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MFA: Minister Oskanian Explains Diplomatic Dismissals

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  • MFA: Minister Oskanian Explains Diplomatic Dismissals

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    Minis ter Oskanian Explains Diplomatic Dismissals

    President Robert Kocharian relieved three ambassadors of their posts and
    ranks, and Minister Vartan Oskanian relieved another seven diplomats, all
    for acting in contradiction to Armenia's law on diplomatic service.
    Reporters asked the Minister to explain these developments.

    Minister Oskanian responded, `Those holding positions in the diplomatic
    service do not have the right to take public political positions. This
    contradicts the law of the Republic. Beyond the ambassadors who were
    relieved of their posts by the President, there were six others at the
    Ministry, who were relieved by me, today. For the same reason - the law
    precludes a diplomat's engagement in political activity.

    `Regarding the ambassadors who were relieved of their positions, let me say
    this. Those ambassadors joined a movement whose leader, during the entire
    campaign, clearly and repeatedly labeled this state a `kleptocracy' and the
    President, `the gang leader.' How do you imagine that these ambassadors who
    represent this president and this state would continue to work, if they
    obviously agree with that label?

    `Second, if we look at those who have been released from their positions,
    there are those who are deeply connected to the former administration, they
    are either friends or old colleagues, they are either related to high-level
    officials, or were high-level officials themselves in the former
    administration. And here's the pity. Because they struck, first of all, at
    tolerance. When President Kocharian came to office, he articulated a clear
    policy: we don't touch our cadres. Ambassadors grow into their positions,
    they're not born into them. We invest in our cadres, so long as they have
    decided to serve the state, this is the normal state of affairs in normal
    countries. So, this action was an assault on tolerance. That is what hurts
    me most. It pained me to sign those orders, and to hear the president's
    orders being read on TV. I view this as a strike at our institution, at
    something that we had suceeded in embedding in our ministry. Not only did
    they continue to work, but they had continued to rise in the ranks, without
    experiencing any discrimination. It is exactly these people who should have
    been the last to resort to such a step. But unfortunately, they somehow

    `I've been asked whether there other people in the same category? I'm not
    even going to try to find out. Our principles will not change. There won't
    be a witchhunt. Those who have not made public announcements will continue
    to work. Just because some have broken the law, doesn't mean we will.'