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BAKU: Azimov: Baku expects new ROA Leadership to recognize Az Integ.

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  • BAKU: Azimov: Baku expects new ROA Leadership to recognize Az Integ.

    Today, Azerbaijan
    Feb 20 2008

    Araz Azimov: "Baku expects the new Armenian leadership to recognize
    territorial integrity of Azerbaijan"

    20 February 2008 [13:44] - Today.Az

    Official Baku expects the new leadership of Armenia to recognize
    territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and undertake steps for
    achievement of peace.

    The due announcement was made by Azerbaijan's deputy foreign
    minister Araz Azimov, Interfax-Azerbaijan referring to ATV channel.

    "We expect the President of Armenia to undertake steps in the
    framework of international norms. Due steps should be taken for the
    conflict resolution and it is necessary to understand that peace with
    Azerbaijan has no alternative. Territorial integrity of Azerbaijan
    should primarily be recognized", Azimov said.

    He also noted that unilateral recognition of Kosovo's independence
    contradicts to international norms and is not a precedent for
    conflict around Nagorno Karabakh.
