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The Limit Of Obama'S Imagination

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  • The Limit Of Obama'S Imagination


    Al-Ahram Weekly
    21 -27 February 2008

    At a time when Obama's moral voice was most needed, the reach of his
    wings proved to be cautiously perforated on an AIPAC line, writes
    Hamid Dabashi*

    "We are now faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow is today. We
    are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding
    conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too
    late . . . Over the bleached bones and jumbled residues of numerous
    civilizations are written the pathetic words, 'Too late.' There is
    an invisible book of life that faithfully records our vigilance or
    our neglect." -- Martin Luther King, Jr

    I HAVE BEEN a silent witness to a succession of US presidential
    elections for over thirty years now. I came to the United States in
    August 1976, the very last year of the presidency of the incumbent
    Republican president Jerald R. Ford, and as he and Jimmy Carter
    were debating each other in the lead up to November 1976 election,
    in which President Ford lost and President Carter succeeded him. At
    the time of writing this article I am yet again witness to a highly
    contested series of primaries for the presidential election of 2008 --
    as on the democratic front Senators Hillary Clinton of New York and
    Barack Obama of Illinois have captured and divided the attention of
    a highly charged and massively divisive American electorate -- along
    the thorny issues of race and gender, establishment versus progressive
    politics, and above all a regressive politics of the status quo and
    a buoyant possibility of yet another upsurge of hope for the younger
    generation of Americans to give political reality to their otherwise
    moot and mute idealism.

    Meanwhile, Senator John McCain of Arizona is leading the Republican
    hopefuls on a path of pathological disregard for the pain and suffering
    of people the world over, beginning with the poor and disenfranchised
    Americans. For thirty years, I have wondered what does this dazzling
    exercise in the democratic will of the people of the United States --
    when from conservative and retrograde multimillionaires to liberal and
    progressive public servants fight head over heels for every single
    vote of ordinary or even poor people -- has to do with the rest of
    the world.

    When I came to the United States in August 1976, the country was
    plunged in a deep moral apathy following the US atrocities and
    final defeat in Vietnam, the aggressive thinning out of the social
    synergy evident in the Civil Rights Movement, the onset of the Vietnam
    Syndrome, and above all the political anomie that had set in after the
    assassination of President John F Kennedy (1963), Malcolm X (1965),
    and Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr (1968), and then to top them all
    by the Watergate Scandal.

    The first Vice President appointed to that position under the terms
    of the 25th Amendment of the US Constitution, Jerald Ford succeeded
    the disgraced Richard Nixon and became the thirty-eighth President
    of the United States, serving from 1974 to 1977, effectively the
    interim president covering the hiatus between the beleaguered and
    corrupt presidency of Richard Nixon and the advent of Jimmy Carter's
    presidency. Ford was not elected to either of his two successive
    offices and was in fact the transitional figurehead covering two
    scandalous resignations, first by Vice President Spiro Agnew on 10
    October 1973 (on corruption charges), and then by Richard Nixon
    on 9 August 1974 following the Watergate Scandal. Very much the
    establishment candidate, Ford lost that election to Jimmy Carter,
    the idealist peanut farmer from Georgia -- a president who had made
    human rights the hallmark of his renewed commitment to a more morally
    responsible American foreign policy.

    That dream too, like all other hopes fostered in vain in this land,
    was not meant to be. It was during the presidency of Jimmy Carter
    (1976-1980) that the Iranian Revolution happened, and it was in
    the run-ups to the presidency of Ronald Reagan (1980-1988), that
    the American Hostage Crisis in Iran forever changed the face of the
    geopolitics in the region and even the globe, pushing the American
    imperial politics ever more aggressively to the right and beyond the
    arrested moment of Vietnam Syndrome.

    For obvious reasons, all these events -- the Iranian Revolution of
    1977-1979, the American Hostage Crisis of 1979-1980, and the Iran-Iraq
    war of 1980-1988 -- were exceedingly important to millions of people
    living in the region, and thus following the American presidential
    elections from that point forward became a matter of overriding
    curiosity as to what precisely does this spectacular exercise in the
    democratic will of an imperial nation-state has to do with the rest
    of the world.

