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Armenia: Sarkisian Poll Triumph Challenged

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  • Armenia: Sarkisian Poll Triumph Challenged

    Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
    Feb 21 2008

    Armenia: Sarkisian Poll Triumph Challenged

    Opposition promises mass protests after official candidate declared

    By Rita Karapetian in Yerevan (CRS No. 432 20-Feb-08)

    The official results in Armenia's presidential elections show a
    first-round victory for Prime Minister Serzh Sarkisian, but the
    opposition is crying foul and calling protests to contest the

    Figures, released by the central electoral commission, show Sarkisian
    having received almost 53 per cent of the vote, with his main rival
    former President Levon Ter-Petrosian picking up 21.5 per cent. Former
    speaker of parliament Artur Baghdasarian was awarded 12 per cent of
    the vote, with the other six candidates far behind.

    Outgoing president and fellow Karabakh Armenian Robert Kocharian, a
    close associate of Sarkisian's for more than 20 years, was quick to
    congratulate Sarkisian on his victory and made a call for unity.

    `It's important that in the period after the elections every citizen
    of Armenia is aware that the president of the republic cannot divide
    society into `us' and `them',' said Kocharian. `I am sure that Serzh
    Sarkisian, elected to the post of president, can unite society and
    create an atmosphere of mutual understanding and tolerance.'

    However, on February 20, the opposition, which disputed the results
    organised a rally and mass march through the streets of Yerevan. Tens
    of thousands of demonstrators filled the whole of the city's main
    avenue, Mashtots, chanting `fight, fight to the end', `Levon is
    president', and `Serzhik, leave!' as they walked through the city to
    the central electoral commission. Some stayed on Yerevan's Freedom
    Square into the evening.

    The electoral commission said that around 70 per cent of voters - or
    1,670,000 of an electorate of 2,230,000 - had cast their ballots.

    Ter-Petrosian told his supporters that according to his calculations
    the number of people who had voted was actually 1.1 million and that
    a lot of false ballot papers had been put in boxes.

    `Our fight will not stop till our final victory,' said Nikol
    Pashinian, one of Ter-Petrosian's campaign team. `We will never
    surrender the Republic of Armenia and we will not give our children
    up to the jackals of Kocharian and Serzh.'

    Differing exit-polls clouded the waters. One by the British firm,
    Populus, was close to the official result, giving Sarkisian 57 per
    cent and Ter-Petrosian 17 per cent. However, critics pointed out that
    the exit poll was commissioned by the pro-government Public
    Television and the data came from the pro-government Armenian
    Sociological Association.

    Another poll, by the non-governmental organisation Alliance, gave
    Ter-Petrosian 38 per cent of the vote and Sarkisian 35 per cent. A
    third poll by the organisation Alfa GA said that Ter-Petrosian had
    won - but the Armenian justice ministry said Alfa GA was not a
    registered organisation.

    With such a lot at stake, everyone was keen to hear the verdict of
    the 600 international observers who, along with local observers, were
    monitoring the poll. They basically backed the official results.
    The joint observer mission from the Council of Europe and
    Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe said in a
    statement that the conduct of the election was `mostly in line with
    the country's international commitments, although further
    improvements are necessary'.
    `Compared to the previous presidential elections, significant
    progress was noted with regard to the preparation and conduct of the
    electoral process," said Marie Anne Isler, head of the European
    parliament contingent within the OSCE mission.

    This was an unusually bitter election which culminated in violent
    incidents and clashes on February 19, polling day.

    Supporters of the opposition registered complaints about voters being
    bribed, people voting twice and ballot-stuffing. There were several
    reports that opposition proxies - sent to represent their candidates
    at polling stations - had been beaten up.

    Member of parliament Armen Martirosian and Lusine Barsegian, a
    correspondent for the opposition newspaper Haikakak Zhamanak, said
    they were beaten at a polling station in the district of Erebuni,
    where they were recording alleged falsifications. Barsegian said her
    camera and dictaphone were seized from her.

    The prime minister's campaign headquarters declared that these
    incidents had been staged by Ter-Petrosian's supporters in order to
    discredit their candidate. Sarkisian's spokesman Edvard Sharmazanov
    told IWPR that Ter-Petrosian's campaign was arranging for its own
    proxies to be beaten and then relaying this information to friendly
    media outlets. `The aim is clear, to cast a shadow on the elections,'
    he said.

    General prosecutor's office press secretary Sonya Truzian said that
    20 complaints had been received about violations and seven criminal
    charges had been opened, but that most of the violations had been
    committed by supporters of Ter-Petrosian.

    The Orinats Yerkir party of third-placed candidate Artur Baghdasarian
    issued a statement calling for a recount in more than 200 polling
    stations where falsifications had been alleged.

    `We declare that attempts to prevent a review of the final results of
    the elections with violations of the constitution and law of the
    Republic of Armenia carry a danger of public disorder,' said the
    opposition party.

    Rita Karapetian is a correspondent with Noyan Tapan news agency in