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BAKU: OSCE Chair: Political will to resolve NK conflict must come...

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  • BAKU: OSCE Chair: Political will to resolve NK conflict must come...

    Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
    Feb. 22, 2008

    OSCE Chairman-in-Office: The political will to resolve the Nagorno
    Karabakh conflict must come from the parties themselves - EXCLUSIVE

    [ 22 Feb 2008 16:57 ]

    Baku. Tamara Grigoryeva-APA. Foreign Minister of Finland, OSCE
    Chairman-in-Office Ilkka Kanerva interviewed by APA

    -What are the priorities of Finland as a country chairing OSCE in

    -The theme of the Finnish Chairmanship is Continuity, Coherence and
    Co-operation. Among our objectives is to strengthen the OSCE's
    capacity to act. We also aim to create enabling conditions for the
    peaceful resolution of regional conflicts by activating existing
    negotiation mechanisms and by encouraging all of the parties to
    resume negotiations to find feasible political resolutions to the
    conflicts. We will also strengthen the status of the OSCE as a
    regional security organization that promotes openness, transparency
    and co-operation in politico-military issues by deepening the
    security dialogue among OSCE participating States. In the economic
    and environmental fields, we will increase security and protect the
    environment through focusing the OSCE Economic and Environmental
    Forum process on maritime and inland waterways co-operation in the
    OSCE area. Finland will also emphasize respect for human rights and
    fundamental freedoms, implementation of the rule of law and
    strengthening democratic governance. Particular priorities are
    combating trafficking in human beings, promoting tolerance and
    non-discrimination, in particular with regard to Roma and Sinti, as
    well as gender mainstreaming in all OSCE activities.

    -How can Finland help to solve the so called `frozen conflicts' in
    the OSCE area, particularly Nagorno-Karabakh conflict? Does Finland
    have any new proposals for the conflict parties and what are they?

    The Finnish Chairmanship has put the so called frozen or protracted
    conflicts in the OSCE area at the top of our agenda. As a Chair of
    the OSCE, Finland will give its full support to the Minsk Group
    Co-Chairs in their continuous efforts towards conflict resolution. We
    also consider the activities of the Chairman-in-Office's Personal
    Representative important. I have already visited Moldova in January
    and I intend to visit Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia at the end of
    February. My Special Envoy, Heikki Talvitie, will also work actively
    to support the existing conflict-resolution structures and to promote
    conflict resolution. However, the political will to resolve the
    conflict must come from the parties themselves. We call for political
    courage from the leaders.

    -There are a number of problems with media freedom in OSCE region.
    What does Finland propose to solve this problem? Some of the
    journalists were released after President Ilham Aliyev's order late
    in 2007, but three are still in prison. How is Finland going to
    pressurize that situation?

    -Though the pardoning of some journalists in December was a welcome
    step towards improving and normalizing the media situation in the
    country, I call on the authorities to release those journalists who
    remain in detention. In addition, swift progress is needed on legal
    reforms that would prevent the criminalization of journalistic work
    and allow the media to report on issues of public interest without
    fear of prosecution. Decriminalization of libel and defamation is a
    necessary step that I hope will come soon. The OSCE is ready to
    further support the Government of Azerbaijan to fulfil its OSCE
    commitments with regard to freedom of the media.

    -Presidential elections will be held in Azerbaijan in autumn, 2008.
    What is OSCE going to do to make this election free and fair?

    It is for the Azerbaijani authorities to ensure that the election is
    conducted in line with OSCE commitments. The ODIHR is currently
    assisting the government with improving the electoral framework. We
    look forward to an early invitation to observe the elections.
    The OSCE is an organisation that is based on cooperation, not
    confrontation. We will continue to engage with the Azerbaijani
    authorities with a view to improving the conduct of elections. The
    government has committed itself to follow-up on recommendations made
    in previous election observation reports. It is not too late to put
    this commitment into practice, and the OSCE is willing to do what it
    can to assist with such efforts.

    -Do you think that Ǻland model is good one for the unresolved
    conflicts? And is it possible to use it for the settlement of
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict?

    -Finland has presented the Ǻland model on a number of occasions
    as a model for conflict resolution, including for the Nagorno
    Karabakh conflict. The model applied for the Ǻland islands is a
    very democratic one. However, it is up to the parties to make use of
    it or not, taking into consideration the peculiarities of each

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress