. From 1989 to 1990, he was a researcher at the
    Armenian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Archeology and Ethnography.

    From 1990 to 1992, Mr. Hovhannesian volunteered to fight for
    Artsakh's self-defense. At the same time he became a member of the
    ARF's Armenia Central Committee; in 1992 he became a member of the ARF

    Following a government ban on ARF's activities in Armenia in late
    1994, Mr. Hovhannesian was in August 1995 charged with attempting to
    overthrow the government of Levon Ter-Petrossian. Those politically
    motivated charges were dropped shortly after Mr. Ter-Petrossian
    resignation in February 1998, and Mr. Hovhannesian and other ARF
    leaders were released from jail.

    From 1998 to 1999, Mr. Hovhannesian was an advisor to President
    Robert Kocharian. Following his election to the National Assembly in
    May 1999, Mr. Hovhannesian served as chair of its Defense and Security
    Committee; since his re-election in May 2003, Mr. Hovhannesian has
    served as deputy speaker of Armenia's National Assembly. He was
    re-elected again in May 2007.

    Mr. Hovhannesian is married and has two children.

    *************************************** ************************************

    5. The Candidates: Artur Baghdasarian promises to increase the birth
    rate and decrease taxes [Feb. 9, 2008]

    * Calls for Armenia to embrace the West

    by Armen Hakobyan

    YEREVAN -- The youngest candidate fighting for Armenia's presidency in
    the February 19 election is Artur Vahani Baghdasarian, leader of the
    Country of Laws Party (Orinats Yerkir, OEK). Age notwithstanding, he
    is an established political figure, having formed a political party,
    having won seats in parliament in consecutive elections, and having
    held the post of Speaker from 2003 to 2006.

    He was first elected to the National Assembly as a member of
    then-President Levon Ter-Petrossian's Armenian National Movement in
    1995. Just before the 1996 presidential election, he wrote a book
    devoted to Mr. Ter-Petrossian and other leaders.

    He broke with Mr. Ter-Petrossian in 1998, shortly before the latter
    resigned from the presidency. He formed his own party in June 1998. It
    secured six seats in the 1999 parliamentary elections.

    In the 2003 parliamentary elections, the party came in second place.
    President Robert Kocharian brokered an agreement between the
    Republican Party of Armenia, the Country of Laws Party, and the
    Armenian Revolutionary Federation to form a coalition government. Mr.
    Baghdasarian became Speaker as part of the deal.

    Mr. Baghdasarian left the coalition in early 2006 and became part of
    the opposition. His party won 6.8 percent of the vote and 9 seats in
    the 131-seat National Assembly in the May 2007 elections.

    An attorney and a populist pro-Western politician, Artur
    Baghdasarian appeals to various constituencies.

    * The birth rate

    "The state must provide assistance to each newborn child, to each
    newly formed family," Mr. Baghdasarian says in his election platform.
    "There is no systematic and targeted program in Armenia today to
    support families. The family is the foundation of the state and of
    society, the main guarantee of their perpetuation. The negative trends
    seen in this field, which endanger our national values, create real
    threats for our country."

    He proposes, therefore, a one-time benefit of 200,000 drams ($650)
    for a family having a first child. Two children would garner 350,000
    drams; three children, 500,000 drams; four children 600,000 drams;
    five children 700,000 drams; and six children 1 million drams. "When a
    family has more than six children, they will be provided with free
    housing and car," he promises.

    "Young families will be provided with housing through state and
    municipal construction, interest-free loans, as well as long-term,
    30-50-year, low-interest mortgages," Mr. Baghdasarian's lection
    platform says.

    * Lost savings

    With the collapse of the Soviet Union and its currency, many people
    saw their life savings, held in the state savings bank, disappear.

    Mr. Baghdasarian promises, "The state will pay off all its debts to
    the people and will fully reimburse the deposits."

