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As of 8 pm Armenian courts of general jurisdiction received 98 claim

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  • As of 8 pm Armenian courts of general jurisdiction received 98 claim

    As of 8 pm Armenian courts of general jurisdiction received 98 claims
    on inaccuracies in voting lists

    2008-02-19 20:32:00

    ArmInfo. As of 8 pm, the Armenian courts of general jurisdiction
    received 98 claims on inaccuracies in voting lists.

    Press-secretary of the Armenian Court of Cassation Alina Yengoyan
    said that the court of general jurisdiction of Lori region received 38
    claims (36 are satisfied, 2 - rejected), the court of Syunik region - 1
    (rejected), the court of Ararat and Aragatsotn regions - 1 (satisfied),
    the court of Arabkir and Kanaker- Zeytun communities of Yerevan -
    13 (2 satisfied, 11 rejected), the court of Ajapnyak and Davtashen
    communities of Yerevan - 1 (rejected), the court of Avan and Nor Nork
    communities of Yerevan - 7 (6 satisfied, 1 rejected), the court of
    Kentron and Nork-Marash communities of Yerevan - 31 (3 satisfied,
    28 - rejected), the court of Erebuni and Nubarashen communities of
    Yerevan - 5 (4 claims were abandoned, 1 is rejected). No claims on
    electoral disputes were filed to the administrative court.