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OSCE: Armenia Vote Mostly OK

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  • OSCE: Armenia Vote Mostly OK


    Wednesday February 20 2008

    YEREVAN, Armenia (AP) - An influential international observer mission
    said Armenia's presidential election was "mostly in line with the
    country's international commitments, although further improvements
    are necessary."

    The generally approving assessment of the observers of the Organization
    for Security and Cooperation in Europe could undermine the momentum of
    opposition protesters who allege widespread fraud in Tuesday's voting.

    THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further

    AP's earlier story is below.

    YEREVAN, Armenia (AP) - Some 7,000 opposition supporters protested
    in Armenia's capital Wednesday as officials said an initial ballot
    count showed that the prime minister had won the presidential election

    Riot police were dispatched to the election commission headquarters,
    while police patrolled streets near the protest, where demonstrators
    claimed that the Tuesday vote was rigged.

    The allegations of fraud and threats of mass protests have raised
    concerns about the stability of the volatile, strategic country,
    located at the juncture of the energy-rich Caspian Sea region and
    southern Europe and bordering Iran.

    A preliminary count of all ballots showed Prime Minister Serge
    Sarkisian had nearly 53 percent of the vote, Central Election
    Commission chief Garegin Azarian said - enough to avoid a runoff. Top
    opposition candidate Levon Ter-Petrosian had 21.5 percent, Azarian

    Ter-Petrosian supporters gathered in a central Yerevan square near the
    election commission building to protest. The commission headquarters,
    a five-minute walk from the square, were cordoned off by metal barriers
    and a few dozen helmeted riot police with truncheons stood guard.

    "I have no doubt that the authorities have falsified the election
    and I will protest with all those who also feel cheated," said Simon
    Grigorian, a 38-year-old engineer.

    A senior Ter-Petrosian aide, Nikol Pashinian, urged the crowd to
    stand up for justice. "It would be a crime on our part to leave the
    country to this criminal regime," Pashinian said.

    Sarkisian was groomed by outgoing President Robert Kocharian and was
    widely expected to win, in part because of favorable media coverage
    and support from the state bureaucracy. He has also benefited from
    recent economic improvements.

    The president is the country's top leader, holding more power than
    the prime minister.

    Ter-Petrosian accused the authorities of resorting to ballot-stuffing,
    vote buying and beating his activists who monitored the election. His
    side has asserted that he was actually the winner.

    "These figures have nothing to do with reality, we are overwhelmingly
    ahead of them," his spokesman Arman Museian said of the results
    announced by the election commission.

    Observers from a Moscow-led group of ex-Soviet republics as well as
    from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe were
    monitoring the vote, and the OSCE was to release its assessment
    later Wednesday.

    Sarkisian and Ter-Petrosian - Armenia's first president after the
    1991 Soviet collapse - were the two top contenders vying to lead the
    South Caucasus nation, where more than a quarter of its 3.2 million
    people live in poverty despite some economic progress in recent years.

    The election campaign was dominated by the country's economic revival
    and efforts to resolve the status of Nagorno-Karabakh - a mountainous
    region in neighboring Azerbaijan that has been under ethnic Armenian
    control since a cease-fire ended six years of fighting in 1994.

    Kosovo's declaration of independence from Serbia on Sunday added an
    element of uncertainty for Armenians, many of whom see clear analogies
    between Kosovo and Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The Armenian government says the region should be recognized as
    a sovereign state, while Azerbaijan says it will never cede its

    Armenia experienced an economic collapse after the Soviet breakup
    and in the face of blockades by Azerbaijan and its key ally Turkey,
    which is outraged by efforts to win international recognition of the
    killing of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman Turks in the World War
    I-era as genocide.

    The blockades have hamstrung Armenia's economy and cut it out of
    lucrative regional energy and transport projects.

    The U.S., whose large Armenian diaspora has a strong lobby in Congress,
    has poured some $1.7 billion in aid into the country since 1991,
    encouraging economic and political liberalization.

    Armenia is eligible for millions more in U.S. aid, but a questionable
    election could jeopardize Washington's support.