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Arrests of Ter-Petrosian Supporters Continue

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  • Arrests of Ter-Petrosian Supporters Continue

    EurasiaNet, NY
    Feb. 25, 2008

    Arrests of Ter-Petrosian Supporters Continue
    By Marianna Grigoryan: 02/25/08

    Post-election political tensions are simmering in Armenia with the
    arrest of several political figures and government officials who have
    declared their support for former President Levon Ter-Petrosian. The
    government has presented the arrests as part of an attempt to crack
    down on an armed uprising.

    Final election results released by the Central Electoral Commission
    on February 24 gave the presidency to Prime Minister Serzh Sarksian
    with 52.8 percent of the vote. Former President Levon Ter-Petrosian
    trailed in a distant second place with 21.5 percent.

    The announcement, however, has so far done little to deter thousands
    of opposition supporters from joining the round-the-clock protests
    led by Ter-Petrosian in downtown Yerevan. Police have called on the
    campaign to disband, but, so far, no force has been used to take down
    tents set up in front of the Opera House or to block daily marches
    past the prime minister?s office.

    A pro-Sarkisian public rally is planned to take place on Tuesday in
    Republic Square at the same time as Ter-Petrosian?s protest a few
    hundred meters away. Public television has broadcast reports from the
    regions showing voters who ?want to defend their [pro-Sarkisian]
    votes.? The prospect has raised worries about possible clashes
    between supporters of the two sides.

    Those worries have been fed by a string of arrests following Deputy
    Prosecutor General Gagik Jhangirian?s February 22 announcement that
    he had joined the protest movement. [For details, see the Armenia:
    Vote 2008 news archive].

    Hours after shaking hands with Ter-Petrosian and addressing
    demonstrators, Jhangirian, his brother, Vardan, and two other
    individuals, according to police, were arrested under suspicion of
    being illegally armed and intending to ?destabiliz[e] the situation
    in the capital city.? On February 23, Jhangirian was removed from his
    post for publicizing his political preferences, a move banned by law,
    officials say.

    Under a similar scenario, Hanrapetutiun (Republic) Party political
    council member, and former Minister of State Revenues Smbat Aivazian
    was arrested on February 24. New Times Party leader Aram Karapetian,
    who voiced his support for Ter-Petrosian days before the election,
    was also arrested under suspicion of making false accusations against
    Prime Minister Sarkisian and President Robert Kocharian, a criminal
    offense under Armenian law.

    On February 24, bodyguards working for Ter-Petrosian supporter
    Khachatur Sukiasian, a prominent businessman and parliamentarian,
    were arrested after politce allegedly found guns, a bullet-proof
    jacket, knife and wireless device, among other equipment, in three
    cars belonging to Sukiasian.

    The arrests continued on February 25, with the Special Investigative
    Service?s detention of Petros Makeian, head of the Democratic
    Homeland Party, a miniscule opposition party that also backs
    Ter-Petrosian. The Prosecutor-General?s Office states that Makeian is
    ?suspected of obstructing the work of the [election] commission at
    polling station 34/06,? in Gyumri, where Makeian worked as a proxy
    for Ter-Petrosian.

    The detentions roughly coincided with a February 23 meeting between
    President Robert Kocharian and senior army and police officials. ?I
    will never allow anyone ever to jeopardize [our] domestic political
    stability. I am determined to take all measures to keep law and order
    in the country,? Kocharian stated in comments broadcast by television

    ?These are measures by which they?re trying to put pressure on
    people,? Hanrapetutiun Party political council member Suren
    Sureniants commented to EurasiaNet. The party has since indicated
    that Sureniants has been detained by police, according to the
    pro-opposition A1 Plus website, although no further details have been
    released. Police were not available for comment.

    An attempt was reportedly also made to disarm Ter-Petrosian?s
    bodyguards at the protest rally in front of the Opera on Monday
    night, and to summon rally organizer and journalist Nikol Pashinian
    to the police, Ter-Petrosian spokesperson Arman Musinian said. Police
    could not be reached to verify these claims.

    But while the opposition has cast the arrests as the start of a
    political witch hunt, the ruling Republican Party of Armenia
    maintains that the measures are intended to maintain law and order.

    ?There can be no discussion about political revenge or an atmosphere
    of fear here,? commented Republican Party spokesperson Eduard
    Sharmazanov. ?All this relates to the legal field. These are legal
    issues that will be solved within the framework of the law. And as a
    rule-of-law country we will encourage any such action. There were
    elections that passed very well and any encroachment on our people is

    Meanwhile, some diplomats have taken a counter-tact to the
    government?s position. On February 23, Deputy Foreign Minister Armen
    Baiburdian, Armenia?s ambassador to Italy, Spain and Portugal Ruben
    Shugarian, the ambassador to Kazakhstan Levon Khachatrian, and the
    ambassador to Ukraine and Moldova Razmik Khumarian announced their
    support for Ter-Petrosian.

    In a statement, the group called on ?representatives of all
    structures in charge of preserving peace and public order in the
    country, to resist the temptation of solving problems with the use of

    Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian, pointing out that law does
    not allow diplomats to hold political allegiances, said that he
    signed the orders to relieve the envoys and deputy foreign minister
    >From their posts without penalty. He added that the five were either
    relatives of former senior officials under Ter-Petrosian or had held
    positions under the ex-president.

    Independent political analyst Yervand Bozoian, however, notes that
    the recent defections to the Ter-Petrosian movement suggest that
    divisions exist within the government about the election results.

    ?It is difficult to predict what consequences this will have.
    However, the cracks may become broader because of such switchovers
    and lead to big problems,? Bozoian said

    Ter-Petrosian has also claimed to have the support of two deputy
    defense ministers, though the two have yet to second his claim in

    The ruling Republican Party, though, rejects Bozoian?s prognosis.
    Such pledges of allegiance ?can be controlled,? noted party
    spokesperson Sharmazanov.

    But, he asserted, ?[t]he river Arax [in Armenia, Iran, Turkey and
    Azerbaijan] will sooner change its bed than cracks will appear inside
    the government.?

    Editor's Note: Marianna Grigoryan is a reporter for the weekly in Yerevan.