    This is a reiteration of a key election promise of Mr.
    Baghdasarian's party in the 2003 parliamentary elections. At that
    time, the party was able to fulfill the promise, at least in part,
    against the resistance of then-Prime Minister Andranik Margarian and
    his Republican Party. Some people were able to receive reimbursements
    on the basis of a formula that translated Soviet-era rubles to
    present-day drams.

    * Tax cuts

    Mr. Baghdasarian's platform addresses the concerns of small and medium
    businesses as well. "Taxes and duties will be cut; the economy will
    grow. Small and medium businesses will develop unhindered," the
    platform reads.

    For Mr. Baghdasarian the most important tax reforms needed are tax
    cuts and increased liberalization of the economy. "To eliminate the
    system of political protection and illegal tax monopolies, fighting it
    through all legal means. Low taxes are an important precondition for
    economic growth," his platform reads. He would draw on the experience
    of other countries in this regard and he would have the tax
    authorities pursue tax avoiders, especially large enterprises and
    those with political protection, with more vigorous enforcement.

    In contrast with his child welfare proposals, there are no figures
    in Mr. Baghdasarian's tax reduction and tax enforcement program. (Mr.
    Baghdasarian did not grant the Armenian Reporter's request for an

    * Joining the European Union

    Mr. Baghdasaryan says that for Armenia, a small country in a complex
    region, requiring a favorable resolution of the Karabakh conflict, "an
    active, dynamic, and initiative-taking, flexible foreign policy is a
    necessity. But our country for the most part simply notes this or that
    development that is relevant to it. This approach is no longer
    understandable to Armenia's external political partners anymore; they
    expect to see clear positions."

    As a result of this failing, Mr. Baghdasarian believes, Armenia is
    isolated in its region, "left out from more or less every important
    program (the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline, the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline, the Kars-Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku

    What distinct positions does Mr. Baghdasarian advocate? "The main
    goal of Armenia's foreign policy should be membership in the European
    Union. Obviously, this is a long-term program and cannot be realized
    in a few years, but Armenia must explicitly take this route. This
    first of all means implementing serious reforms in all areas so that
    our country may get closer and closer to the standards required for
    European Union membership. Armenia must be fully involved in regional
    energy and communication projects," Mr. Baghdasaryan declares.

    At the same time Mr. Baghdasarian believes "Armenia must develop its
    strategic relations with Russia. The cooperative relations of the two
    countries must be based on equality of rights, friendship, and shared
    interests. Relations with the U.S. must be deepened, being based on
    the principles of friendship and cooperation."

    Mr. Baghdasarian's Western orientation is the topic of several
    passages in a book about the candidate by his aide Levon Mutafian. The
    book notes that President Robert Kocharian helped Mr. Baghdasarian in
    2003, insisting that he become the Speaker of the National Assembly.
    "Through Artur Baghdasarian's presence [Mr. Kocharian] perhaps hoped
    gradually to come out of Russia's oppressive influence, which he had
    created himself, making Armenia a complete vassal to Russian
    interests. The presence of a Western-oriented politician in the
    country's governing system, and the presence in government of the
    Western-oriented political party he led could become miraculous
    preconditions for breaking decisively with the Kremlin and meeting new
    geopolitical developments and challenges with a position and
    philosophy of [Armenia's] own."

    In the actual course of events, in April 2006, Mr. Baghdasarian
    told Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that while Armenia has good
    relations with Russia, "Armenia's future is the EU and NATO," and
    "Russia must not block our way to Europe." This statement was not well
    received in Russia and helped strain relations between the country's
    number-1 political figure, the president, and the number-2 political
    figure, the head of the legislative branch. Mr. Baghdasarian stepped
    down as speaker and his party decided to withdraw from the coalition.
    (Eleven members of the party's parliamentary delegation -- all
    businesspeople -- defected from the party at the time.)

    Now, less than two years later, Mr. Baghdasarian is fighting to
    succeed Mr. Kocharian as the country's number-1 political figure.

    * * *

    Artur Baghdasarian

    Artur Baghdasarian was born on November 8, 1968, in Yerevan. He first
    appeared in politics in 1993, at the age of 25. He was elected as a
    delegate to the district council of the Shengavit district of Yerevan,
    and later as deputy chairperson of the council's executive committee.

