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Armenia votes for new President

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  • Armenia votes for new President

    Armenia votes for new President
    19.02.2008 08:15

    Armenia is electing its President today. These are the fifth
    presidential elections in the history of independent Armenia. Nine
    candidates are running for President.

    All 1,923 precincts of the Republic were opened at 8
    a.m. sharp. 2,328,320 citizens are enfranchised to vote in the
    elections. According to the data of the Central Electoral Commission
    (CEC), 19 thousand people are included in additional lists.

    In compliance with the Electoral Code, the number of ballots printed
    is equal to the number of voters plus 3%, i.e. 2,390,000.

    More than 600 international observers will follow the elections in
    Armenia. The Mission of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions
    and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR) is comprised of 316 observers, the
    OSCE Parliamentary Assembly - 53, the Parliamentary Assembly of the
    Council of Europe - 40, the European Parliament - 6. 166 observers
    represent the CIS, 39 are from the CIS Interparlaimentary Assembly.

    The elections will be observed also by 39 local NGOs. The total
    number of local observers exceeds 14 thousand. The "Choice is yours"
    NGO has the largest mission, comprised of 4,010 observers.

    For the first time in Armenia a seal will be put in passports to
    exclude double voting.

    The Central Electoral Commisison will provide information on voter
    turnout every three hours. The election will continue until 8
    p.m. Within 24 hours following the election the CEC will issue the
    preliminary results. The final results will be publicized within
    seven days.

    The candidate, who receives more than 50% of the votes, will be
    elected the President of the Republic of Armenia. If no one receives
    the necessary number of votes, the second round will be held in a
    fortnight. Two candidates having the greatest number of the ballots
    will participate in the run-off. The one who gets more votes will
    win in the second round.

    Armenia's Prosecutor General Aghvan Hovsepyan stated today that
    "not a single violation of law on the day of elections will remain

    Aghvan Hovsepyan reminded that there is a working group set up within
    the department, which will be operatively reacting to and suppressing
    any violation of the electoral legislation.

    Aghvan Hovsepyan stated that those who try to hinder the free will of
    the citizens and the work of the electoral commission, or falsify the
    results of the elections, as well as people, who enter the polling
    stations armed, will be called to criminal responsibility.

    "Our legal system has the determination and the will to combat
    the possible violations of the electoral process, to protect the
    public order and the constitutional system. I assure that not a
    single violation of law will remain unpunished" Armenian Prosecutor
    General stated.