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BAKU: From Georgia to Armenia: Levan and Levon -similar names, fates

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  • BAKU: From Georgia to Armenia: Levan and Levon -similar names, fates

    Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
    Feb. 22, 2008

    Analytics - From Georgia to Armenia: Levan and Levon - similar names,
    similar fates - Analysis

    [ 22 Feb 2008 16:10 ]

    Similar names of Ter-Petrosyan and Gachechiladze seem to bring
    similar political fate

    Baku. Vugar Masimoglu-APA. The presidential elections in Armenia gave
    expected results. Prime Minister Serzh Sarkisian was elected
    president for a five-year term and this laid the foundation of
    political inheritance of the power in the country. Protest actions of
    Levon Ter-Petrosyan's supporters after the elections, statements
    rejecting to recognize the results of the elections, units of
    Interior Troops in the streets resemble the recent happenings in
    Georgia. May the results of the post-election happenings in Armenia
    differ from those in Georgia?

    Foreign support plays one of the main roles in the elections,
    particularly in the elections in democracy transition countries. It
    is not accidental that almost all, who tried to forecast the results
    of the elections in Armenia, said `the candidate having stronger
    foreign support will win the elections.' Armenia is probably the only
    country so dependent on the factor of foreign influence while
    determining even the smallest details of its domestic policy. That's
    why, it is possible to analyze the declared results of the elections
    and forecasts about post-election period basing on the factor of
    foreign support. And in these terms it is obvious that Serzh
    Sarkisian, who was declared the winner of the elections, has more
    advantages over his rival. It is not realistic that the opposition's
    rally will deprive Serzh Sarkisian of this advantage.

    It is not convincing that Levon Ter-Petrosyan and his supporters can
    do anything against Serzh Sarkisian, who receives strong foreign
    support of Russia and the US, support of Armenian Diaspora and is
    backed by such a strong political institution as army. The state of
    ex-president does not differ from the state of Levan Gachechiladze,
    the single candidate of Georgian opposition. Georgian opposition
    claimed that Levan Gachechiladze won the elections, but they could
    not officialize their claims, as they had no foreign support.

    Actually, Levan Gachechiladze had more advantages compared with Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan. He was the single candidate of the opposition,
    besides, arrests on charges of coup before the elections, closure of
    Imedi TV channel, violent suppression of rallies increased Levan
    Gachechiladze's chances of winning. And there was a foreign force,
    which was interested in Mikhail Saakashvili's leaving the power, it
    was Russia. But even such positive factors did not allow Georgian
    opposition to officialize its victory.

    Levon Ter-Petrosyan has not such superiorities unlike Georgian
    counterpart and there is a candidate in front of him who is supported
    by West and Russia. Presidential elections in Georgia and Armenia
    have similarities on votes and technologies which chosen by
    opposition for post election period. May be, election process will
    end in squares not in central Election Commission as in Georgia and
    Armenian opposition will agree with defeat in the elections .It means
    that, the presidential election which its results have been known
    beforehand and adopted by many interested sides such as West, Russia,
    church, army etc. was held in Armenia. Opposition can not change the
    result by holding meetings. It seems that, fortunes of Ter-Petrosyan
    and Gachechiladze will be like as their names.

    How declaration of Serzh Sarkisyan as a win of elections influence to
    the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh? Serzh Sarkisyan answered to it:
    `Armenia will not change his policy on the settlement of Nagorno
    Karabakh, irrespective of results of elections,' he said. There are
    many realities in the statement. OSCE MG co-chairs also said that
    they will not change course on the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict .Kosovo problem can more influence to the settlement process
    than declaration of Serzh Sarkisyan as a win of elections. Election
    of Serzh Sarkisyan as a President and Kosovo problem can freeze the
    settlement process of the conflict for a short time.
    Whether elections in Armenia will influence to political process or
    not, we can say that, the situation will be differed from Georgia for
    its features. After presidential elections, there may be
    confrontation between Armenians and Nagorno Karabakh Armenians who
    want to hold the power for a long time .There can be separation in
    the society. Armenian opposition hopes for it. If resistance of
    Ter-Petrosyan and his supporters does not decrease, we will witness
    separation, confrontation and collision which will engrave February
    20 on the history.