    He was first elected to the National Assembly in July 1995, to
    represent Shengavit. In September 1995 he was elected president of
    Armenia's Lawyers' and Political Scientists' Association. After the
    resignation of Levon Ter-Petrossian and the departure of the Armenian
    National Movement (ANM) in March 1998, he was elected chair of the
    National Assembly's Standing Committee on State-Legal Issues.

    Mr. Baghdasarian formed the Country of Laws party (OEK) on June 20,
    1998. He has been president of the party ever since. On March 30,
    1999, he was reelected to the National Assembly, again from Shengavit.
    He was then able to form the OEK faction in the National Assembly and
    became its leader.

    In the 2003 parliamentary elections OEK got 12.5 percent of the vote
    (about 148,000 votes) in the nationwide party vote, through which most
    of the seats in the National Assembly are allocated, coming in third
    place. The party also had deputies elected in individual districts.
    The combination made it the second largest party in parliament.

    Under a coalition agreement signed with President Robert Kocharian,
    the Republican Party of Armenia, and the Armenian Revolutionary
    Federation, Mr. Baghdasarian became the Speaker of the National
    Assembly on June 12, 2003.

    He resigned from that position on March 29, 2006. The party came out
    of the coalition and moved to the opposition camp.

    During the 2007 parliamentary elections the party garnered fourth
    place. According to official data, the party won 7 percent of the
    total votes (more than 95,000 ballots), and received nine seats in the
    National Assembly.

    In 1995 he defended his Ph.D. thesis. In 1997, in Moscow, he
    defended his second thesis and obtained the degree of doctor of
    science in law. He holds the title of professor.

    ************************************** *************************************

    6. The Candidates: Serge Sargsian believes that Armenia's future lies
    in a knowledge-based society [Feb. 16, 2008]

    * Promises fight against poverty

    * Touts record as defense minister

    by Maria Titizian

    YEREVAN -- As the current prime minister and President Robert
    Kocharian's designated successor, presidential candidate Serge Azati
    Sargsian promises stability and continuity as well as reforms.

    He is running on a record of seven years of double-digit economic
    growth. The portion of the population living in poverty has fallen
    from more than half in 1999 to 27 percent last year. Average wages
    have increased more than fivefold in the same period, from $40 a month
    to $220. Armenia's exports have increased from $234 million to over
    $1.1 billion, and imports from $802 million to more than $3 billion.

    The economic reforms of the past have worked, he argues, and it is
    now time for "second-generation" reforms to "create the best
    conditions for business and investment."

    Mr. Sargsian's platform calls for internationally competitive tax
    and customs rates and policies. Where there is economic regulation, it
    should help business by establishing a level playing field and
    reducing risk. The platform calls for a focus on small and medium
    enterprises. For state-owned enterprises, it calls for better and more
    transparent management.

    For agriculture, Mr. Sargsian's platform calls for greater
    industrialization and the establishment of food processing plants to
    make produce available to distant markets.

    Mr. Sargsian believes Armenia can become the financial services
    leader in the region. "The Stockholm's Stock Exchange entering Armenia
    is graphic evidence of that," his platform says. Affordable mortgages
    and car loans as well as insurance are among the services called for
    in the platform.

    * Combating corruption

    Mr. Sargsian acknowledges in his platform that "corruption, the shadow
    economy, and unequal competitive conditions" are serious problems for
    Armenia. "One of the key issues of our policy will be efficiently and
    consistently struggling against bribery and corruption," his platform

    "We will strive for a new Armenian mindset that will not tolerate
    the phenomenon of corruption. Personal contacts must not be the basis
    of our system and whoever promotes bribery will not be considered as a
    comrade, friend, or fellow party member but as a law breaker."