    LOOKED AT from a domestic point of view, the American presidential
    elections are perhaps the most spectacular democratic dramas one can
    ever hope to witness. Consider the drama of the current election: the
    world will not understand what it means for a Barack Hussein Obama
    to be this close to be the president of the United States unless
    and until it can imagine an Armenian becoming the Prime Minister of
    Turkey, or a Turk the Chancellor of Germany, or an Egyptian Copt the
    President of Egypt, or a Palestinian the Prime Minister of Israel,
    or an Iranian Jewish woman the President of the Islamic Republic, or
    a Pakistani the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, or an Algerian
    the President of France. But the sociological glory of this fact in
    the United States is predicated on the political calamity that ever
    since the commencement of the presidency of Ronald Reagan in 1980
    the ideological pendulum in this country has so radically swung to
    the right that it is impossible to imagine how long it will take to
    push it back towards a meaningful center.

    The best possible scenario, so goes the best hope of this campaign,
    is for Barack Obama to defeat the business-as-usual of Hillary Clinton
    drive and then go on to defeat Senator McCain and become the first
    African-American President of the United States and allow the waves
    upon waves of hope he has managed to generate to redefine American
    political culture. The worst possible scenario is for Hillary Clinton
    to defeat Barack Obama and then go on to lose to McCain in the general
    election, so we will end up with yet another four to eight years
    of belligerent Republican thuggery around the world and predatory
    capitalism at home. Which one of these two scenarios, or anything
    between them, will come to pass -- only time will tell.

    For now, the painstaking process of American Democratic machinery
    is yet to unfold. However, it is important to note here how former
    president Bill Clinton, Senator Clinton's husband, had succeeded
    radically in racialising the presidential election when immediately
    after Obama won the South Carolina primary he quipped: "Jesse Jackson
    won South Carolina in '84 and '88. Jackson ran a good campaign. And
    Obama ran a good campaign here." What do Jesse Jackson and Barack
    Obama have in common -- other than being what Americans in their
    unguarded moments call "black"? So much for Clinton being "the first
    black president of the United States," as the Nobel Laureate Toni
    Morrison once famously said.

    The most racist sound-bite of this Democratic primary so far in
    fact came from former President Clinton -- with one racist comment
    he transformed Barack Obama into a "black" candidate and sought to
    diminish his national, cross-racial, and universal appeal. Soon after
    this racist remark, Toni Morrison took that epithet back from Clinton
    by publicly endorsing Senator Obama in a moving letter to him. "Dear
    Senator Obama," she wrote, "This letter represents a first for me --
    a public endorsement of a Presidential candidate. I feel driven to let
    you know why I am writing it. One reason is it may help gather other
    supporters; another is that this is one of those singular moments
    that nations ignore at their peril. I will not rehearse the multiple
    crises facing us, but of one thing I am certain: this opportunity
    for a national evolution (even revolution) will not come again soon,
    and I am convinced you are the person to capture it."

    In the inner sanctum of their most dreadful despairs, the best amongst
    Americans now fear for Obama's life -- as they did for John F Kennedy,
    Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King. In the fragility of
    that fear, and the even more fragile hope for a more humane politics
    that it conceals, the best among Americans continue to dream for a
    better and a more just world, while their elected officials continue
    to inflict unfathomable pain on other nations, while ignoring the
    ever increasing hardship of ordinary people in the US. Within that
    paradox dwells the combustible hope to which Obama has now put a match.

    Barack Obama rises in American political consciousness after eight
    years of Ronald Reagan, consistently pushing the country to the
    right of even his own conservative politics, after four years of one
    cynical and opportunist President Bush, after eight more years of a
    President Clinton whose foreign policies was even worse than his two
    Republican predecessors, and then after eight long and terrorising
    years of yet another President Bush who has now pushed the world to
    the edge of moral and environmental meltdown -- with the horror of the
    neocons and their Oriental regiment (Fouad Ajami, Hirsi Ali, et. al.),
    capping the terror that this country has brought against the word,
    in Afghanistan and Iraq in particular. When today young, innocent,
    hopeful, and idealist Americans cry out for "change" they mean change
    from this succession of catastrophe -- and they have invested that
    hope in Barack Obama -- for both John McCain on the Republican side
    and Hillary Clinton on the Democratic side have a sustained record
    of warmongering abroad and cut-throat, opportunistic self-promotion
    in domestic politics. Barack Obama has thus captured the imagination
    of a nation -- its youth and idealists in particular -- in dire,
    desperate, and earnest need for change.

    But will Barack Obama be able to deliver half the hope he has ignited
    in his fellow-Americans?

