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Armenian Opposition To Protest Over Vote Result

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  • Armenian Opposition To Protest Over Vote Result

    By Hasmik Lazarian and Margarita Antidze


    YEREVAN (Reuters) - Armenian Prime Minister Serzh Sarksyan won
    a presidential election on Tuesday, an exit poll showed, but his
    opponents said the vote had been rigged and called their supporters
    onto the streets to protest.

    Sarksyan, who has said he will continue the policies of outgoing
    President Robert Kocharyan, won 57 percent of the vote, the exit
    poll showed.

    Opposition leader Levon Ter-Petrosyan, first president of Armenia
    after it won independence from the Soviet Union, scored 17 percent,
    according to the poll by Britain's Populus pollster carried out for
    Armenian public television.

    But Ter-Petrosyan's aides said he was the real winner and announced
    a protest rally in the capital Yerevan on Wednesday.

    "The first president of Armenia won in the first round. We would like
    to congratulate citizens with that victory," said Ter-Petrosyan's
    spokesman Arman Musinyan.

    "There were very serious violations during voting, including
    ballot-stuffing, kidnapping and the beating of our representatives
    at the polling stations," he said.

    Land-locked Armenia relies heavily on an alliance with Moscow and
    remains poor despite swift recent economic growth.

    High in the Caucasus mountains, it is squeezed between Turkey and
    Azerbaijan in a region that is emerging as an important transit route
    for oil exports from the Caspian Sea to world markets.

    Analysts warn that a still-unresolved conflict with neighboring
    Azerbaijan over the separatist territory of Nagorno-Karabakh could
    flare up again into violence.

    Stalled efforts to reach a peace deal are likely to be the biggest
    challenge facing the new president.

    If the exit poll is matched by official results, Sarksyan will have
    enough votes to win outright without a second round runoff.

    Voting returns were trickling in from polling stations around the
    country of 3.2 million people perched high in the Caucasus mountains.

    With an estimated 20 percent of the vote counted, central election
    commission figures gave Sarksyan 193,921 votes, with Ter-Petrosyan
    lagging far behind with 52,548 votes.

    Election officials did not say what share of the votes cast this
    represented or exactly what proportion of the vote had been counted


    Sarksyan, after voting in Yerevan, said the priority was for Armenia
    to conduct a free and fair election. His campaign team said late
    on Tuesday they were waiting for definitive official results before
    making a statement.

    Previous elections in Armenia have been followed by days of opposition
    protests alleging ballot fraud. A new round of protests will be a
    test for stability in a country which, in the 1990s, was rocked by
    political convulsions.

    Election observers from the Organisation for Security and Cooperation
    in Europe will give their verdict on the vote on Wednesday. Their
    assessment is likely to be a key factor in whether the opposition
    protests build momentum.

    Kocharyan, 53, is barred by the constitution from serving a third
    consecutive term. He is expected to remain influential but has refused
    to disclose what role he wants until his replacement is inaugurated.

    He and Sarksyan, both natives of Nagorno-Karabakh and veterans
    of its 1990s war with Azerbaijan, are credited with overseeing a
    period of double-digit economic growth after economic meltdown under