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EXTRA: Armenian exit polls point to first round win for Sarkisian

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  • EXTRA: Armenian exit polls point to first round win for Sarkisian

    Earthtimes, UK
    Feb 19 2008

    EXTRA: Armenian exit polls point to first round win for Sarkisian
    Posted : Tue, 19 Feb 2008 17:32:01 GMT
    Author : DPA

    Yerevan, Armenia - Armenia Prime Minister Serzh Sarkisian, the
    preferred successor of incumbent President Robert Kocharian, led with
    57.1 per cent in the first exit polls released by British pollster
    Populus two hours after the close of voting in the post- Soviet
    state's presidential elections Tuesday. According to initial results
    by the Populus poll, Sarkisian comfortably passed the 50-per-cent
    barrier needed to carry home the elections in the first round of

    His fiercest challenger, former president Levon Ter-Petrosian, said
    the poll had been commissioned and accused the government of "mass
    bribing, ballot stuffing, (and) voting list falsifications" before
    the close of voting at 8 pm (1600 GMT) Tuesday.

    "Populus has nothing to do with the reality. It is totally under the
    control of the government," Ter-Petrosian's spokesman Arman Musinyan
    told Deutsche Presse-Agentur