    When asked by the Armenian Reporter's Emil Sanamyan in an October
    22, 2007, interview in Washington, about "the widespread perception
    that certain figures in government and in business" can act with
    impunity, Mr. Sargsian was unwilling to acknowledge that this is a
    major problem. He had said, "There is a difference between perception
    and reality. I state with all responsibility that today in Armenia
    there are no individuals or groups that are above the law."

    Mr. Sargsian continued, "The tax collection targets that our
    government has set for 2008 will also help dispel such perceptions. If
    we are able to meet our targets it will become clear to everyone that
    no so-called oligarch is above the law.

    "We have a complex approach to corruption that includes introduction
    of stricter legal punishments for economic crimes, such as tax
    evasion; higher salaries for state officials; more transparent
    administrative mechanisms. Perhaps in this issue we are lacking a
    public relations campaign that would showcase punishments for corrupt

    "That is not to say that we do not have shortcomings, we have plenty
    of them. And I appreciate all criticism of such shortcomings."

    * Europe as a neighbor

    There are differences in foreign policy between Mr. Sargsian and the
    man he hopes to succeed. Mr. Kocharian has been reluctant to endorse
    Turkey's bid for European Union membership, saying only that the
    accession process could work to Armenia's advantage.

    "We have an interest in having as neighbors states that are more
    predictable, more developed, more democratic," Mr. Kocharian stated at
    a joint press conference with then-President Jacques Chirac of France
    in Yerevan on September 30, 2006. "We see no danger to ourselves in
    the process of [Turkey's] admission; perhaps the contrary. Of course,
    we want that during this process the issues that concern us also find
    their solutions. And that the system of values, the belief in open
    borders that exists in Europe apply also to Turkey's policy -- not
    just at the final stage of Turkey's admission, if that happens, but
    from the start."

    In a December 11, 2007, interview with the Financial Times, Mr.
    Sargsian stated his position. Under the headline, "Armenia Backs
    Turkey in EU," the Times reports:

    "'I think it would be good for us if Turkey's desire to become a
    member of the European Union were satisfied. Maybe the problems
    between us could find a solution within a EU framework,' said Mr
    Sargsian, ... adding he hoped Turkey would produce proposals for
    improving ties with Armenia.... Referring to Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
    Turkey's prime minister, he said: 'I don't think it's correct to say
    he's not committed to establishing relations with Armenia. We'll see
    what happens in the future.'

    "Mr Sargsian, describing himself as optimistic that Armenia and
    Turkey would make progress, asked: 'After all, what do we gain, what
    do the Turks gain, from the present situation? Even in the time of the
    cold war, when Armenia was part of the Soviet Union and Turkey was in
    NATO, we used to have a certain relationship with Turkey. A railway
    line was built through Armenia to Turkey. A high-voltage electricity
    line was built between the two countries. Why should my wish for
    relations not be logical now?'"

    Mr. Sargsian also rejects Armenian territorial claims against
    Turkey. In his October interview with the Reporter, he said he was
    "surprised by conclusions of certain second-tier Turkish officials"
    that recognition of the Armenian Genocide "would lead to some other
    claims. This is surprising, because it is unclear how one would lead
    to the other. How can any territorial or other claims be realized
    anyway?" he asked.

    On the resolution of the Karabakh conflict, however, Mr. Sargsian's
    position appears to be much the same as that of President Kocharian:
    an international status that would formalize the nonsubordination of
    the Nagorno-Karabakh republic to Azerbaijan and provide for a direct
    overland border with Armenia and international guarantees of
    Karabakh's security.

    The two, along with the late Prime Minister Vazgen Sargsyan,
    resisted a unilateral territorial compromise advocated by
    then-President Levon Ter-Petrossian in 1997 that did not address
    Karabakh's status. Mr. Ter-Petrossian, who insisted on it, was forced
    to resign the presidency.

    * Qualified specialists

    "The urgency of economic development in the 21st century is to form a
    knowledge-based society. The main drivers are ideas and discoveries
    and the ability to introduce these into everyday life sooner rather
    than later," Mr. Sargsian's platform argues. It advocates a
    restructuring of the system of science and education in Armenia.
    "Knowledge will be the only stable currency; therefore, a reliable way
    of enrichment is to get a good education," his platform argues.

