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PM favoured to win Armenia presidential vote

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  • PM favoured to win Armenia presidential vote

    Agence France Presse, France
    Feb 19 2008

    PM favoured to win Armenia presidential vote

    YEREVAN, Armenia (AFP) - Armenia's Prime Minister Serzh Sarkisian was
    headed for victory in the country's presidential election Tuesday, an
    exit poll indicated, but his opponents cried foul and vowed to stage
    a mass protest. Sarkisian won the election in a first round with 57.1
    percent of the vote, according to the exit poll commissioned by
    Armenian Public Television.

    Former president Levon Ter-Petrosian came in second with 17.4
    percent, while former parliament speaker Artur Baghdasarian came
    third with 14.6 percent, according to the poll conducted by British
    pollster Populus.

    If confirmed by official returns, the poll victory would clear the
    way for 53-year-old Sarkisian to take over from his close ally,
    outgoing President Robert Kocharian.

    With eight percent of the vote counted, Sarkisian was ahead with 53
    percent, election officials said in televised comments. Figures for
    other candidates were not provided.

    Even before polls had closed, Ter-Petrosian's campaign team had
    denounced the vote as a fraud and called for a mass rally in the
    capital on Wednesday.

    Ter-Petrosian, Armenia's president between 1991 and 1998, said
    election day had been marred by serious violations.

    "Very dirty things are happening," he said after voting.

    His campaign spokesman Arman Musinian said that dozens of
    Ter-Petrosian's supporters had been beaten Tuesday across the
    country. He also claimed that ballot stuffing, multiple voting and
    voter intimidation had been widespread.

    "It's already clear that this is not an election. This is an attempt
    by the authorities to seize power," Musinian told AFP.

    He also dismissed the exit poll result, saying "these figures have
    absolutely no connection with reality. They were written by Serzh
    Sarkisian's campaign headquarters."

    Voter turnout was 69.25 percent, the Central Elections Commission

    Pre-election polls showed Sarkisian well ahead of his eight rivals in
    the race to replace the long-serving Kocharian, who is
    constitutionally barred from seeking a third five-year term.

    "The most important thing is not how many rounds there are, but that
    the election is conducted well and that its results are trusted by
    the people," Sarkisian said after voting.

    Opposition candidates had warned they would call street protests if
    they believed the vote was unfair, raising fears of unrest in a
    country known for its volatile politics.

    At one Yerevan polling station Roland Serobian said he voted for
    Sarkisian because of the prime minister's promises to improve living

    "I trust him. He's a man of his word," the 76-year-old said. "Look
    how much he has already done."

    Kocharian handpicked the prime minister to succeed him after
    Sarkisian's Republican Party of Armenia swept parliamentary polls
    last May.

    The two are long-time associates, both hailing from Azerbaijan's
    rebel Nagorny Karabakh region.

    Together they have been credited with ensuring relative stability and
    strong economic growth.

    Analysts predict Sarkisian will follow in Kocharian's footsteps,
    pursuing close ties with Moscow and a hawkish stance in relations
    with neighbouring Azerbaijan and Turkey.

    The latter two have cut diplomatic ties and sealed their borders with
    Armenia over its support for Armenian separatists in Nagorny

    Ankara has also been angered by Yerevan's campaign to have the World
    War I-era mass killings of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire recognised
    as genocide.

    Ter-Petrosian has called for a more conciliatory approach with
    Azerbaijan and Turkey, saying the government has left Armenia deeply

    About 600 foreign observers were monitoring the vote and the
    Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) was to
    issue a report on the election Wednesday.