    TO BE SURE, on many issues, both domestic and foreign, Congressman
    Denis Kucinich of Ohio and after him former Senator John Edwards
    of North Carolina (both Democratic contenders for presidency) are
    far superior and progressive in their politics than both Senators
    Barack Obama and certainly Hillary Clinton put together -- and perhaps
    precisely for that reason they were both ousted from the race earlier
    in the primaries, Kucinich earlier than Edwards. To be even more
    precise, despite the fact that along with many other Democratic
    senators, Senator Barack Obama voted against authorising President
    Bush to go to war in Iraq, he has voted with Republicans to increase
    the size and presence of the US military there (in the so-called
    "Surge" program); he has voted yes to reauthorise the undemocratic
    USA Patriot Act that endangers Americans' civil liberties; and has
    voted in favor of a Republican bill to authorise the construction of
    a 700-mile fence on the border with Mexico.

    Barack Obama's record becomes particularly troublesome when we turn to
    the acid test of American foreign policy, namely the bugbear of its
    unconditional support for the Jewish apartheid state of Israel. Here
    he has hit the rock bottom limit of his courage and imagination, and
    no one has understood Obama's problem in this respect better than
    Rabbi Michael Lerner, a progressive public intellectual, political
    activist, and editor of Tikkun Magazine. In his essay "Obama's
    Jewish Problem," Rabbi Michael Lerner has poignantly observed: "A
    new generation of young Jews no longer blindly adopts the strategy
    of domination or salutes to the policies of the current government
    of Israel. It is these Jews who are the future, but they do not yet
    control the institutions of Jewish life . . . Obama's problem is that
    his spiritual progressive worldview is in conflict with the demands
    of the older generation of Jews who control the Jewish institutions
    and define what it is to be pro-Jewish, while his base consists of
    many young Jews who support him precisely because he is willing to
    publicly stand for the values that they hold." The problem that Rabbi
    Lerner identifies goes to the heart of Senator Obama's message and
    appeal to a younger generation of Americans across all religious,
    ethnic, and even political divides, and yet his political cowardice
    prevents him from having the courage of his own convictions.

    In an article in The Electronic Intifada (4 March 2007, "How Barack
    Obama learned to love Israel"), Ali Abunimah, a leading Palestinian
    activist in Chicago, has fully exposed the manner in which the
    Illinois Senator gradually dovetailed his (perfectly legitimate)
    ambition for the White House with a systematic distancing of himself
    from the Palestinian cause and a simultaneous catering to the Zionist
    Lobby in the United States. "Israel," Senator Obama has assured his
    AIPAC audience in a speech on 3 March 2007, is "our strongest ally in
    the region and its only established democracy. . . We must preserve
    our total commitment to our unique defense relationship with Israel
    by fully funding military assistance and continuing work on the Arrow
    and related missile defense programs."

    The actual speech he delivered in March 2007 in front of AIPAC, from
    which Ali Abunimah excerpts certain key passages, gets worse, much
    worse, all culminating in his January 2008 letter to the US Ambassador
    to the United Nations, Zalmay Khalilzad -- soon after hundreds of
    thousands of Palestinians broke out of the Gaza concentration camp and
    flooded into Egypt in search of food and other basic necessities. "Dear
    Ambassador Khalilzad," wrote Barack Obama, "I understand that today
    the UN Security Council met regarding the situation in Gaza, and that
    a resolution or statement could be forthcoming from the Council in
    short order. I urge you to ensure that the Security Council issue no
    statement and pass no resolution on this matter that does not fully
    condemn the rocket assault Hamas has been conducting on civilians in
    southern Israel."

    In his recent debate with Senator Clinton at the Kodak Theater in Los
    Angeles, just before the Super Tuesday primaries, and while referring
    to Senator McCain, Senator Obama quipped, "Somewhere along the line
    the Straight Talk Express lost some wheels." Precisely so: as did
    Obama's own moral standing on behalf of a new generation of hope, or
    "the fierce urgency of now," as he likes to quote Rev. Martin Luther
    King. Precisely at the moment that his moral voice for a just cause
    definitive to all other just causes on this planet was most needed,
    he fell so sadly short, and the reach of his moral wings proved to
    be cautiously perforated on an AIPAC line.

    The record of the Zionist contingency in this particular election,
    as in all others, is effectively to strangle the American political
    culture anytime it wants to have a sigh of relief -- and draw a line
    from which no dreamer, no idealist, no visionary can ever dare to
    cross. The question that Israelis, particularly the so-called Israeli
    "left" ought to ask themselves is what sort of a calamity is this
    colonial settlement in which they live that even at the most uplifting
    moments of a nation, they throw around the weight of all the might
    and money they command and cut the wings of a soaring eagle to their
    own size.

    NONE OF BARACK OBAMA'S fancy footwork to the AIPAC tune means that
    he has fully convinced the Zionist contingency of American politics
    that he is their man, that he too, just like Senator Clinton, is
    their candidate.