    At a public rally in the province of Kotayk on February 10, Mr.
    Sargsian said, "I cannot see how Armenia is to develop without
    knowledge and advanced research."

    At the same rally he added, "I am going to wage a deadly fight
    against poverty by ensuring that our plants and factories are
    rehabilitated from idleness. Our children should live in a society
    healthier than the one we live in now and the government should avail
    itself of every citizen's contribution. My team will be a squad of
    professionals who will be set the task of making Armenia the country
    of dreams of any Armenian so that we are quoted as an example by other

    Mr. Sargsian emphasizes the maturity and professionalism of his
    team, in contrast to the teams put forward by all his opponents, and
    especially that led by Mr. Ter-Petrossian. Although in the campaign
    for the May 2007 parliamentary elections, Mr. Sargsian had called the
    Armenian Revolutionary Federation's pledge to double pensions a "fairy
    tale," in the run-up to the presidential election Mr. Sargsian's
    government pushed through a 65 percent raise in pensions. He now
    promises further increases to "ensure a decent life for pensioners."

    Mr. Sargsian's campaign also notes his experience as Armenia's
    longest-serving defense minister, and the progress the Armenian armed
    forces have made under his leadership, arguing that of all candidates
    in the field he would make the best commander-in-chief.

    * * *

    Serge Sargsian

    Serge Sargsian was born on June 30, 1954, in Stepanakert in a family
    originally from the village of Tegh in the Goris district of Armenia.
    Following two years of army service, Mr. Sargsian graduated from the
    philology department of Yerevan State University in 1979; concurrently
    he worked as a welder at the Yerevan electro-technical plant. From
    1979 to 1988, Mr. Sargsian worked in the Communist Party structures of
    Nagorno-Karabakh rising to the post of senior aid to the region's
    first secretary, Genrikh Poghosian, in 1988.

    From 1989 to 1993 Mr. Sargsian was in charge of the Self-Defense
    Forces of Nagorno-Karabakh, playing one of the leading roles in the
    movement for Karabakh's freedom, mobilizing broad support for the
    Armenian war effort and ensuring the survival of Karabakh's
    population. From 1990 to 1995, Mr. Sargsian was concurrently an
    elected member of Armenia's Supreme Council (Parliament).

    In 1993, Mr. Sargsian was invited to join the Armenian government,
    first as defense minister in 1993-95, then as director for (and later
    minister of) National Security in 1995-99, and combining the latter
    post with that of minister of interior between November 1996 and June
    1999. From 1999 to 2000 Mr. Sargsian was President Robert Kocharian's
    chief of staff and secretary of the National Security Council. He
    retained the latter post as he returned to serve as minister of
    defense from 2000 to 2007. Since April 2007 Mr. Sargsian has been
    Armenia's prime minister.

    After joining the ruling Republican Party in July 2006, Mr. Sargsian
    led the party to victory in May 2007 parliamentary elections.
    Concurrently, Mr. Sargsian heads the Yerevan State University alumni
    council and the Armenian Chess Federation.

    For his service to the country, Mr. Sargsian was awarded with the
    order of Golden Eagle and the title of the Hero of Artsakh, the order
    of the Combat Cross of the first degree, and the order of Tigran the

    Married since 1983, Mr. Sargsian and his wife Rita have two
    daughters, Anush and Satenik, and a granddaughter Mariam. Mr. Sargsian
    has two younger brothers: Levon, a veteran diplomat and former
    Ambassador to Syria, and Aleksandr, a businessman elected to
    parliament last year.

    ******************************************* ********************************

    The other candidates are
    * Arman Melikian, a former adviser to the president of
    Nagorno-Karabakh. He has advocated for the right of Armenians living
    outside Armenia to vote.
    * Aram Harutyunian, a professor at Yerevan State University.
    * Tigran Karapetian, owner of a television station.

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