    "Israeli values are American values," Senator Hillary Clinton famously
    said at the height of the Israeli bombing of innocent Lebanese
    in July 2006. But that is perfectly normal for Hillary Clinton,
    who just like her husband is a political creature of unsurpassed
    cunning, opportunism, and self-promotion -- and thus the logic of her
    calculated move to New York to run for Senate when her husband's term
    as president ended. Throughout her campaign in 2000, as she moved
    to New York and run for office from a state in which she had never
    lived, she was rightly accused of carpet-bagging by her opponents,
    a charge that has stuck to her to this day.

    But things are supposed to be different about Barack Obama, the man
    who has stirred unsurpassed hope for change in young and idealist
    Americans. But instead, what we witness is his move to one up Senator
    Clinton and ingratiate himself to AIPAC. If he could only burn that
    picture that Ali Abunimah has taken and published of him sitting with
    his wife, Michele Obama, at the same table with Edward and Mariam Said.

    But -- and there is the rub -- no matter how fast Barack Obama may
    spin to AIPAC's music, it does not mean that the Zionists are happy, or
    are willing to trade the sure deal -- squarely bought and paid for --
    Hillary Clinton for the young and idealist Obama. How could they trust,
    horribile dictu, a man with a Hussein for a middle name, a Kenyan
    Muslim for a father, and above all a man who speaks a progressive and
    hopeful language that at least in its rhetoric promises to deliver
    Americans form their epileptic seizure in which they cannot ever dream
    a liberation for their ideals and aspirations without AIPAC formal
    approval or else cutting their wings short where it says "Israel."

    All his attempts to appease AIPAC notwithstanding, Obama remains
    a suspicious character to fanatical Zionists. The same essay that
    Ali Abunimah wrote in exposing Obama's gradual distancing from
    the Palestinian cause, was used by Ed Lasky in his essay, "Barack
    Obama and Israel" for American Thinker (22 March 2007 -- revised and
    republished again on 16 January 2008) categorically to dismiss Obama
    as a man for Israel. Lasky accused Obama of concealing his affiliation
    with a church that is in fact "Afro-centric" in its Christianity,
    accusing Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Jr., the Pastor of the Church
    Obama attended, as the man who coined the term "audacity of hope"
    (that defines Obama's campaign), and also of having "a militant past."

    "Moreover," Lasky points out, "Pastor Wright has beliefs that might
    disturb some of Obama's supporters. He is a believer in "liberation
    theology," which makes the liberation of the oppressed a paramount
    virtue." (This for Lasky is a vice.) Extending his dismissal of
    liberation theology to its very founder Gustavo Gutierrez, Lasky
    narrows in on "Pastor Wright for having criticised Israel and uttered
    the unforgivable sin: 'The Israelis have illegally occupied Palestinian
    territories for almost 40 years now.'" (Imagine the audacity of
    uttering that sentence in Chicago!) Then we hear from Lasky that
    "Once this history came to light, Obama started publicly distancing
    himself from his spiritual mentor, disinviting Wright from various
    Obama campaign events. Wright rationalised his current persona non
    grata status by stating that otherwise 'a lot of his Jewish support
    will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell.'" Lasky moves on to
    expose more of Obama's sins by lining up Ali Abunimah and Edward Said
    as Palestinians whom Obama has actually met and conversed with. Lasky
    is particularly incensed that Obama does not have much of a pro-Israel
    legislative record. Scarce as this young Senator's record might be on
    being a pro-Israeli stooge, he has nevertheless "already compiled one
    of the most liberal voting records in the Senate (even more liberal
    than Ted Kennedy) and a great deal of his most fervent support has
    come from the left-wing of the party, who have turned against Hillary
    Clinton . . . This is precisely the wing of the Party that has been
    increasingly corrupted by anti-Israel and anti-Semitic activists."

    This is enough reason for Lasky to go after Obama for having, among
    other things, "decidedly very soft approach on bills dealing with drug,
    gang and gun control issues," for daring to make a sleight comment
    about Israel's apartheid wall, for having the audacity to talk about
    "the desperation and disorder of the powerless . . . of children on
    the streets of Jakarta or Nairobi," which to Lasky translates to
    "appeasement, stated clearly and succinctly." The list of Lasky's
    concerns about Obama goes on and on and includes the support of the
    former President Jimmy Carter for him. As for his speech in front of
    AIPAC, Lasky believes this speech "left many nonplussed. This speech
    was, in part, prompted by his knowledge that a panel of experts
    in Israel considers him to be the candidate that would support the
    state of Israel the least." The same speech that caused anger and
    frustration in Ali Abunimah left Lasky with much to be desired, and
    not sufficient at all. After a prolonged list of litany against Obama,
    Lasky finally concludes, "Barack Obama does have a record to run on
    and it is a record that should be of concern to those who support
    America's relationship with Israel."

    IT IS OF COURSE ultimately unfair to laser-beam on Senator Obama
    a calamity that has long plagued American political culture. Over
    the last half a century, American foreign policy is held hostage (as
    John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt have extensively demonstrated) to
    a single-minded commitment to the Jewish apartheid state, which has
    in turn degenerated its own political culture to that of Christian
    imperialism. The US is narratively trapped inside a single-minded
    commitment to the Jewish state, which now amounts to the worst common
    denominator of American political culture, and as such it will pull
    down any sign of hope that may aspire to transform this catastrophe
    to become the promise that it has always been -- a beacon of hope for
    the world. But it is equally false to blame the Israeli lobby for the
    calamity of American imperialism around the globe, a reality entirely
    sui generis and predicated on the very nature of this economic and
    military monstrosity.

    I for one have absolutely no doubt that Obama has indeed awakened
    a dead soul in American political culture, a yearning, a wish,
    a vision perhaps always embedded in the American dream -- to be a
    nation among others, to wed the fate of its own poor, sick, homeless,
    and forsaken to that of others around the world. What sort of decency
    is it, what sort of historical record is it, for a country, a people,
    a nation, like what they call "Israel" to abort that dream at its
    very inception and use all its power and wherewithal not to allow it
    to imagine beyond the particular demands of a ghastly apartheid state.

    Obama has had to renounce his connections not just with the Palestinian
    cause but also even to the pastor of a church he faithfully attended
    because he is a liberation theologian. How many of his wings will
    the Illinois Senator have to cut short before he can fly, and if
    he ever gets actually to fly how far can he soar, how deep will he
    fall? The thing that he has failed to understand is that he can never
    out-Hillary in appealing to, satisfying, and securing the endorsement
    of the pro-Israeli lobby. Every corner that he comes to cross and sell
    a bigger part of his soul to AIPAC, Hillary Clinton has already been
    there and done that. If he only had the courage of his convictions,
    if he only believed in the spectacular hope that he has generated in
    millions of young and idealist Americans -- including (and in fact
    particularly) young and idealist Jewish Americans.

    The problem with Barack Obama is thus the limit of his imagination,
    for the hope he has managed to generate in young and progressive
    Americans of all colours and creeds has now far surpassed his
    own limited courage. He has come up through the ranks and moved
    from an unknown local politician in Chicago to a national figure
    of open-ended possibilities. When he groomed himself to look like
    Malcolm X, consciously modulated the cadence of his voice to that of
    Martin Luther King, and actively sought the public endorsement of the
    Kennedys, he had no idea what hidden hopes, what repressed aspirations
    he would awaken among young and idealist Americans. If he does not
    listen carefully to the echo of the voice he has unleashed in this
    valley, he would be yet another bitter disappointment, even if (or
    particularly if) he gets to be the next President of the United States.

    Today the absolutely weakest link in the chain of global injustice
    that tests the mettle of humanity at large, is the plight of millions
    of Palestinians suffering the indignity of exile from their historic
    homeland, forsaken in refugee camps and brutalised in the West Bank
    and Gaza Strip.

    That Barack Obama's message to these suffering millions is to send
    more missiles to the apartheid state of Israel is an obscenity that
    mocks every time he stands up and puts forward his messages of hope
    and change.

    The critical question of course at this conjuncture is that if we
    coloured and marginal folks -- we Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Arabs,
    Muslims and all the most recent (legal and illegal) immigrants to
    this land -- will have the courage and the imagination that Barack
    Obama lacks. Will we cross a fence and extend a hand to a man who is
    after all one of us, however he may think it politically expedient
    to pick and chose one thing or another from the baggage he and we
    have brought along across the borders?

    Two of my three children (born and bred here in the United States)
    have now reached the age when they can vote. They are both committed
    Obama fans and voted for him in the New York primaries on Super
    Tuesday. At this point, I am afraid the votes of my two children are
    all I can offer Brother Barack.

    Come next November, I too may leave my own darkest convictions behind
    and vote with the bright hope of my children.

    Sometimes I think that the worst thing about the United States is
    that there is always hope for it.

    * The writer is the Hagop Kevorkian Professor of Iranian Studies and
    Comparative Literature at Columbia University in New York.